After coming out of Excellent Precision, Jiang Cheng immediately asked Chen Feng to dock and let him arrange personnel to deal with investment matters as soon as possible.

Now Jiang Cheng's Fenghuo Group has no shortage of money on its account.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Jack Owen's call came.

"Oh, dear Jiang, my company in Hua Guo has been set up, it is in Tianshui Mansion, I have time to come and sit." Owen on the other end looked very happy and invited Jiang Cheng.

"Next time, I heard that your second investment is complete?"

"Of course, we completed the acquisition of Huading Investment and currently own 70% of his shares." Owen said it was a trivial matter.

"Awesome," Jiang Cheng felt good, and now with Huading's shares, it can reach more than 50%.

At least the holding was achieved.

Whether Zhu Yi was sincere or false, Jiang Cheng had a chip.

"By the way, did Zi Qian set a time to come back?" Jiang Cheng suddenly asked.

"It seems to be the end of June." Owen laughed, "I'll arrange for us to have a big meal, shabu lamb, how about it?"

Jiang Cheng was speechless, big summer, engage in this?

"Let's talk about it then." Jiang Cheng then hung up the phone.

Because it was near Mizuki University, Jiang Cheng simply asked Zhang Xiaoyong to send him back to school.

As for Zhang Xiaoyong and Lou Xiangwan, they let them leave on their own.

Recently, Jiang Cheng has rarely returned to his bedroom, and because he has a car, he spends most of his time commuting to and from Wanliu's home.

And if you don't live in the bedroom for a long time, the quilt or something is always not so comfortable.

Under this factor, Jiang Chengcheng went back even less.

However, when he entered the bedroom, he felt that his eyes were bright, different from what he imagined, and the bedroom was unusually clean and tidy.

The floor is shiny, the tables and chairs are neat, and the books in the bookshelves are neatly arranged.

"Depend, third brother, why are you back?"

Zhu Jian's voice came over.

Jiang Cheng looked at it, Zhu Jian was cleaning, and as soon as he saw Jiang Cheng, he immediately rushed over, "Haha, I want to kill you!"

"Fourth, why are you there?" Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand to hold his shoulder to stop him from making the next intimate move, and asked with a smile.

Zhu Jian's face was full of smiles, "Hehe, the boss went to the internship, and I was alone in the dormitory." "

“?" Jiang Cheng was a little surprised, and when he looked at their beds, including Jiang Cheng's own, they were all covered with beautiful plastic bags. "How did you go to the internship, didn't he say that he was going to graduate school?"

Zhu Jian explained, "It is a scientific research project internship, for traffic camera face recognition.

"Oh, yes!" Jiang Cheng understood, "How long will it take?"

"It's estimated that it won't be the start of senior year."

"Then you cleaned up this dormitory?" Jiang Cheng was a little unconvinced.

Elder Zhu Jian's face turned red, and just as he wanted to answer, a voice came over.

"Xiaojian, we're going to eat."

Zhong Xiaohui, wearing a short floral skirt, came in with a brisk voice, and when she saw Jiang Cheng, she said with a smile, "Hey! Isn't this Jiang Cheng? Long time no see!

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Yes, I said how the fourth was so diligent and cleaned up the dormitory so cleanly, it turned out to be under the guidance of his younger brother and sister."

Zhong Xiaohui's face remained unchanged, and he smiled like a silver bell, "That's not it, when I came back, the whole dormitory was not like a mess."

Zhu Jian scratched his head, "Xiaohui also helped a lot!"

"Thank you, we were so intentional when we weren't there." Looking at his bed, Jiang Cheng expressed his gratitude.

"Eh, you're welcome." Zhu Jian waved his hand, "By the way, why did you suddenly have time to come back?"

"There's just something going on, come back and take a look." Of course, tomorrow Jiang's multidimensional pulsed neural network research group will have a thesis final, when Jiang Cheng will participate in (their) thesis defense in the name of his mentor.

Zhu Jian pulled Jiang Cheng's arm, "Go, let's go eat!"

