Friday, June 21.

Jiang Cheng flew with the big guy Luo Ruihua and several graduate and doctoral students of Mizuki University.

Transfer via Seattle to Portland, Oregon.

Portland's geographical location is in the northwest of the United States, facing the Pacific Ocean, about 230 kilometers from Seattle.

Flight time, about one day and ten hours.

Along the way, Jiang Cheng followed the big guy and sat in the business class together, although it was better, but it was still very tired.

Fortunately, during Jiang Cheng's closed eyes and rest, he could use the internal computer to continue to engage in chip design experiments.

In terms of overall design, Jiang Cheng is more convenient and fast.

For some patents that cannot be bypassed, Jiang Cheng has chosen to keep them, and continues to explore and experiment with paths that can be bypassed or adopt new methods.

In the earliest research RF chip design, Jiang Chenghe and the R & D team have initially proposed a new scheme, but in terms of effect, Jiang Cheng felt unsatisfactory after testing in the in vivo simulation laboratory.

Still need to constantly adjust and optimize the design.

When there was leisure on the road, Luo Ruihua introduced several seniors who were with him to Jiang Cheng.

A group of six people.

There are 2 professors, Luo Ruihua and another big guy in the field of saliency and image segmentation, Professor Ren Guowei.

Two seniors, one senior.

The taller and thinner one, with slightly thinning hair and a slender face, named Luo Yongnian, is the research direction of intelligent control and robotics, and this time his thesis was hit, so he came to participate.

The slightly fat one, with thick hair and a round face, named Li Wen, computer vision direction, this time came with Professor Ren Guowei to participate.

Senior sister is about thirty years old, with short hair, named Lu Qing, and this time she also won a paper.

After the introduction on the way, several people nodded and greeted, and then they were busy with their own affairs.

Lu Qing and Li Wen are more familiar, the two sit together, sometimes chatting, but most of the time they listen to songs with headphones.

Jiang Cheng sat with Luo Yongnian, but he was more familiar.

"Senior Brother Jiang, following Professor Luo to conduct research so early, the future is limitless!" Luo Yongnian raised his thumb and praised.

Jiang Cheng said modestly, "Learn from seniors, you have all won the paper, I came to make soy sauce and increase my knowledge." But

can be brought by Luo Ruihua to increase insight, Luo Yongnian will naturally not despise, "CVPR conference, is indeed a conference worth seeing, how many outstanding talents in the field of computer science from all over the world gather there, jointly discuss the most cutting-edge knowledge, we will gain a lot even if we just listen."

"Yes, it's all big guys and cow people." Jiang Cheng nodded.

If you have the opportunity, ask more professor-level bosses email addresses or MSN contact information to ask questions.

"It is estimated that 1,560 people will participate this year." Luo Yongnian said.

"Does the senior often attend this meeting?"

"How is it possible, I myself am still the first time, luckily on a paper, otherwise where did it come from, I would not have been invited."

"Does this have to be invited to go?" Jiang Cheng was a little strange.

Of course, he went as a follower report boss, and the invitation was also a giveaway type.

"This is not necessarily, even if they are not invited, many people will make a special trip to see it." Luo Yongnian thought about it and explained.

Jiang Cheng's eyes lit up, "That's good, come once a year in the future."

Luo Yongnian's eyes widened, "God, if you haven't been invited, you have to pay for it yourself!" You see, just our one-way ticket, it costs more than 10,000 meters!

"Well, it's okay." Jiang Cheng touched his nose and said that once a year, he could still accept it.

However, Jiang Cheng also faintly felt in his heart that with the continuous leadership of his technology, he could not go abroad casually.

Ms. Meng Zhou is the best portrayal.

Luo Yongnian blinked, indicating that he didn't want to talk to the local tyrants.

More than a day, quickly passed.

By the time we arrived at Portland International Airport, it was already 8 p.m. on June 22.

There was a special car to welcome the invited guests, and several people arrived at the Convention and Exhibition Center Hotel next to the conference center and stayed first.

After the computer in the body was connected to the hotel's wireless network, Jiang Cheng reported the news of safe arrival to Yu Xinran and his parents through the international version of the button.

I sent a screenshot of the scenery along the Willamette River seen on the elevated shelf.

The climate is still relatively mild, and Jiang Cheng feels that even at night, it is around 15 degrees.

After chatting for a short while, Jiang Cheng was ready to reverse the jet lag.

No way, after a day and a half of taking a plane all of a sudden, people are going to faint.


time of Professor Luo Ruihua and his party was also very tight.

June 23 is the day of the meeting.

The first day of the conference was mainly Workshop and Tutorial.

Luo Ruihua had something to do and needed to prepare his own report, and under Luo Yongnian's lead, the two walked around, and then listened to the report.

What is being talked about on the stage is a professor in his forties, with a Chinese face, but Jiang Cheng does not know him, and is talking about mathematical modeling.

This piece, Jiang Cheng has only read the English original, but he is not familiar.

It's going to be a lot of fun to listen to.

"Boss, who is that person?"

"Professor Zhu Songchun! You don't even know this? Luo Yongnian felt incredible, "We Chinese, a professor at the University of California, a big guy in artificial intelligence and computer vision!"

"I'm leaning, so awesome?" Jiang Cheng was a little shocked.

Eyes are shining.

Be sure to ask for your email address!

After listening, Jiang Jiang's horse rushed to the exit, where many people had already gathered there.

Of course, some staff members are maintaining order.

Jiang Cheng quickly calculated the route forward, and under the enchanting footwork, he was close to within five meters, "Professor Zhu, hello!" I have a question for you about mathematical modeling, can I delay a minute? Hearing

that it was Chinese, Zhu Songchun paused and turned to look at Jiang Cheng.

A tall, handsome young man with bright and inquisitive eyes shining.

"You are?"

The staff did not stop at this time, and let Jiang Cheng approach.

"I am a student of the computer science department of Mizuki University, my name is Jiang Cheng," Jiang Cheng said in a loud voice, and then directly asked the question, "The mathematical model and computer vision mentioned in your report just now, these algorithm formulas, I have some questions..." Jiang

Cheng briefly threw out the question, the question was somewhat deep, not casual asked.

"You listen very carefully, and the research on computer vision is not bad," Zhu Songchun smiled, and then said, "I also mentioned just now, computer vision, its essence is a mathematical calculation process, the machine is a statistical model, "learning" is to use data to simulate the model..." Zhu Songchun

took a while, communicated with Jiang Cheng for three minutes, and then looked at his watch.

"This is my business card, there are other arrangements today, when there is a chance, I will reply to your questions in detail in the email." Zhu Songchun nodded and confirmed again, "Your name, Jiang Cheng?"

"Yes." Jiang Cheng took the business card and smiled from his mouth.

"Okay, we'll talk again when we're up."

Watching the big guy leave, Jiang Cheng smiled, another big guy contact information, Get!

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