At the beginning, Li Silin felt that it was already very good to receive a large special effects film and television, after all, people claimed to have invested 350 million yuan in special effects.

However, this is just propaganda, just a claim.

In fact, the real special effects quotation for Jiang Feng Yuhuo Company is only less than 10 million yuan.

Fortunately, the time requirement is not tight.

During the filming, it was discussed many times, and the special effects team produced special effects clips such as backgrounds and props.

Of course, Director Niu Yang was very satisfied.

However, by April and May, Li Silin didn't feel quite right.

The actor of the other party's filming is very thunderous.

Those few fox-playing, colorful makeup, are really not in COS Balara Little Devil Fairy?

If you want to save the special effects, you can't save it!

Subsequently, while working overtime to produce special effects, Fang Qiliang, as the special effects supervisor of the show, even he felt that he couldn't stand it after learning about the plot.

Only then did he report to Li Silin.

Li Silin was shocked: I'm afraid I'm going to smash my own signboard!

"Okay, I see." Jiang Cheng, who was on the other end of the phone, pondered for a moment, and then ordered, "You first contact the director and investors to see if they can modify the plot."

"Okay, but we're just special effects companies, and they're not going to listen to us."

"I'll find a way to get them to listen." In the future, we can't just take orders, we must understand the situation to some extent. Jiang Cheng reminded.

To be honest, if it's just an ordinary film, Jiang Cheng will forget it, but it's really as Li Silin said that it is rotten and ghostly, and I can't even watch the special effects, then it really can't be so easy.

No wonder, in his previous life, Jiang Cheng had never heard of this movie.

The next day, Zhang Xiaoqiao of Fenghuo Culture Media Company and his assistant began to contact Dongyang Film and Television.

Expressed interest in investing in White Fox.

Dongyang Film and Television doesn't know what the hell he filmed, but it's just to launder money.

The actual investment is less than 40 million yuan.

Therefore, after receiving the wishes of Maple Fire Culture Media, he expressed his great will.

Zhang Xiaoqiao played a negotiation skill, and even made it clear many times that the movie they are making now is also a stable loss, and they can't be the meaning of the takeover man.

In the end, Fenghuo Culture Media invested 35 million yuan to acquire the movie "White Fox", and the subsequent income Dongyang Film and Television will no longer enjoy.

Of course, in addition to the special effects, the original expenditure was still the responsibility of Dongyang Film and Television.

Dongyang Film and Television also feels that it has a win-win situation, with an investment of 120 million yuan, allowing itself to launder money; Hey, this takeover man also took over, which is equivalent to earning an extra 35 million yuan.

As for the broken movie, who loves to shoot it.

--- ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ ---

Hengdian Film and Television City.

The filming scene of the "White Fox" movie.

At present, the shooting has basically been completed, but some shots are being added.

The assistant director was filming at this time.

Li Silin came in and looked at it, and felt that her braincase hurt.

When she arrived at Niu Yang's conference room, Li Silin said very directly

, "Director Niu, I watched it, is your movie look too shocking?"

Niu Yang was a little unhappy, and said, "President Li, you are a layman and don't understand movies, I won't be angry with you today, and Hugh will talk about this next time." Is there something wrong with the special effects production side, let you come and visit in person. "

Usually, Fang Qiliang is usually connected.

"That's right, in our special effects production, we also feel that these shapes are too shocking, that is, adding special effects, it still makes people..." Li Silin explained.

"Mr. Li! This is postmodern art! You don't understand, I need to express the personalities and characteristics of different characters through different colors of makeup! Niu Yang's voice suddenly raised a lot, "If you are here to say this, then, please come back!"

"Director Niu, it's not a question of art not art!" Li Silin was unhappy, "Our company is one of the top special effects companies in China, if it is rumored to be doing special effects of a bad movie, you don't care, we don't agree!"

Niu Yang was extremely angry, slapped the table, and pointed at Li Silin, "Damn, I really met a ghost today, a special effects company dares to talk to me like this!" Believe it or not, let you special effects companies get out!

Li Silin was not frightened, got up and said forcefully, "Then you can try." Niu

Yang was just about to rush someone, but a phone rang.

It is the investment funder.

"Hey, Mr. Dong, hello!"

"What, changed investors, why?"

"There is no reason, the company's normal investment changes." The other party's phone was hung up directly.

Niu Yang was a little confused.

One ass sat down, "Maple Fire Culture Media, with you guys are the family?"

"It's our boss's company." The corner of Li Silin's mouth showed a smile, it seems that President Jiang is still very powerful.

It's just a deal, and it's a direct investor as soon as it is shot.

Niu Yang's face changed a few times, and then he grinned again, "Ahaha, Mr. Li, just now it was just some jokes, how do you think to shoot, you decide."

Li Silin said angrily, "Okay, Director Niu, just now you said that you want to drive people away!"

"Alas!" Niu Yang sighed, "Let me tell you the truth, our funds are really limited, special effects account for half, actor salaries account for half, I don't even have 10 million funds, how can I shoot?" Of

course, Niu Yang is also a new director, with his own Wen Qing disease, self-directed and self-written, are all "beautiful fragments" in his mind, but he doesn't know how thunderous this is.

So even if the thunder of the actor's style is discharged, the thunder of this plot, as long as there is a cow director, it is still prone to problems.

Jiang Cheng's phone called, and Li Silin got up and took it.

"President Jiang!"

"Well, after spending some money and acquiring the "White Fox" movie, I will let Changqing come over and re-adapt it according to the existing situation." Jiang Cheng's voice came, calm and powerful.

Li Silin was overjoyed, "Is the screenwriter of the short drama "Deep Space"?

"Yes, you go back and connect with him, and I will review the script back." I watched some of the special effects clips you sent, the actor's costume is too thunderous, to change, let the actor shoot some shots. The money is paid by yourself, and the proceeds are divided between you and Maple Fire Media according to the proportion of investment.

"Okay." Li Silin said busily.

It is equivalent to stepping on the thunder yourself, and you have to find a way to save it yourself.

Money, Jiang Cheng has already come out, but it is impossible to personally come to change the drama for her, and the rest is up to herself.

Hanging up the phone, Li Silin's eyes looked at Director Niu Yang.

This makes him feel a little hairy, is this to change the director's eyes?

Investing in money lords, it's terrible!

Fortunately, he also thought a lot.

After stripping him of his screenwriting power, Evergreen moved in and made a drastic adaptation.

Delete all the bloody relatives and love plots.

It has become a simple plot from the confrontation of the human fox, to the love of the human fox, and then to the big boss together.

There is no messy literary drama, just highlight one: special effects.

The actor's makeup also changed greatly, and Zhong Xintong's makeup finally became an ancient woman in white.

There is no meat or makeup, but the white beauty of the white fox.

Jiang Cheng, who was far away in Phuket, only smiled when he heard about these adaptations.

After spending so much effort, it has to be made into a movie with a good reputation and some money!

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