"Hey, will it bother the two of you?" Jiang Cheng smiled playfully.

"No, no." Zhu Jian hurriedly explained.

The three of them went to the cafeteria and asked about the latest events while eating.

After Jiang Cheng went to study for a direct doctoral student, he naturally had a lot less communication with the brothers in the dormitory.

This is also no way, what Jiang Cheng is studying now, they can't keep up.

"You should be fine with Baoyan, right?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Zhu Jian smiled, "No problem, I have basically decided to study Professor Li Jianguo's graduate school. "

He's researching databases, right?" Jiang Cheng also had an impression of him.

"Yes, I'll learn this." Zhu Jian nodded. "The boss is just like you, ready to learn the direction of artificial intelligence."

"As for the second eldest child, it is estimated that he will go abroad, and it is estimated that he will rarely see him in his senior year."

Jiang Cheng was silent for a while, "Everyone has their own aspirations, we can't force it." "

The four people in the dormitory, Hao Yongjun, Jiang Cheng, and Zhu Jian, are all more disgusted with Chongyang, and they have not thought of studying abroad.

But Xu Siyuan is different, he decided to go abroad from the beginning.

I've been working hard for it.

But whether he will go abroad to learn skills, or whether he will always stay abroad, this is unknown.

The atmosphere was a little strange.

Zhong Xiaohui Lingling said with a smile, "Okay, you guys, as soon as we meet, we will talk about this, as if Hua Guo can't do without you." Then he

said to Jiang Cheng, "Jiang Cheng, when will Sister Xinran come back?"

"It should be June."

"That's fast, think about a year, although it seems like a long time, but it also passes quickly!" Zhong Xiaohui said, "I will graduate next year, but Xiaojian still has to go to graduate school, and I don't know if I can find a better job."

Zhu Jian looked at Jiang Cheng and smiled shyly, "Third brother, is your company recruiting?"

Jiang Cheng pondered and said, "Maple Fire Game Company should recruit a batch, depending on the company's arrangement." However, Xiaohui is so good, she should pick a random company at that time.

Zhong Xiaohui chuckled, "It's still early, Xiaojian, don't worry about it." At

night, Jiang Chengcheng stayed in the dormitory.

I talked with Zhu Jian a lot in one night, including future plans and interesting facts about the class.

Nowadays, the entire computer department is scattered, graduate school entrance examination, insurance research students, going abroad, engaged in projects, internships, each has its own plans.

Zhu Jian said that next year people will be more scattered.

With the guidance of his girlfriend, Zhu Jian cleaned up the bedroom well, it was very clean, and there was no smell that should not be there.

At 9 o'clock in the morning of the next day, under the leadership of Professor Luo Ruihua, the research paper summary meeting of the research group began.

One paper after another, like a draft, waiting for the selection and evaluation of the big guys.

However, Jiang Cheng is also a big guy.

“...... On page P36, this CTT algorithm section, the argument is not rigorous enough. Jiang Cheng did not give face at all, and directly pointed out the problem, "These paragraphs of argument should be added, f(j,t)=..."

Professor Luo Ruihua sat next to him and rarely spoke.

Let Jiang Cheng play alone.

"This kid has really studied deeply enough in this area." In his heart, Luo Ruihua is very happy. "It is estimated that a doctorate will be enough for another two years at most."

Well, fortunately, the thesis he opened had already been discussed with Jiang Cheng.

In addition, the big name of his own professor is here, and he doesn't have to take it out to comment and defend.

Jiang Cheng is still a little bad at this point, so straight that he can only point out problems, and he doesn't even have a "generally good" words.

The paper on multidimensional pulsed neural networks has been hidden for so long and has slowly spread out, but the people who realize that they are useful are still a minority after all.

Even fewer people are really studying in this area.

And the papers of the entire research group will continue to be published in domestic journals, and of course, not everything will be made public.

Relevant patents are also pending, and in this area, Jiang Cheng has led them to the front.


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