"Damn, these stupid pills are really too infuriating, very poisonous, and dare to scold us for dead Lu Zai." After Ying went to war, Zhu Jian was still cursing and cursing along the way.

And Yang Mingde did not stop more after the reminder at the beginning, and he was still very sure of the bloody patriotism of this group of little children.

"The level of the Orochimaru University team is also very strong, are you sure here?" Yang Mingde asked calmly.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Don't worry, teacher."

"Okay, you guys practice again in the afternoon, rest well in the evening, and prepare for tomorrow's game." Yang Mingde nodded.

It's good to be young and enthusiastic.

If Yang Mingde was thirty years younger, he might have kicked it directly.

On the other side, several Jin soldiers were also discussing hotly, "We must be fast and stable tomorrow, strive for all ten topics to fall AC, and must kneel down and sing conquest by those few stupid pills."

When they separated, Jin Bing still rushed at Jiang Chengdao, "You are called Jiang Cheng, you are good, cheer for tomorrow's game!"

"You too." Jiang Cheng waved his hand.

It made several people feel closer emotionally.

When he arrived at the hotel, Xu Siyuan said busily, "Okay, Mistress, you rest quickly, gather your spirits, and we will train again at 3 o'clock." Tomorrow is not a match for the Jinmen race, if we lose, we will lose face. "

Hmm." Although the big words are ahead, Jiang Cheng is not a blind arrogant person, and he is also advised to rest here.

The next day, July 3, at ten o'clock in the morning local time.

It is the time when the official finals begin.

The 120 teams gathered on the makeshift playing field, separated by plastic panels in nine rows, one on the opposite side of each row.

Jiang Cheng's team number is number 22, which is in the second row.

It also happened that the Orochimaru University team was opposite him.

Wu Junming stood up and gestured a middle finger at Jiang Cheng and his group, "Wait, you guys."

Zhu Jian looked angry, put his hands to his middle finger, and stunned back.

"Damn, if it weren't for the competition, I would really want to go up and hit someone."

Jiang Cheng shook his head, "It's about to start, don't be distracted." "

The twelve cores and twenty-four threads of the computer in the body are fully on standby!

The compiler is already open, just waiting to enter the code.

At ten o'clock sharp, all the teams began to read and do the questions.

Question A is a self-assembled topic.

Input requirements: The input consists of one test case, and a test case consists of two lines of code. The first contains an integer n(1≤n≤40 000), which represents the number of molecule types.

Output requirement: If a set of molecule types can generate structures of unbounded size, the word unbounded structure is displayed. Otherwise, it will be displayed as a bounded word.

Zhu Jian worked translation, and read while reading at this time, and quickly sorted out the meaning of the topic.

"I have an idea for this." As Jiang Cheng spoke, the computer in the body had quickly written the code.

Full fire!

Jiang Cheng then also typed the code on the computer in front of him.

While coding, explain the algorithm.

"Hey, third brother, don't be so fast, I can't keep up." Zhu Jian was a little confused.

Isn't it common sense that we should discuss it first?

Direct code, don't make a mistake!

"You translate the second question first." Jiang Cheng said lightly.

The hands are like robotic arms, entering codes quickly and accurately.

Xu Siyuan was also a little worried, "Third man, don't be anxious. "


So, Jiang Cheng slowed down and communicated with the two.

"It's no problem to use this algorithm to convert it like this." Under Jiang Cheng's explanation, Zhu Jian reacted at this time.

"Okay, let's read the second question, I'll continue to write code." Jiang Cheng nodded, and then continued to yard.

It's only been ten minutes!

Someone got the first balloon.

Xu Siyuan looked at it, but it was from the Dumb Pill University team, and at this time they also glanced at Jiang Cheng and them mockingly.

The staff tied the blue balloon in front of them.

Jiang Cheng then also submitted directly, AC.

With a difference of less than half a minute, Jiang Cheng's team took the first balloon.

Yang Mingde, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but shake his hand lightly, a little excited.

This kid's performance is always so reassuring.

