In the following days, Jiang Cheng listened to some reports published by big bulls, including Professor Luo Ruihua's report on computer vision residual calculation.

In his report, he also specifically mentioned some of his follow-up research and thinking after the publication of the paper.

Jiang Cheng listened and felt that these thoughts were somewhat similar to the algorithm he did last time.

Sure enough, Luo Ruihua also said at the meeting that the new research was inspired by the research of one of his own students, and has now been integrated into a new paper, which will be published in the ICCV conference.

In the evening, Jiang Wei came to prepare to go to the attractions around Portland to play and check in "to visit here", but Luo Yongnian pulled him to meet a friend studying abroad.

The two sat down at a small coffee shop by the Willamette River.

“...... My friend is also studying in our Mizuki Computer Department, called Yang Ziqian, we were alumni during the undergraduate period, and after graduation, he studied for master's and doctoral studies at Sfortan University, which is also very powerful. While waiting, Luo Yongnian introduced it in advance.

Jiang Cheng nodded, those who can come out to study abroad are all big bulls.

Just after speaking, a man came in, looked around, and saw Luo Yongnian with a slender neck and face.


Luo Yongnian raised his head and beckoned, "Ziqian, here."

Jiang Cheng looked at a tall and handsome man with extremely short hair, a straight face, and a T-shirt of avant-garde colors.

The three sat down, and Yang Ziqian said, "This is?"

"His name is Jiang Cheng, he is a computer science undergraduate, and he came with us to participate in the CVPR conference this time." Luo Yongnian introduced.

Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand and shook the other party, "Long heard of the daimyo."

Yang Ziqian nodded, said hello, and said to Luo Yongnian, "This year's CVPR feels average, not as good as previous years, and there are more hydrology."

Luo Yongnian smiled, "I'm a hydrology, this time I won one."

"You boy, let you study abroad, but you don't want to, otherwise we can study together again." Yang Ziqian shook his head.

"Where are we as good as you." Luo Yongnian smiled.

The two talked about some things that are currently at the forefront of computer research.

Jiang Cheng listened and did not interject.

When the two had almost talked and began to chat about the beauty, customs, and favors of the United States, Jiang Cheng opened his mouth and asked, "Senior Ziqian, I want to open an investment company in the United States, I don't know what I need to do?"

Yang Ziqian didn't expect that Jiang Cheng next to him asked this as soon as he spoke, and paused for a while, "Investment company, what do you want to invest in?" "

Invest in virtual assets and Internet companies." Jiang Chengdao.

"Virtual assets, do you mean bitcoin?"

"Including it."

Yang Ziqian shook his head, "These virtual currencies, the ups and downs are too arbitrary, some fried meaning, it is best not to get involved."

"It doesn't matter, I'm just playing." Jiang Cheng shrugged.

Luo Yongnian was a little stunned, why was the topic suddenly intercepted by Jiang Cheng, "Jiang Cheng, do you have Mi Yuan?"

"Fortunately, there are some."

The revenue on the Jiangcheng Freelancer Forum has exceeded 2 million meters.

This channel for making money, Jiang Cheng has still insisted on.

Yang Ziqian thought for a while and said, "I'll introduce an agency company to you, you can contact them, open a company, these things, they will handle these things."

Then he added, "Even if you're not here, you can't manage the company."

Jiang Cheng looked at him, "You can hire personnel to manage, right?"

"Of course." Yang Ziqian nodded, "In the United States, there are many professional managers.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Thank you, senior, I made money by investing back, and I will invite you to dinner again."

Yang Ziqian smiled, "Then wait for you to study in Sfortan."

"Maybe the senior will return to China at that time." Jiang Cheng smiled.


with Yang Ziqian's help, Jiang Cheng quickly contacted an agency and directly purchased a shell company and renamed it Bio-Tech Investment Company.

A part-time agent (tool man) Brown was hired to only perform the authorized investment acts provided by Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng once again invested 2 million meters in bitcoin through the investment company.

The average price is 95 meters.

A total of 20,000 bitcoins were purchased.

Up to now, Jiang Cheng has held a total of nearly 300,000 bitcoins through various methods such as individual purchases, purchases by American investment companies and investment purchases by Hua Guo Maple Fire Group.

(In fact, it is unlikely to buy so much, virtual overhead)

The following days of workshops and reports made Jiang Cheng feast, in addition to Zhu Songchun's contact information, Jiang Cheng also asked for the contact information of a Sfortan professor David.

This foreigner, about sixty years old, but quite handsome, reports very passionately, and has in-depth research in neural networks and statistics.

Of course, some of the later winning papers were shown to Jiang Cheng inspired, but many of them were also water-injected.

After all, such a large conference, in order to reach the number of papers, some hydrology is also inevitable.

But after a few days, everyone's passion receded, and there was no nutrition left for the final meeting.

Portland is a nice city with art galleries, rose gardens, and Matternoma Falls, and on the last day, a few people took a moment to walk around.

Of course, Jiang Cheng also took this opportunity to sort out some of the confusions and problems he encountered in his research, especially the problems in the structure and mathematical model of convolutional neural networks, and sent them to Professor Zhu Songchun and Professor David by email.

Well, should get a response soon.

Only then did he get on the plane and go home.

On the road, the two big guys began to test the experience of everyone.

Of course, after six days in a row, after contacting the reports of so many bull-level figures, several people felt that they had learned a lot.

“...... I feel that computer vision and artificial intelligence are not only a computer discipline, but also a discipline at the intersection of mathematics, statistics, neurobiology and other related disciplines, and I will further deepen self-study in these disciplines in the future.

Jiang Chengkan talked about his harvest, and there were some deeply touching words, which he could also remember clearly, and said them in English.

Luo Ruihua nodded after hearing this.

Even Professor Ren Guowei listened very seriously, "Lao Luo, you are a very good student!"

"That's, Lao Yang introduced it, he can't bear it." Luo Ruihua smiled rarely, and then said to Jiang Chengdao, "The paper on residual calculation added your name, after all, it was your idea that inspired me."

"Thank you, teacher." Jiang Cheng was a little happy, he met himself, but they are all good teachers!

"Several of them are studying artificial intelligence, and you need to communicate with them more." Luo Ruihua falsely pointed to the three graduate students, and reminded, "Like Li Wen, the research in computer vision is so deep that Professor Ren is a true biography, you have to humbly ask for advice." "


The chubby Li Wen hurriedly said, "Although Senior Brother Jiang is younger, his level is very high, and we will communicate with each other and learn from each other's strengths." "

Hey! This big guy is blowing each other commercially, but he has suffered himself.

After coming out, several people were somewhat familiar with each other, and they all left contact information for each other.

Of course, by the time we returned to Kyoto, it was already July 1st.

Jiang Cheng really didn't stop.

After returning for half a day's jet lag, he will leave for the bear country again.

Fortunately, she did not go back during the summer vacation, helped take care of Jiang Cheng, and sorted out and cleaned the team uniform that had been put away for a long time, and put it in the suitcase.

On the evening of July 1st, the Mizuki University team, led by Professor Yang Mingde, officially boarded the plane and went to St. Petersburg in the bear country.

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