On the way back to the hotel, Yang Mingde happily made an expensive international roaming call.

“...... Yes, first place, champion! 227 minutes, 10 questions, all AC!

"Propaganda, of course propaganda! I'll send you a picture of the medal later, whatever, if you want to take a picture of the four of us, okay, I'll take it.

Right next to the representative building of the college, Yang Mingde stopped Jiang Cheng and the three, "Come on, let's take a picture." Then

, he stopped Chen Yong, who was walking behind.

"Oh, Teacher Chen, come and take a picture for us." As he spoke, he handed over his phone.

Chen Yong quickly took a few pictures with a reluctant expression, "Professor Yang, congratulations!"

"Haha, congratulations on winning the third place." Yang Mingde said cheerfully.

Chen Yong waved his hand, "Hey, don't mention it." "

I was thinking of competing for the first place in the gold medal, but I didn't expect to finish third.

was also caught by Yang Mingde to take pictures, which was really depressing.

"Teacher Chen, how about I take a picture of you too?" Yang Mingde is very enthusiastic.

"No need, Teacher Yang, our students are too tired, so let's go back to rest first." After Chen Yong handed back his mobile phone, he ran directly.

Jin Bing raised his thumb and nodded to Jiang Cheng and the others. "There is a chance to come to the magic capital and take you to play well."

Zhu Jian smiled, "Don't say much, come to Kyoto and call us." "

Although the competition is related, after all, they are all students of Hua Guo School, especially a conflict with the Du Pill University team, which has brought several people closer emotionally.

Jiang Cheng also smiled slightly and waved goodbye to several people.

When he returned to the hotel to eat, Zhu Jian took his mobile phone and sent a message, showing a hehe smile.

Needless to say, he must be reporting the good news of winning the championship with Zhong Xiaohui.

Of course, Jiang Cheng also sent a photo of the four people to Yang Mingde at this time, Jiang Cheng put the trophy in front and stood in the C position, with three people standing next to him.

The picture was sent to Yu Xinran and Wei Xinqun, who loved each other and a family, through the internal computer.

Sent to Yu Xinran.

[Jiang Cheng: I got the championship medal, hey. /Proud.

Xinran: Great, I knew you would be able to. /Thumb.


for a family of blind dates.

[Jiang Cheng: Oh, look at the most handsome one in the middle.

Jiang Yiping: / smile.

Chen Ru: / smile + / thumb.

Jiang Cheng: ......


other words, this smiling expression, how is there something strange!

After a pleasant gambling appointment in the evening, Yang Mingde let everyone wander freely, but asked that they must return to the hotel before 9:30.

Jiang Cheng bought boxes of chocolates, plus a few boxes of caviar, and went to rest early.

For the first time, he felt the sequelae of continuous high-frequency CPU use.

Of course, it cannot be said that it is a sequelae, it may also be a long-term high-frequency operation, and the energy consumption makes Jiang Cheng's body a little unbearable.

For a long time, Jiang Chengdu has not worried about energy consumption.

Ordinary use, and even occasional high-frequency operation, just made Jiang Cheng feel that the amount of rice was a little bigger.

Fortunately, after eating a lot of food for dinner, Jiang Cheng's sense of weakness had dissipated somewhat.

But there are still a few days of recuperation.

The next morning, Yang Mingde took Jiang Cheng and several people back to China in triumph.


On the official website of Mizuki University, a large banner of news came out.

"Mizuki University students won the first gold medal in the ACM International Collegiate Programming Finals!"


July 3, the 37th ACM International Collegiate Programming Competition (ACM-ICPC) World Finals was held in Bear Country, where 120 teams from more than 2,300 schools and more than 300,000 students from 6 continents, 91 countries, and more than 300,000 students gathered in St. Petersburg to compete for who was the "smartest person in the world".

The Mizuki University contestants were Jiang Cheng (sophomore), Xu Siyuan (sophomore) and Zhu Jian (sophomore) undergraduate students majoring in computer science and technology, and won the first place in the finals with a good score of solving 10 questions in 227 minutes.


The heel sticker in the back soon broke a thousand.

All "Worship the Great God!" Li

Zhengtao has been paying attention to the results of this competition.

Originally, he thought he could go on behalf of Mizuki University.

But in the end, Jiang Cheng defeated them in the Jinmen qualifiers, and then they won the championship in a record-breaking record in the finals, the strong opponent of the School of Information Mechanics and Optics of the National Research University of St. Petersburg.

All kinds of unconvincing before, at this moment I feel a little ridiculous!

He asked himself, he went up, these topics, he will never succeed in solving all of them in such a short time.

This Jiang Cheng, who was on the whole game trail, suddenly became a character that even he looked up to.

Computer man worships the strong, and he is no exception.

In the class buttoning group, Li Zhengtao relayed the news, and then lightly attached a sentence, "Congratulations." "

However, for Mizuki University, publishing banner news on the official website is already a very powerful publicity, and naturally it is impossible to pull any banner and make the whole university welcome something."

That's overthinking.

It's just a programming competition for college students, although this championship is still very high.

The four quietly returned to Kyoto.

Jiang Cheng still had things, and did not return to Mizuki University with them, and separated at the airport.

Zhu Jian smiled, "So anxious to see the third sister-in-law!" "

Go and go." Jiang Cheng gave him a blank look, "In the past ten days, I am tired, I am going to rest for a few days, don't bother me if there is nothing to do."

Xu Siyuan's eyes lit up, "Understand, you can rest assured to go on your honeymoon, we will definitely not call at a critical moment." "


This group of filthy demon kings.

Jiang Cheng said that he did not want to join the gang and waved away directly.

Inside Wan Liu's den.

Yu Xinran had already prepared a table of good dishes and was waiting for Jiang Cheng to arrive.

"You're back!"

The door opened, and the man who had been in his heart finally returned.

When you are in love, you will miss it when you are half a day away and a few miles away, not to mention that Jiang Cheng is also a country of the United States and a country of bears for a while, thousands of miles away.

Yu Xinran was already worried about whether he could stick to it during the exchange period.

And Jiang Cheng, as soon as he entered the door, he felt the warmth of home.

There is a person waiting for you at home.

She rushed over, and Jiang Cheng put down his luggage and hugged her.

"Tired, huh?"

"Yes, this time I am really tired, tired from flying, tired of answering high-intensity questions..."


During the meal, Jiang Cheng talked about the interesting facts of this competition, and looking at her adoring eyes, the original fatigue dissipated.

"By the way, Jiang Cheng, Sister Si Lin called over a few days ago, saying that it was a phone call that you couldn't get through, it should be something urgent." After the meal, Yu Xinran reminded.

"Is it urgent?" Jiang Cheng nodded, and then called directly.

"President Jiang, are you back?"

"Well, what's wrong? Let's talk about it.

"That's right, we've already produced the special effects clip of "White Fox", and we didn't think there was a problem at the time, but then I learned the preliminary plot, and I felt that this film was very bad, I was worried about whether it would smash our company's signboard?"

"It's bad, what kind of rotten?"

"It's the kind, the plot is childish and ridiculous, the actors' acting skills are exaggerated, and the styling is thunderous..."

"No, can't it be saved with our company's special effects?"

"Can't be saved."


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