On April 25, Jiang Cheng received another call from Professor Zhu Yi.

This time, he clearly expressed his willingness to accept investment and invited Jiang Cheng to come to Excellent Precision for on-site negotiation.

Maybe it's just to show some of your company's superior products and get more chips.

The newly hired driver, Zhang Xiaoyong, did not know the map of Kyoto, and after driving the navigation, plus Lou Xiangwan sat on the co-pilot to guide, there was no problem.

Jiang Cheng sat in the back row and rested.

In his heart, he used the supercomputing in his body to continue to adjust the simulated lithography machine.

After having a driver, Jiang Cheng can close his eyes lightly and spend more attention on the simulation experiment, saving a lot of trouble.

After extensively understanding the books and papers in the lithography related fields, and going to Huaxin International to observe the process of preparing lithography with a 45nm lithography machine and other related equipment.

Jiang Cheng said that he could do it alone in the simulation laboratory of the internal computer.

In the simulation laboratory, Jiang Cheng has some steps that can be omitted, such as cleaning and vapor deposition, and the simulated equipment lacks gas and ultrapure water.

But the analog lithography machine does not need these, and Jiang Cheng can directly complete the simulation by adjusting it.

What's more, Jiang Cheng is familiar with this backward lithography machine manufacturing technology, in addition to operating analog lithography.

By simulating lithography, Jiang Cheng was able to tape out faster and at lower cost, knowing design flaws.

Because of the chip design, there may not be much problem with the simulation operation in theory, but there may still be problems in specific manufacturing.

After running the system and program, the chip can more intuitively find hidden problems.

Today, Jiang Cheng has achieved a wavelength of 134nm in the simulation laboratory by constantly adjusting the light source excitation equipment.

Jiang Cheng is performing simulated lithography.

Two simulated wafers were placed on the workpiece table, and the photoresist and mask plate were all simulated.

Powerful analog power provides power for the operation of the lithography machine.

The lithography machine was constructed according to the established drawings.

By the time Jiang Cheng reached excellent precision, he had completed lithography, etching and other processes, and was cutting and encapsulating.

Hehe, a whole set of processes, Jiang Cheng all simulated into the laboratory.

It is equivalent to a whole wafer production line coming out of the body.

"President Jiang, excellence and precision have arrived." Seeing that Jiang Cheng was still closing his eyes and recuperating his mind, Lou Xiangwan gently reminded him.

Jiang Cheng responded, "Wait a few more minutes." "

How can you interrupt at a critical moment?

After a while, one RISC-V chip after another was manufactured.

Just one wafer cut more than 500 chips.

Putting the chip in the analog warehouse, Jiang Cheng opened his eyes, "Let's go." "

----(°ο°)~@ ----

Excellent Precision is located in the Huaxing Building on the southwest side of Mizuki University.

When Jiang Cheng arrived, Zhu Yi, who was still wearing a white shirt and a blue tie, was already waiting.

Next to him, there are 3 more people, which are probably his team.

"President Jiang, I'm sorry to let you come over in person." Zhu Yi stretched out his hand and shook Jiang Cheng, and his eyes treated each other equally.

Jiang Chengdao, "I also intend to visit your company, which coincides with the meeting.

"Let me introduce Mr. Jiang, a few of my partners." Zhu Yidao, pointing to several people who got up on one side, introduced one by one, "Yang Ming, Li Jun..." They

are all about thirty years old, and they feel that they are Zhu Yi's doctoral students or lecturers in the school.

At least follow Zhu Yi's team to develop double workpiece tables.

Jiang Cheng nodded and said hello.

After some pleasantries, Zhu Yi offered to take Jiang Cheng to visit their company.

However, this headquarters only has a few laboratories, plus exhibition halls.

In the exhibition hall, there are samples of high-precision objects with excellent and precise design, and two metal blocks can be stitched together tightly, leaving almost no gaps.

