An hour later, Jiang Cheng got the test paper they handed in.

Wang Sichen is not bad, 2 of the 5 topics are basically made, and the third and fourth topics have written some ideas, but they are all wrong.

Su Yiman was better, and made a question and a half, and the other blanks.

Xu Han did half the topic.

Jiang Cheng just nodded, assigned them the experimental tasks that needed to be carried out according to the level of the three of them, guided them for a while, and then left first.

"God, I thought I was given a training by Senior Jiang Cheng. Fortunately, the seniors are good, and they didn't say anything about us. Su Yiman patted his chest and eased his nervousness.

Xu Han said, "Senior Jiang Cheng doesn't seem to be very strict.

Wang Sichen followed for a long time and said directly, "Our level is not enough, and Teacher Jiang is not interested in commenting and guiding us."

"It's also oh, I feel that we are still far from Senior Jiang Cheng's requirements, and we must continue to work hard." Su Yiman secretly clenched his fists and said.

However, what they don't know is that Jiang Cheng has a little evil taste in addition to letting them actively learn the content of neural networks.

What Double 11? Give me a few questions to be true.

The whole project is progressing in an orderly manner, and Jiang Cheng also took time to continue to guide ISP chip design.

Compared with mobile phone SOC chips, the difficulty of developing ISP chips is greatly reduced.

Coupled with Jiang Cheng's original research accumulation and the help of small supercomputing, the speed of research and development is very fast.

According to what the engineers in the team said, follow Jiang Cheng to engage in research and development, and be prepared for a quick battle.

Because of the problems encountered, it may be discovered in the morning, but it was solved by the new plan proposed by Jiang Cheng in the afternoon.

Moreover, in the process of advancing according to the design, it is rare to go back and redesign and take the "wrong road".

Jiang Cheng led the team and the race against time.


several big heads, all led by Jiang Cheng personally.

Although it is not running a small supercomputer at full power, it has been continuously calculating, simulating, and verifying at high frequencies, and has been fighting for several days, and Jiang adults are tired.

Even the machine will get tired!

Jiang Cheng was ready to go to the project experiment to keep an eye on the progress and take a break by the way.

Jiang Cheng was not there, and there were some laughter and chatting in it.

And Su Yiman is also that kind of outgoing personality.

"Yay! The experiment on my side has been done, the data is good, and I feel that this model is really powerful.

Su Yiman stretched out his hand and compared the "V" and jumped up happily.

Wang Sichen was stunned, "My side estimates that it will take another day or two, Xu Bo, you go and record the data." "

Sure enough, the test was the worst, and the experimental data was recorded.

Jiang Cheng walked in, "It seems that the experiment is very successful?" Hearing

Jiang Cheng's voice, the originally happy atmosphere instantly became serious again.

"Teacher Jiang, I have to wait for the experiment here, it's okay, do you want to take a look?"

Su Yiman relaxed a little more, and pointed to the display instrument, "Senior Jiang Cheng, you see, these data are perfectly tested."

"Good, there is no problem with verification." Jiang Cheng nodded, "Starting tomorrow, Si Chen will be in charge of writing, and the two of you will follow the study and come out with the entire first draft of this paper." "

It's been almost a semester, and it's time to bear fruit.

It's just that the results this time may be a little big.

Wang Sichen nodded, "Okay, Teacher Jiang, I'll send you the first draft next week."

"Well, you follow up the whole process, you know more about model construction and experimental data, and you also have experience in the thesis, so bring two more juniors."

"I will."

Jiang Cheng looked at the progress of Wang Sichen's experiment again, felt that there was no problem, and left.


Do you already have such a strong coercion from the big guys?

Can you still get along well with your juniors?

No wonder Brother Wang Xiaogang of the Microelectronics Department was so nervous when he saw Ding Chengjun.

However, he can't be blamed for this.

Today's Jiang Cheng is at the level of a scholar, wearing the aura of ACM international competition champion, Professor Luo Ruihua is directly a doctoral student, and in business, he is the "boss" of the group, with several subsidiaries under him, and the cumulative assets are expected to reach more than one billion yuan.

Usually unconsciously, it is already with momentum.

Many online articles write that the protagonist is domineering and leaking, and Jiang Cheng may also be able to count it.

Just thought of Ding Chengjun, this phone rang, it was him!

"Jiang Cheng, come to Guanyuan Garden, I will invite you to dinner."

The opening is a simple and clear sentence.

Make things clear.

"What's the situation, Senior Chengjun!" Jiang Cheng was a little puzzled, but still asked.

Ding Chengjun said lightly, "The last research paper was on Electron Device Letters. "

Okay." Jiang Cheng nodded and answered.

The third floor of the garden.

Ding Chengjun ordered a few specialties and waited for Jiang Cheng.

Next to him was Wang Xiaogang.

As soon as Jiang Cheng went upstairs, Wang Xiaogang got up and waved, "Brother Jiang, here!" "

Xunyin came over, Jiang Cheng said hello." Senior Cheng Jun, Xiao Gang. "

Sit down." Ding Chengjun nodded, a little politely, "Speaking of which, last time we were thanks to you for finding the problem, so that we took a lot of detours."

"Hey, you're welcome." Jiang Cheng said modestly, "I'm just guessing."

"Have you ever planned to go to graduate school in the Department of Microelectronics?" Ding Chengjun asked.

Wang Xiaogang said softly, "People are reading straight blogs now." Ding

Chengjun ignored him and continued to look at Jiang Cheng. You have already studied microelectronics for a while, and I think you should come here to further your studies.

Jiang Cheng did not expect that suddenly Ding Chengjun would invite him to read microelectronics, and he was a little surprised, "I have put some thought into chip design, and I have not had in-depth contact with other fields for the time being."

"Then now you have this opportunity to get in depth." I recommended you to my supervisor, Professor Xu Wei. Ding Chengjun said directly.

Well, is it so hot and sought-after?

But Jiang Cheng still shook his head, "If I just listen to the lectures and broaden my research ideas, I will come to listen to Professor Xu's guidance, but I have no plans to transfer to graduate school." "

That's it." Ding Chengjun felt a little pity, but he didn't force it, "It's just a pity that your research talent in this area is a pity." "

Research talent?

The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth raised slightly, which can be regarded as a huge help in the research of the in vivo computer simulation laboratory.

"The direction I want to expand at the moment is semiconductor materials and devices," Jiang Cheng thought about it.

In the area of circuit design, Jiang Cheng has some in-depth, and the practical experience is very rich, because often in the body computer thousands of times of simulation design, some circuit design practical problems, for him are easy.

"Professor Xu is also an expert in semiconductor physics, are you sure?" If you don't have to change departments, do you come to study for a double PhD? Ding Chengjun stared at Jiang Cheng's eyes and said slowly.

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