With the invitation letter and these certificates, Jiang Cheng's visa application was very smooth.

After applying for a visa to St. Petersburg to the Maoxiong country with Xu Siyuan and Zhu Jian, Jiang Cheng got the visa to attend the conference in the United States.

Of course, at such a big conference as CVPR, Jiang Cheng did not send a paper for the time being, but his supervisor Luo Ruihua put on a paper on computer machine vision.

And a report will be made.

But Jiang Cheng's paper on this project plans to submit to CVPR, but obviously, this year's conference will not catch up.

At the end of March, Wang Sichen sent the first draft of his paper to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng probably read it and spent a few days to revise it before sending it to Professor Luo Ruihua by email.

After being revised under the comments of Professor Luo Ruihua, it was sent to the CVPR submission mailbox.

Subsequently, he took Xu Siyuan and Zhu Jian to start the competition training.

Of course, there is no closed development, and 2 to 3 hours are spent every day to train intensively on the question types of international ACM competitions.

In his spare time, Jiang Cheng took Chen Xiao and his party from the IC design and development department to start the research and development of baseband chips and RF chips in two groups.

Taking the relatively mature 3G RF chips on the market, Jiang Cheng organized personnel to test and research.

The so-called radio frequency or radio frequency current is a high-frequency AC changing electromagnetic wave, the frequency range is between 300KHz~300GHz, which is a high-frequency current.

The RF chip is an electronic component that converts radio signal communication into a certain radio signal waveform and sends it out through antenna resonance, including power amplifiers, low-noise amplifiers and antenna switches.

The RF chip architecture includes two parts: the receive channel and the transmit channel.

RF switch is also an important component, he can switch in a short time to switch between receiving signals or transmitting signals.

With the deepening of Jiang Cheng's research on in vivo computers, as early as the beginning of the year, Jiang Cheng began to write a small program patch to simulate the interface protocol for the in vivo computer.

Now, Jiang Cheng is ready to start his third research experiment on internal computers.

On the experimental bench, Jiang Cheng directly reached over to touch the RF chip and peripheral components connected to the test current, and a burst of biological electricity passed through his hand.

But in Jiang Cheng's mind, there was no direct reminder that there was no incompatibility.

"Ding! Unknown hardware found, does it simulate import? Under

his thoughts, Jiang Cheng directly copied this chip into the simulated space in the body!

The circuit logic inside the entire chip and the protocol settings of each layer are like a beautiful woman who has undressed, which he can enjoy.

"Sure enough, it worked!" An extremely happy smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Cheng's mouth.

The reason why he believes that the limits of the computer hardware in the body are far more than the simulated physical computers is due to his deepening research on the computer in the body.

At the same time, using the virtual machine of the computer in the body, Jiang Cheng wrote code uninterruptedly, trying various programs that could develop the hardware in the body.

The program patch of this analog interface can enable Jiang Cheng to import other electronic products touched into the body computer for simulation research.

Just like the RF chip in front of you, although it is not compatible with Jiang Cheng's desktop computer, it can still be simulated through this interface program patch.

Jiang Cheng built a virtual space and put the simulated RF chip in it.

After the test was successful, Jiang Cheng looked at other components, and further up, there were various instruments for placing components.

His eyes suddenly glowed with essence.

Touch, touch, I'll touch again!

In just a few minutes, Jiang Cheng simulated all these electronic items into the computer space in his body!


Jiang Cheng has a grand and amazing idea!

That is to build a large-scale scientific research simulation laboratory in the internal computer!

Since then, no matter what components are designed, Jiang Cheng has been able to perform thousands of simulations in the simulation laboratory.

The cost of the experiment will be greatly reduced!

Jiang Cheng's heart was a little agitated.

Sure enough, the potential of the computer in the body is very strong!

However, if he does not have a good knowledge of software and programming, it is impossible to write a program patch in the internal computer.

Of course, this is also because Jiang Cheng's understanding of the operating logic of the computer in the body has gone to a higher level.

After using the entire 6-core and 12-thread virtual machine as a simulation laboratory, Jiang Cheng felt that the workstation in his body was a little short again.

The online novel has not been written anymore, "The Great Jin Martial Emperor" is nearing completion, the two cores have been recovered, and the cutting-edge chip design and manufacturing related papers and books are currently being widely collected, and they are distracted from reading and studying carefully.

With the simulation laboratory, the original arrangement for chip design of 4 cores and 8 threads was temporarily vacated.

Reserved for day-to-day operations and calculations.

After all, these days, Jiang Cheng still trains every day.

If the computer core in the body is full, in case sometimes he has to use the computer in the body to simulate and verify, Jiang Cheng will have to wait for half a day.

Of course, he also tried several times not to use the internal computer to write code verification, he and Xu Siyuan, Zhu Jian three people thinking, directly on the computer to type the code.

Although it also passed the AC, the speed was much slower.

This made Zhu Jiandu a little strange, "Third brother, did you have a girlfriend, your hand speed has not been slowed down?"

Jiang Cheng: .../ roll your eyes.

After further research and attempts, Jiang Cheng organized Chen Xiao and 12 other engineers and algorithm architects to start a big discussion of research and development ideas.

In the conference room, Jiang Cheng used the wireless network card to directly project the complete set of images of the three-dimensional RF chip of the simulation laboratory in the internal computer.

"As you can see, this is a three-dimensional diagram of a brand of RF chip that is relatively mature in the market," Jiang Cheng held the laser pointer and pointed to the screen, "This is the RF switch, transmitting transformer, power amplifier..." "This is

the receiving circuit, composed of antenna, antenna switch, filter, high release tube, and intermediate frequency integrated circuit," after the overall introduction, it was detailed to each specific part, and the entire principle was explained in series.

Not only that, but the circuit diagram is clearly displayed.

Hearing these engineers were a little surprised, is this the other party's RF chip design data complete set?

Jiang Zong's energy is so strong?

But the benefits are obvious, everyone has a deeper understanding of RF chips, and they have more thoughts on how to achieve various functions.

"Then our next step, in terms of this chip design, which are patents, first understand, the result of my search is that there are more than 30 patents for this chip," Jiang Cheng put down the laser pointer and tapped the table, "Here, which ones can be bypassed, which ones are acceptable, Group A will sort them out this week." "


"In addition, Group B, architects and algorithm engineers, proposed our design plan for the chip." Jiang Cheng continued, "When I explained it just now, I also mentioned several different implementation possibilities, and you can start from this aspect.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang."

"Chen Xiao, you are the general dispatcher of RF chip research and development, to advance in an orderly manner according to the plan, I will also participate in the whole process, and strive to come up with our design plan as soon as possible." Jiang Cheng looked at Chen Xiao and reminded.

Chen Xiao, this tall northeastern man, quickly wrote down what Jiang Cheng just said, "Okay, we basically understand the fast charging chip, and I organize them to develop RF chips first." "

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