In the process of developing RF chips, Jiang Cheng simulated all relevant components into the body computer through experiments and used interface program patches.

Of course, including the baseband chip, the simulation was also successful.

Jiang Cheng believes that this will provide a strong boost for the team to develop its own RF and baseband chips.

After the meeting, Guo Xiaoming reported to Jiang Cheng the production and delivery progress of fast charging chips.

So far, the first batch has delivered 5 million pieces; The second batch of 10 million pieces will be delivered in June, when in addition to supplying Mate1 and P1 series, Warwick and Rongyao Xinfa mobile phones will be equipped with Jiangcheng's fast charging chips.

In addition, Huaxing mobile phone and cool mobile phone have expressed their willingness to purchase.

Jiang Cheng hugged his hands on his chest, "To urge the foundry to speed up the foundry, several companies will come to purchase in the near future, we can't delay delivery all the time."

Guo Xiaoming nodded and said, "Okay, I will also contact Huaxin International to see if I can give us some production capacity." Guo

Xiaoming was still very sharp in his work, and soon reached a cooperation with Huaxin International.

By the end of April, Huaxing Mobile suddenly released news, saying that it had reached a cooperation with Maple Microelectronics to officially purchase fast charging chips and a full set of fast charging technology, with a procurement fund of more than 100 million yuan!

The company has only been established for half a year, but its revenue has exceeded 290 million yuan, which has indeed become a strong dark horse in the semiconductor business industry!

Of course, Jiang Cheng has always been full of confidence in this fast charging technology, and he believes that more manufacturers will participate, even if they do not purchase chips, they will join the new standards he proposed.

Jiang Cheng applied for a patent for the USB-O interface standard protocol and welcomed major enterprises in China to participate in the formulation and development of China's own standard system.

However, for more than a month, Meizhu mobile phones and blue-green mobile phones have publicly stated that they will join the standard system, but they will develop their own fast charging technology under this standard.

Jiang Cheng welcomed this.

The reason why he agreed to establish Maple Microelectronics with Warwick is to wait for this day.

After obtaining the purchase order of Huaxing Mobile Phone, Maple Microelectronics also officially separated.

And let the wind go out and accept the financing of Chinese enterprises that join the standard.

Under Jiang Cheng's vision, in the future, Maple Microelectronics will conduct special research and promotion on Chinese standards such as USB-O standards and memory card standards.

With the support of the majority of enterprises in China, Jiang Cheng believes that this Maple Micro will become a semiconductor technology standard setting enterprise in China.

On the cusp of the storm, enterprises such as Rice and Lianxiang were silent and did not make any statements.

But secretly, Rebs reduced the price of the just-released rice 2S by 200 yuan, which means Meizhu's new mobile phone MX2.

It is said that the Meizhu MX2, which has more than 600,000 inventory, has been forced to reduce the price of Meizhu.

This caused Huang Yang to once again criticize the rice company on the Internet.

̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄ ----- ----

entire second semester of his sophomore year, Jiang Cheng felt that the students' time was tight.

I'm either participating in project research, or working on a thesis, or taking IELTS.

The goals are clear.

When Jiang Cheng returned to the dormitory at night, he heard Hao Yongjun's jumping sound and excited shouts with a heavy nasal voice.

"Yes, it's finally over!"

"What's wrong, so happy?" Jiang Cheng was a little curious.

After hearing Jiang Cheng's voice, the three of them turned their heads and were a little surprised, "Hey, old three, why did you come back, we thought you Jinwu Zangjiao was reluctant to come back!"

"That's it, third brother, if you don't come back, the quilt on the bed will be moldy, but fortunately, yesterday it was sunny, and everyone took it to dry it for you."

"Thanks, brothers!" Jiang Cheng sat down and said, "The research on the company's side has reached a critical juncture, and after staying there for three days and three nights, everyone has left behind the training.

Zhu Jian waved his hand and smiled, "It's okay, I'm training with the second elder, you are perverted, don't come and don't fight tightly."

"By the way, what was the boss just happy about?"

