When Xu Siyuan and the two were thinking with their brains, Jiang Cheng turned his head to look at the surrounding teams.

Good guy, balloons of all colors fluttering, it feels like coming to the proposal scene.

Although the level is uneven, the computer gods who can come here are awesome!

The Dumb Pill University team on the opposite side is still solving the seventh question.

"Third brother, you can see that you can simply enumerate the edges." Zhu Jian then said.

"Okay." After Jiang Cheng's body erased the code of the computer, he quickly wrote it again.

"Well, instead of enumerating the rows where one bottom boundary is located, and at the same time enumerating the length of another bottom boundary, limiting the task to one vertical profile, you can use a monotonic stack maintenance to find the largest rectangle on the cross-section."

Jiang Cheng quickly thought of a way and typed the code.

#include <cstdio>

#include <cmath>

#include <cstring>

inline int getint()


int ans(0); char w = getchar();

while(w < '0' || w > '9')w = getchar();

while('0' <= w && w <= '9')


ans = ans * 10 + w - '0';

w = getchar();


return ans;



Soon, after three hours and ten minutes, Jiang Cheng successfully called the 9th question.

Got rid of the School of Information, Mechatronics and Optics of the National Research University of St. Petersburg and promoted to first place.

All that's left is a puzzle.

---- ( ́つヮ⊂︎) -----

live broadcast paste, many people are frantically swiping the screen.

Solve 9 questions, you can basically determine the top three gold awards.

Moreover, Mizuki University did not penalize, all once AC.

"I leaned, a little more than three hours, directly solved 9 questions, which gods are the representative team of Mizuki University this time!"

"The Demon Capital Jiaoda has collapsed this time, and now it's only the seventh question."

"The game was really anxious, I was sleepy watching it."

It was already past 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and all the teams were still working on it.

Guo Yanxi of Dusmaru University glanced at the balloon of Mizuki University next to him, and was already anxious, "Eh, you can't do it, why have you been without ideas, Dead Lu Zai's team has 9 questions..."

"So what to do, you also hurry up and think about it, what algorithm is better for this question!" Wu Junming was a little speechless.

For three hours and 45 minutes, Jiang Cheng's fingers were tired of typing code.

"Fourth, you submit."

Xu Siyuan said, "The last question, do you want to check it again?"

"No, I have already calculated it in my heart." Jiang Cheng shook his head, inexplicably feeling a sense of weakness and hunger.

Zhu Jian nodded, "Trust Third Brother, take us to fly!" "

Submit an answer.


Suddenly, the entire arena erupted into warm applause.

Jiang Cheng looked up, it was the applause and cheers of the judges and the audience.

And Yang Mingde, who stood up and stared at them, smiled and slapped his palm red, and did not forget to give them a thumbs up.

The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth raised slightly, revealing a somewhat tired but happy smile.

The sudden applause made the team in the arena a little distracted.

It's less than 4 hours, has there already been a strong person to clear the level?

The real computer boss, really terrifying?

Is it from the School of Information, Mechatronics, National Research University of St. Petersburg?

Or what school?

But everyone was just in a state of mind, and hurried to speed up the problem solving.

After 4 hours, the ranking list was sealed.

The results will be revealed at the end.

However, there is no suspense left for the championship.

Zhu Jian clenched his hands and was very excited, "Lean, third brother, you pinch me to see if I'm dreaming!"

Jiang Cheng slapped his arm away funny, "It hurts, it's not a dream!"

Xu Siyuan took the time to cut his hairstyle and coughed lightly, "The reporter came to take pictures, pay attention to the image." "


Several people in Dusmaru University were stunned, they had just solved 8 questions four hours ago a minute ago.

Guo Yanxi looked unhappy, "Junming, they are all AC, what are you doing?" "

“...... Just know if you can help together! "

---- (⊙_⊙) ?-----

live broadcast post of the China Forum is about to explode.

In less than four hours, all the schools had solved the problem, and it was Mizuki University in Hua Guo.

"Ten minutes! Ten minutes I want all the information about the Mizuki University teammates!

"Upstairs, don't you know the champion of the Tsumen Qualifiers?"

"Jiang Cheng (Class of 2011), Xu Siyuan (Class of 2011), Zhu Jian (Class of 2011), with a picture, is to do a good deed, no need to thank."

"Wow, that guy in the middle is so handsome."

"The hair is still so thick, my heart is almost falling."

"Idiot, that's a computer boss, Jiang Shen!"

Well, at this time, Jiang Cheng, who packed up his things and left the arena to go to the rest place, did not know that he had been called a big guy.

But it was clear that he needed to replenish his energy now.

Yang Mingde took a few bars of chocolate and handed them to the three, praised, "Okay! You guys gave Mizuki, set a record! "

In the past, the best result was only second, but this time I really didn't expect to be the first.

He felt he could now call back and get the school ready for the hype.

However, after all, there was no award yet, and Yang Mingde held back his restless heart.

Jiang Cheng was very hungry, so he took off the chocolate and ate four pieces in a row, only then did he feel that feeling of weakness lessened a little.

"I'm a little tired, sit down." Jiang Cheng waved his hand, not wanting to speak much.

Zhu Jian and Xu Siyuan were better, busy helping Jiang Cheng to sit.

"Is Xiaojiang okay?" Yang Mingde asked busily.

"Mainly he thinks and writes code, probably overusing his brain." Xu Siyuan explained.

Some of the two of them are not at the same level, but they have spent some brains on 3 slightly simpler topics to propose understanding.

Yang Mingde nodded, "This time it's too hard."

"I'm Trosky, can I get to know me?" At this time, a loud English voice came.

Several people turned around and saw a member of the team of the School of Information Mechanical Optics of the St. Petersburg National Research University, a man with blue eyes, white skin, and long hair.

In four hours and 20 minutes, they completed 10 questions.

But the time and penalty time are ranked second to Jiang Cheng and them.

"Hello, my name is Jian Zhu, is there anything wrong?"

"You guys are very good, I want to get to know you, which one is the main player?"

Jiang Cheng wiped his mouth with a tissue, stood up, and stretched out his hand, "Jiang Cheng, I also want to know you."

"Xu Siyuan."

"I want to ask the last question what is your thinking, why did you determine the correct algorithm so quickly?" Tlossky asked sincerely.

Finally, there are many issues to consider, and if you do not pay attention, it is easy to have timeouts or other problems.

The corner of Jiang Cheng's mouth chuckled, "Maybe it's luck, let's find the most correct path."

Of course, in my heart, Jiang Cheng: Depend, if this problem is not a computer in the body to quickly try a dozen solutions to help verify the answer, how can I make it in the first place?

"Luck is also part of strength. Jiang Cheng, Zhu Jian, Xu Siyuan, it's a pleasure to meet you. Trosky took a blank piece of paper and wrote down his email number, "If we have the opportunity, we can communicate by email."

"No problem." Jiang Cheng nodded.

Soon, the game was over.

Mizuki University, with 10 problem solvings, ranked first.

School of Information Mechanical Optics, National Research University of St. Petersburg, ranked second with 10 problem solvings.

Modu Jiaotong University, with 9 problem solving, ranked third.


Dumaru University, with 8 problem solving, ranked fifth.

After the award, Jiang Cheng and Jin Bing had already eyed Wu Junming of the Dumb Pill University, and this time they wanted him to fulfill the gambling contract no matter what.

So, that evening, under Jiang Cheng's kind smile, Zhu Jian, Jin Bing and several others observed and testified, Wu Junming voluntarily walked to the door of the School of Information Mechanics and Optics of the National Research University of St. Petersburg, shouting,

"I am Le Se!"

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