In addition, there is a sample of a double workpiece stage, but still a semi-finished product.

In the laboratory, Jiang Cheng also went to take a look.

"Our company has not been established for a long time, but the development is very fast, we are based on the transformation of scientific research achievements, so that the company has become a highly competitive enterprise in science and technology." Zhu Yi introduced.

Humble is a little simpler.

But there is no way, Jiang Cheng remembers that Excellent Precision was established in May 12, and it has only been two years now.

Without investment, it would be very difficult for them to grow on their own.

This is still on the basis of some of their scientific research funds, school scientific research projects, and it is said that they have received a financial support.

But it still can't be supported, this scientific research is really burning money.

A lot of money was burned in vain.

"Mr. Zhu, I still have the original view, up to 120 million yuan, buy 67% of the shares." Back in the conference room, Jiang Cheng looked still calm and said his request.

Zhu Yi was a little entangled, "But we can't take out so many shares now, we can take out up to 40%.

"Oh, Mr. Zhu agreed to let us invest?" Jiang Cheng was a little curious.

Zhu Yi nodded, "A few of us are blunt, scientific research is more familiar, really let us manage and develop the company, and consume energy, the development is too slow." In the end, in my heart, I also have a dream of a domestic lithography machine. "

Jiang Cheng looked at him, and I don't know if he was sincere, but he made this decision, at least he was willing to accept Jiang Cheng's relative control." So why only 40% at most?

"At present, the registered capital of the company is 16 million yuan, and Mizuki Venture Capital accounts for 10% of the shares; Aixi Zhongchuang accounted for 6.7% of the shares, and Huading Investment accounted for 15%; I personally own 51.3% of the shares, and several other partners own 17%. Zhu Yi simply explained the company's equity.

Jiang Cheng listened carefully.

"Now, after many discussions, several of us are willing to give 40% of the shares." Zhu Yi explained.

The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth raised slightly, "Then it has to be calculated according to the valuation of the company on my side, right?"

That is to say, Zhu Yi and they want to follow Jiang Cheng's 120 million yuan, accounting for 67% of the shares, then the valuation of the enterprise is 180 million yuan.

It is equivalent to the fact that they are willing to give Jiang Cheng 40% of the shares, and need him to contribute 72 million yuan, of which 10.67 million yuan is recorded as share capital, and the registered capital is increased to 26.67 million yuan.

At that time, Zhu Yi will account for 30.8% of the shares; The partner team holds 10.2% of the shares; Mizuki Venture Capital holds 6%; Aixizhong Chuang holds 4% of the shares, and Huading Investment holds 9%.

In just an instant, Jiang Cheng clearly calculated the equity situation that Zhu Yi wanted.

It seems that Jiang Cheng has become a major shareholder, but in fact it is not.

Zhu Yi and his partner are acting in concert, and this stake has reached 41%, which has surpassed him.

Coupled with Aixi Zhongchuang, itself a company of Zhuyi, the stake is higher, will reach 45%.

It seems reasonable, but it has some pitfalls.

Jiang Cheng saw that Zhu Yi was absolutely reluctant to hand over control of the company. "In this way, I contributed 75 million yuan, accounting for 42% of the shares. How is it? Zhu

Yi and Yang Ming exchanged opinions.

Calculate the proportion of shares.

In their eyes, Jiang Cheng was thinking that his shares must exceed his and his partners' shares.

"Yes." Then, Zhu Yi nodded and agreed to the price.

Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand, "President Zhu, you made a correct decision.

Zhu Yi smiled bitterly, "Hopefully, Mr. Jiang, please understand, after all, this company is the brainchild of me and the team..." "

I must take a long-term view, I don't have as strong a desire to control the company as you think, as long as the development direction is not biased, as soon as possible to build our domestic lithography machine, is what I want to see the most." Jiang Cheng's eyes were still clear.

"I'm obsessed." Zhu Yi snorted.

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