He thought decisively and submitted his answers decisively, as if he had already simulated it in his mind.

The first question may not have been thought through comprehensively, or it may not have understood the meaning of the question, and it was also WA.

It wasn't until 44 minutes later that I finally got this question AC.

However, at this time, 54 teams on the field have raised balloons, and the team of the School of Information, Mechanical Optics of the National Research University of St. Petersburg has already AC three questions!

Ji Bo glanced at it and thought to himself: I lean!

Jin Bing reminded, "Don't be distracted, we can win." However

, because of the location, they did not see that Jiang Cheng's team had just taken the fourth topic at this time.

However, fortunately, in the next few topics, Jin Bing during the whole first question, agreed that the two of them had already thought about the three, five, and eight questions, and proposed the algorithm.

It took only 12 minutes, Jin Bing solved 3 questions in a row, and in an instant, he squeezed into the front again.


time, little by little.

At the judges and in the audience, you can see the ranking of each team, as well as the time of penalty.

Someone used pictures and text to broadcast live.

"Modu Jiaoda is worthy of being a master of ACM, just now I watched them 44 minutes before AC, and then I immediately caught up, and it was already the fourth place."

"Che, if I were to say, the first must be the School of Information Mechanical Optics of the National Research University of St. Petersburg."

"Mizuki University is also very powerful this time, you see they are now in second place, and they have solved 5 questions!"

"Damn, this Orochimaru University is actually ranked so high."

"Upstairs, don't underestimate the Dumb Pill University team, they are also very strong."

"I bet the first is definitely the School of Information Mechanical Optics, they are too strong, it's not me who does live handstand shampooing."

“Mark。 I hope upstairs doesn't break your word. "


On the field, Yang Mingde and Chen Yong were also talking.

Chen Yong was a little nervous, and a lot of sweat broke out on his hands, "These three little rabbit cubs, the first question took so much time, it is really not worrying." "

It's awesome, and there's a strategy." Yang Mingde nodded.

If it were another team, it might have spent its time there, but the magic capital handed over the big team, each divided the work and cooperated, solved three problems at once, and caught up.

"But when the first question was penalized, now every step forward in the ranking, you have to solve one more problem than others." Chen Yong sighed, in this kind of game, the penalty time is really hurt.

"Don't worry, watch slowly." After all, Yang Mingde has more experience, is not impatient, and patiently watches the field.

2 hours passed immediately.

Orochimaru University has solved 6 questions and is currently sprinting for the seventh question.

The team of the School of Information Mechanics and Optics of the National Research University of St. Petersburg has solved 7 problems, and is currently tied for first place with Mizuki University in Jiangcheng.

Zhu Jian was no longer noisy at this time, and according to what Jiang Cheng said, the two translated and thought about the topic from the back.

After having an understanding, first give the question to Jiang Cheng, and after a little explanation, Jiang Cheng will be able to react immediately.

Of course, what they don't know is that the computer occupancy rate in Jiang Cheng's body has always been above 80%, and the code is writing frantically one after another.

Then, fingers flew and the code was entered.

For each question, he simulated it several times in the internal computer to see if the time limit requirements and output results met.

Then, there's the submission, AC.

At the 180th minute, that is, the third hour, Jiang Cheng had already written the code for question 9.

According to the title, he quickly sorted out the approximate meaning, that is, there is a pond of m×n, the inside of the pond is uneven, the (i, j) cell has a depth dij, and it is required to make a box (the size is a positive integer), the two bottom lengths of the box are less than a, b, respectively. Place it horizontally at the bottom of the pond, the box will drain the same volume of water as it (but will not overflow), it is required to ensure that the top of the box must be strictly smaller than the water surface after draining the water, find the maximum volume of the box.

"Enumerating the height of the box, I feel that the data range is too large and will time out." Jiang Cheng asked Xu Siyuan and Zhu Jian at this time, "What are your good ideas?"

Zhu Jian was stunned, and gave Jiang Cheng a blank look, "I thought we could just lay down the soy sauce!" "

Jiang Cheng: Return/White eyes....

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