Although abandoning Android, the ecological and system problems faced are too big.

But anyway, the chairman spoke, and everyone ran in this direction.

Optimize, continue to optimize!

The engineers led by Lin Feng went back, and the rest of the work was handed over to the mobile phone system research and development department.

Maple Fire Semiconductor just provides chips.

And the success of the tape-out once made Guo Xiaoming very happy.

Just waiting for Lin Feng and a few people, the brothers of the R&D department were called to celebrate in the evening.

Jiang Cheng had something, not together.

Instead, I heard that Guo Xiaoming drank several bottles of red wine at night, and he was already drunk.

You know, tape-outs are undoubtedly huge financial pressure for enterprises.

No matter how well the design is theoretically, no tape-out, everything is still just on paper.

It is said that the success rate of tape-out is only about 30% on average.

In order to be able to succeed in tape-out, many companies have tried their best.

It is said that some companies will find Mr. Feng Shui to show the team engineers, choose the day and direction, just to improve the success rate of tapeouts.

But this kind of thing, you say that he has metaphysics, maybe it's really a little; You say that there is no metaphysics, then it is actually all science.

For example, rice, at the beginning, also said that he would come to engage in self-developed chips, and the whole excited chip, but it was white excitement.

A few times of tape-out, plus the designed chip can't work, and finally burned billions of yuan in vain, can only choose to give up.

This is the famous saying, "Self-developed pork is not fragrant".

But Jiang Cheng is different.

He has a simulated wafer production line inside.

The entire manufacturing process, although more close to theoretical perfection, but the simulation ability is extremely strong.

Although Jiang Cheng has no way to ensure that a wafer fully achieves the perfection of theoretical design and manufacturing process.

But what he can guarantee is that if the chip that comes out of the analog tape-out can meet the design requirements, it will basically be actually manufactured by production lines such as Huaxin International, and it will not be too far from the theory.

If Jiang Cheng announces this, it is estimated that enterprises and manufacturers throughout China and even the world will line up to find Jiang Cheng.

Calling the big guy, kneeling and begging to cut in line first to simulate tapeouts.

Otherwise, the more advanced the process, the more hundreds of millions of films will flow each time!

Who can afford it?

Of course, this is Jiang Cheng's own plug-in, and he can't reveal this.

As for why Maple Fire Semiconductor is so successful every time it taps out?

Hehe, that's the credit of Maple Fire SF circuit design and simulation software, the engineers are powerful, plus metaphysical luck.

When Jiang Cheng thought of this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise again.

Comrade Bing Shaoqing, the road will be paved for you first, and you will wait for your results to come out.


headquarters of Maple Fire.

Chen Feng reported to Jiang Cheng the results of communication with Modu Microelectronics.

"President Jiang, judging from the current communication and understanding, they have launched equity financing, but it is only internal and not public." Chen Feng held the folder and reported, "I made it clear with them that I was willing to invest, and they have not replied yet. "

Internal financing, then it is estimated that they have already had a goal, we rushed in, they are definitely not prepared." Jiang Cheng tapped on the table, "Did you tell them, our company is already a major shareholder of Excellent Precision."

"It has been revealed, I believe they will also investigate."

"That's true, too." Jiang Cheng nodded.

However, Jiang Cheng can also understand that he is still only a rookie in the integrated circuit industry after all, and his reputation is not famous.

It is also normal that these large enterprises do not pay attention.

"Continue to maintain communication with them, we are ready to invest 200 million yuan, but we are required to account for more than 10% of the shares." Jiang Chengdao.

Chen Feng answered.

"The list of new round of investment enterprises proposed by Wei Zhicheng this year, I have initially reviewed it here, and I feel that there is no big problem. Mr. Jiang, take a look. Then Chen Feng handed the folder in his hand to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng took a look.

There are three investment plans.

BI station continued to invest 50 million yuan, newly invested Dazhu laser (light source), Qingyi photoelectric (light mask), each prepared 100 million.

"Set up the investment and financing part, and let Wei Zhicheng be the general manager." Jiang Cheng thought about it and said.

Chen Feng was stunned, "Okay.

"The investment plans are all preliminarily agreed." Jiang Cheng asked again. "By the way, how is the research and development process of the Douyin platform?"

"We are still in research and development, and we still have relatively few engineers in big data."

Douyin is Jiangcheng's Fenghuo Group Holdings as a holding subsidiary.

Chen Feng is responsible for the development of enterprises, and most of the enterprise situation must be understood.

"Okay, I'll take a look when I have time." Jiang Cheng nodded and motioned for him to leave first.

Jiang Cheng then went to EDA's R&D department for half a day to continue to guide software design.

Of course, he is more about testing and feedback issues, and coming up with requirements for the design goals that need to be achieved.

After more than a month of design and development, the original minimalist software has become more and more fleshed out.

And step by step towards Jiang Cheng's envisioned procedure.

Bing Shaoqing and Shen Hao are really worthy of being masters of EDA design software at Mizuki University, and they cooperate very tacitly, with Bing Shaoqing as the mainstay, Shen Hao as the supplement, and the other 3 graduate students are doing some work within their ability.

Of course, they also grow very fast.

In the past month, the R&D department has also recruited more than ten new designers, so that the overall design progress has been accelerating.

Jiang Cheng feels that in three or four months, this software can basically be released in closed beta.

Moreover, this new and bold design concept will be very different from today's EDA tools.

Everything is waiting for the good news.

---- (꒵꜅꒵) -----

rice company, Rebs led the team to look at the newly released Kind 1S from Maple Fire.

Because the Kaede Mobile Kyoto flagship store has opened, they arranged for someone to make a special trip and bought 2 machines.

"What do you think?" After Rebs tried it, he let several other people use it.

Li Wanqiang spoke first, "The system is very good, although it is not comparable to our MIOS, but it is easy to use and learn."

"This phone is cheaper, but it is still worth it, the price of the 2+32G version is 1999 yuan, which is for our base camp!" Liu Ze smiled.

"However, our rice 4 has put a lot of thought, design and appearance, I don't know how much better than their mobile phone, and the performance is stronger." Li Wanqiang nodded.

Rebs said, "What I'm thinking about now is whether our chin button should be canceled too."

Li Wanqiang said, "I think it can, at present, our engineering prototype has not been completely decided, cancel the physical three buttons, and the screen can be slightly larger."

"Is there still time?" Rebs asked.

"It's time." Li Wanqiang said.

"This mobile phone has taken a lot of thought into our craftsmanship, and we must do the best, which is very important for us to impact the high-end." Rebs can see that many manufacturers are now crowded at the 1999 price.

Rice mobile phones, which have always advertised cost-effectiveness, need to hold this price and find ways to impact the high-end.

A mobile phone 1 has just been released, the tall configuration, plus the memory of 3G start, and the price is 1999 yuan, which is obviously for dry rice.

Now it has snatched a large number of Internet hotspots.

Coupled with the fact that the Maple Fire mobile phone arched the fire from below, and the continuous hardness of the Meizhu mobile phone, Rebs had to find ways to make the rice four more exquisite.

"It must be fast." Rebs stroked the Maple Fire Kind 1S in his hand, as if he had encountered an extremely strong opponent.

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