Qin Jin and Zhang Luochen returned to Kyoto after the Lantern Festival.

Yu Xinran was worried that she was emotionally unstable, so he and Jiang Cheng went to Kyoto University of Economics and Business to visit together.

Goodbye to Qin Jin, Jiang Cheng obviously felt that he was very haggard, and his face was bloodless.

And Zhang Luochen also kept a cold face, seeing that Jiang Cheng still didn't smile, he was pulled into the dormitory by Yu Xinran and spoke.

Handing Qin Jin a cigarette, Jiang Cheng also smoked one himself.

Since he was eager to learn, Jiang Cheng has rarely smoked, and he does not want to have too much addiction, so he controls it well.

Unless the mood and pressure are particularly bad, Jiang Cheng does not smoke.

But at this time, Qin Jin needed a cigarette.

Spit out the smoke ring, Jiang Cheng and Qin Jin walked outside the dormitory.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Qin Jin took a few big breaths, a little choked, and coughed a few times, "Just like that."

"So, what?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Mr. Child, come down, wait until you are of legal age to get the license, and get married." Qin Jin said lightly.

In the tone, there is no longer the feeling of impulsive and easy to talk.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Done!" Remember next time, don't be impulsive, don't be rash if you're not prepared. "

It's like programming.

What if you don't have an algorithm to solve the problem in your mind and write down a universal header file?

The result is not WA (error), or even CE (failed to compile)?

"I see." Qin Jin felt that the shoulders on his body were a little heavier, "Orange, you are right, during college, you still have to collect your heart and learn what you should learn, otherwise you will regret it."

"Hmm. Kyoto and Yanjiao are also close, so I came to take care of Luo Chen after studying. Work hard, since you dare to do the things of being a father, you must have the ability to be a father.

Qin Jin cleaned the cigarette butt that was almost to his mouth, and spit out another smoke ring, only then said, "In the past, I didn't dare to send an email to ask you questions, and I will find you if I don't understand anything later."

"Don't be afraid to ask questions, I'll reply to you in minutes on the questions you can encounter." Jiang Cheng said funny.

There is no need for Jiang Chenghua to think about anything, as soon as the computer in the body receives the email, it can be replied to it by simulating it casually.

"Good." Qin Jin threw the cigarette butt into the trash and stretched out his fist.

Jiang Cheng raised his fist and touched one of them, "Okay, this is not a big thing, your family can't afford it, maybe Uncle Qin still wants to hold his grandson earlier!" "

That's what he is." Qin Jin grinned amusedly.

It was also about to start school, Jiang Cheng did not take Yu Xinran back, just for most of the year, she will devote herself to preparing for the exam and applying for exchange students.

Jiang Cheng also fully supported her.

Usually, Wei Xin chatted and ran with Yun.

After the start of school ---∠※----, Jiang Cheng first called Wang Sichen and Hao Yongjun to continue the (^_^)

second-stage project experiment.

In addition to some must-go courses and experimental operation courses, Jiang Cheng devoted himself to the promotion of the project.

The three met many times to discuss the optimization of the algorithm and the recognition training situation.

Although Hao Yongjun's level is worse, he quickly followed up, and learned a lot through discussion and self-study in the project.

March 15, afternoon.

"Teacher Jiang, look, this is the result of today's experiment." Wang Sichen saw Jiang Cheng coming over, and happily pointed to the experimental data on the screen.

The recognition rate is more than 99%, and the people in the image can correctly distinguish gender, and roughly determine the age group.

The face recognition of the same person can also be recognized in the collected image library.

Jiang Cheng also showed a smile, under the continuous improvement in the previous two days, he finally had a good result, "Very good, the data is recorded, in addition, I will give you another set of images later, and then try the recognition results."


"If this set of experiments is okay, basically our second-stage experiment can be declared over." The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth fluttered.

Wang Sichen was also excited, "That's great!"

Hao Yongjun, who was recording data on the side, was also happy, "Haha, it's finally over, I'm going to die of exhaustion for a while."

"Then there is no way, I told you at the beginning, I came to my project to do miscellaneous." Jiang Cheng smiled.

"I don't care, I lost at least 5 pounds of meat, and you have to treat me to a big meal at night." Hao Yongjun patted his muscles in his muscles.

Jiang Cheng shook his head, "When the paper comes out, you have to invite me to eat."

Hao Yongjun smiled, "Can I also mix the two works?"

"Of course."

It is impossible to do one, because Hao Yongjun is only involved in miscellaneous things, and the effect on algorithm improvement and optimization is too small.

Wang Sichen is slightly better, add a work, Jiang Cheng is acceptable.

Hao Yongjun was very happy, and suddenly had endless energy, ready to continue the last set of experiments with Wang Sichen.

This set of pictures was specially selected by Jiang Cheng, mainly some scenes of people and similar characters, and some images look at them from a distance, and they really look like people.

It's also much more difficult.

But the results are not bad, except for a few pictures that can indeed be wrong with the human eye up close, and the other recognition is all correct.

After instructing Wang Sichen to sort out the experimental data and write the paper, Hao Yongjun fully cooperated, Jiang Cheng felt a little more relaxed.

This project is the first project chosen by Jiang Cheng, and it can be regarded as a test given by Professor Luo Ruihua.

He must grasp it carefully and make achievements.

As soon as the project was over, he went to Professor Luo Ruihua's office.

"Teacher." After knocking on the door and entering, Jiang Cheng saw that Luo Ruihua was busy with things, so he sat down first.

Luo Ruihua put down his glasses and asked with a smile, "How is the project going?"

"The experiment is basically done, ready to organize the data and write the paper." Jiang Cheng said truthfully.

"Oh, so fast?" Luo Ruihua was a little surprised.

"Fortunately, algorithm optimization and training in the experiment took more time." Jiang Cheng thought for a while and said, "I plan to write a paper on the analysis method of image subjects based on cascaded convolutional neural networks.

Luo Ruihua nodded, "Okay, send me a look then."

Then, he reached out and took a form, "Oh, this is the visa form, the 2013 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition will be held in Portland, United States in June, you should get your visa as soon as possible."

"Okay, I just happened to be preparing for the visa to the bear country for the ACM competition finals, and this time we will do it together." Jiang Cheng took the watch and was a little surprised.

Luo Ruihua asked, "When is the ACM competition?"

"On July 3, it was held at the National University of Information Technology Mechanics and Optics in St. Petersburg."

"Oh, it's still time, but it's a little tight." Luo Ruihua said, "CVPR is from June 23rd to 28th, but will it affect your training?"

"It should be fine, our team plans to start training next month, and it will not affect the time for a few days."

Suddenly, Jiang Cheng felt that things were getting more things again.

I also have to go to a foreign university, and I feel that I can "white" on a big scale.

Inexplicably a little happy!

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