Hao Yongjun smiled, "It's the paper on the review of privacy-preserving technology, which is on Computer Science and Technology." "

Then dare to be good, our dormitory is in full bloom," Jiang Cheng was also happy for them, Zhu Jian's entire algorithm paper was also on a foreign journal, and indeed everyone had a paper, "Let's go, let's go to the night snack!"

Hao Yongjun raised his hand and said, "I'll invite Ha, I'm really happy to be a little common man today." The

four of them huddled towards the outside of the school.

In June in Kyoto, it was already very hot, several people were all short-sleeved, three-person T-shirts, and Xu Siyuan was a plaid shirt.

But after going out for a while, I sweated a lot.

When I arrived at the barbecue stall, two boxes of cold beer snowflakes came directly.

Hao Yongjun said, "Don't get drunk today." "

The barbecue with cold beer is a bit of a relief from the heat.

"Let's get together for the first time this semester." Jiang Cheng remembered clearly.

Zhu Jian said, "Yes, everyone has a lot of things, and each has its own ideas."

Xu Siyuan nodded, a little silent.

"What are you all planning?" Jiang Cheng drank a glass of wine and asked, "What about the boss?"

Hao Yongjun thought for a moment and said, "Continue to graduate school."

Zhu Jian echoed, "It's the same. "

I studied abroad." Xu Siyuan smiled slightly, "The exchange student application has been approved, and I will go to the University of Michaosfotan for one year next semester." Zhu

Jian and the two also knew that he was applying for this, "Counting the time, it should also be set." "

Are we all exchanged in Sfortan?"

"No, two in Sfortan, and three in Michigan and Massachusetts." Xu Siyuan said, "Li Zhengtao went to MIT for exchange. "

It's a very good school." After Jiang Cheng listened, he felt that Mizuki was Mizuki, and these schools engaged in exchange were all world-famous schools! "To prepare the money, it is said that studying abroad for one year, although tuition is free, but it is estimated to cost tens of thousands of meters."

Xu Siyuan smiled, "It's all ready." "

Not to mention that he has it, his family conditions are also excellent.

Jiang Cheng held the cup and drank with everyone, "It's the fate of getting together, I wish everyone all the best."

Hao Yongjun said, "That's, I still have to hear the good news that your bear country won the championship."


-----վ'ᴗ' ի-----

Yu Xinran prepared for a semester and successfully applied for an exchange student spot.

When he knew the news, Jiang Cheng was not only happy, but also a little reluctant.

After the dinner celebration, Jiang Cheng accompanied her to Kyoto for a walk in economic and trade.

The people around him were wearing white skirts and beige sandals, still tall and well-proportioned, with slender jade legs.

By the sophomore year, I paid more attention to dressing up, and the simple and light makeup also looked extraordinary.

"Ah, finally! I was always worried that I wouldn't be able to choose, after all, I switched from here. Yu Xinran said with a smile on his face with some happiness.

Jiang Cheng shook his head and said, "You have worked so hard this semester, and your efforts will definitely be rewarded."

"Hmph, when I learn the advanced experience of enterprise management, I will help you manage the company at that time, and you will be at ease to do scientific research and create more world-leading technology." Yu Xinran was very happy, and waved his hand, "Jiang Cheng, what do you think?"

"Well, as long as you're not afraid of getting tired."

With the help of trusted people, Jiang Cheng can naturally save a lot of worry.

Of course, with Jiang Cheng's current computing power and management level, these small companies are just letting him spend more time and energy.

Leading the direction, mastering the personnel and finances, Jiang Cheng said that there is no problem.

The two held each other's hands and walked forward towards the moonlight.

"A few days ago, the staff of Sunan Satellite TV called over, saying that the coupon for the seven-day tour of Phuket Island is about to expire, the validity period is one year, and it will be voided if it is not used before July 15th." Jiang Cheng remembered this and spoke.

Yu Xinran's face was slightly red, reflecting the moonlight, "Then, when your ACM international competition triumphs, let's go together?"


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