It's true!

It's really not that Jiang Cheng is not strong-willed.

But when he heard that he did not need to change departments and could learn semiconductor physics with the big man Professor Xu Wei, Jiang Cheng said that he was a little moved.

The computer is his big book, and the existence of the computer in his body is also very suitable for this profession.

Through in-depth study of computer science, he became more familiar with its principles and language.

This was a huge help for him to study computers in vivo.

If Jiang Cheng hadn't chosen a computer, perhaps the help given to him by the computer in his body would always be just super memory and super calculation.

"Professor Xu is also very closely connected with the State Key Laboratory of Precision Testing Technology and Instrumentation, and has research on the manufacture of chips and memory materials."

"Lithography machine research?"

"Then he didn't specialize in this. The Department of Precision Instruments studies lithography technology. Ding Chengjun nodded.

It's all mouthwatering bigwigs and directions!

Jiang Cheng finally agreed not to change departments and followed Xu Dawei to engage in research.

Professor Xu's research is interdisciplinary, including some semiconductor materials, and in the research process, it is necessary to test the circuit design and structure under various materials, which Jiang Cheng still prefers.

However, whether it can be accepted or not, it is not Jiang Cheng who agrees alone, and the big guy also has to test him!

Taking advantage of this time node, Jiang Cheng began to study and research books and cutting-edge papers on semiconductor physics and devices, semiconductor devices and circuit design.

Long gone, library!

Jiang Cheng held a stack of books and prepared to attack.

Looking up, in front of me were Wang Sichen and Su Yiman, holding notebooks, studying and finishing papers!

Well, not bad!

Positive and energetic!


On November 28, 2013, the price of Bitcoin exceeded 1,000 meters for the first time.

Yu Xinran, who was far away in the United States, began to sell in small batches according to Jiang Cheng's plan.

Among the Bio-Tech investment companies managed by Yu Xinran, there are about 20,000 bitcoins, with an average purchase cost of 96 meters.

For three days in a row, Yu Xinran quietly tossed 8,000 bitcoins.

This slowed down Bitcoin's rise slightly.

But on December 2, the price plunged to 960 meters.

"Jiang Cheng, today's bitcoin price plunged, I still have more than 10,000 in my hand, do you want to continue to sell?"

Seeing that the price of the day instantly dived, he would not come for a while, and continued to probe down, Yu Xinran was a little anxious, and directly called Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng has also been paying attention, "It's okay, I threw tens of thousands of pieces and smashed them down." Yu

Xinran was a little dizzy, tens of thousands, how many Jiang Cheng had in his hand!

Relying on powerful computing power, Jiang Cheng estimated the transaction volume and directly sold 50,000 coins after a small number of attempts in the early stage.

Instantly smashed the price of Bitcoin by 200 meters!

But the market is already a bit frenetic.

It seems that many far-sighted people, knowing that the future will rise very high, after reaching 900 meters, they began to rebound, closing at 951.42 meters.

"Well, if I expect it to be good, it will rise again, and after 1,000 meters, you will choose the opportunity to continue to sell and throw out all the things in your hands." In order to grasp the situation throughout the process, Jiang Cheng did not sleep at night and controlled the transaction through the computer in his body.

As for the 10 million yuan of bitcoin invested by the investment and financing department of Maple Fire Group, Jiang Cheng told Wei Zhicheng that he had sold it gradually when he was less than 1,000 meters, of course, it is still in the process of selling.

The nearly 120,000 bitcoins purchased at an average price of 78 Chinese yuan are all in the hands of Wei Zhicheng's investment and financing department.

It is still a moderate sell-off, and there are still 100,000 bitcoins in hand.

By December 3, the next day, it quickly rose again, trading at more than 1,000 yuan.

The tense sell-off continued until December 6th.

The bitcoin mastered by Jiang Cheng has been shipped in quantity, and the price has remained around 1,000 yuan, and the price has dropped to 980 meters on the 6th.

At this time, more than 20,000 bitcoins in Yu Xinran's hands had been sold out.

The average selling price is 1023.25 meters, and the total income is 20986857.5 meters!

According to the current exchange rate of 6.07:1 between rice yuan and Chinese yuan, the profit is about 120 million.

Of course, this is just a small trouble.

The real gain is in the 160,000 bitcoins that Jiang Cheng bought at about 6.8 meters.

Jiang Cheng kept 50,000 and continued to hold them.

More than 110,000 sold off.

And instructed Wei Zhicheng to sell off the remaining bitcoins!

On December 7, a large number of bitcoins were smashed down, which immediately caused panic in the market, and many people sold all the coins in their hands.

The price was smashed to about 600 meters!

Everyone exclaimed, collapsed!

However, what surprised Jiang Chengdu a little was that the support level of 600 meters yuan was very firm and actually held!

But Jiang Cheng had already ignored it.

He said to Yu Xinran and went to sleep.

Anyone who stays up all night for several days in a row, plus fierce trading, will also be sleepy!

What Jiang Cheng didn't know was that Wei Zhicheng had already thrown himself into the five bodies that Jiang Cheng admired.

The investment of 10 million yuan has now become 760 million, even if the cost is deducted, there is a benefit of 750 million!

The so-called profiteering is nothing more!

He felt that his operation could be sealed.

But if Jiang Cheng knew that he sold at an average price of more than 990 meters, he would still have some opinions about his technology.

The average price thrown by Jiang Cheng himself is 1068 meters, more than 110,000 bitcoins, and the income is 710 million!

The operation in three directions has earned as much as 1.5 billion yuan!

Rich, really rich!

Imagining that he has become a big money, waving tens of billions of dollars to develop a lithography machine, Jiang Cheng slept very soundly this day.

The next day, Jiang made preliminary arrangements for the use of the funds.

The 20 million meters earned by Yu Xinran's investment company in the United States are still retained in the company for investment, and Jiang Cheng will give Yu Xinran guidance on which piece to invest.

It mainly includes the purchase of shares of listed companies such as fruit and NVIDIA.

As for the funds of the investment and financing department of Fenghuo Group, 200 million yuan was left to continue to invest, and Jiang Cheng asked Wei Zhicheng to investigate first and make suggestions.

The remaining 550 million yuan, Jiangcheng is mainly used for SOC chip research and development, and semiconductor factory construction.

The 117 million yuan (710 million Chinese yuan) earned by individuals buying bitcoin through the platform continued to contact agency companies, registering several offshore companies for cross-shareholding.

The last company that really went into operation was renamed TeLag Investment Co., Ltd.

Jiang Cheng contacted Yang Ziqian and wanted to hire a general manager with an annual salary of 1 million meters to build an investment team.

Specifically for investment by Chinese enterprises.

There is no way, the current Chinese environment is like this, if there is foreign investment, then any treatment can be raised to a higher level.

Since Jiang Cheng started his business, there have been no more preferential policies except for college student entrepreneurship and other prescribed preferential policies.

With a foreign-funded investment company under its own control, it is convenient to use the earned rice yuan, and it can be better invested.

Well, maybe through multiple investments, these large companies can be controlled by Zijie Beating!

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