Just when the Type 1 was about to sell out, the Type 1S phone just released and kept up with the rhythm.

Because of the opening of several flagship stores, Mo Tianqing accelerated the pace of research and development.

When focusing on the research and development of Kind2 and EX1, it also began to develop thin and light camera mobile phones, codenamed Q1, according to Jiang Cheng's requirements.

The Kyoto flagship store has relatively few products.

In addition to Kind 1 and Kind 1S, there are some accessories, chargers, data cables, mobile phone cases, in addition to some partners' electronic products, memory cards, U disks, etc.

There are still too few product lines.

Therefore, although Jiang Cheng intends to come small and exquisite, Mo Tianqing's opinion is to take this opportunity to release at least 3 types of models, the EX "pole" series of high-end machines, the Kind system of mid-range machines, and the Q series, which focuses on thin and light photography.

Jiang Cheng was not such a stubborn person and directly agreed.

Let Mo Tianqing let go and act.

After all, he has too many things, no more time to manage and take care of daily operations, understand market information, these are still decided by professional people.

Although Kind 1S did not hold an offline conference, it has attracted many audiences through the early publicity.


And Bai Xiao, who got the mobile phone, said that it was very fragrant.

The new phone system is a little smoother, even the downloaded games, Maple Fire Games' "Honkai World" these seem to be better optimized, the frame rate is stable to play, and the heat control is good.

This allowed him not only to publish publicity in book friend groups and book review areas, but also at night, Bai Xiao took special effects software to make a user's personal use video to share.

Under his processing, the entire mobile phone was enlarged, as big as him, and he was integrated into the mobile phone world on the side, introducing and experiencing the functions of the mobile phone.

To talk about the shortcomings, that is, the system software operation still has room for improvement, the battery is still not large enough, although the screen quality is better, but compared with Sanxing these screens, there is still a gap, and so on.

But for a mobile phone with 1799 and 1999 yuan files, these are not too big problems.

After adding a little special effect with Maple Fire PE software, Bai Xiao skillfully added BGM and passed it to the BI station.

It was only half an hour, and the video went viral all of a sudden.

And the BI station even recommended more videos of these videos promoting Maple Fire's mobile phone, making the popular video even more popular.

"Brother Xiao, you really have leisure, and you still make videos, is it because the supervisor doesn't hand over enough tasks?" Han Wuji shared a two-bedroom, one-room house with him.

At this time, Han Wuji came in and saw him commenting back, and he was also speechless.

He doesn't know what the situation is, since the filming of "Immortal Four" began, Bai Xiao and his workload has obviously doubled.

Of course, Fang Qi is beautiful in his name, he fully trusts the two of them, and he must exercise more to improve their level.

But who wants to exercise who goes to exercise.

However, in the area of overtime pay, the company gives high and very cheerful.

Han Wuji thought for a long time, but still followed to work overtime.

It should be to help Bai Xiao.

"Wu Ji, don't you think we can also make some special effects videos and send BI stations?" Bai Xiao ignored his question and turned around and asked.

Han Wuji shrugged, "Don't you really need to rest?" "

Pick a free time."

"Then you don't have to find a girlfriend?"

“...... Looking for a girlfriend? Bai Xiao was speechless, but then said suspiciously, "Why, are you going to find a girlfriend?"

"I've been working for more than three years, and my mother is urging her to go home on a blind date, isn't your mother in a hurry?" Han Wuji wore big pants and asked enviously.

Bai Xiao was stunned and waved his hand, "Let's not talk about this, I mean, we can make some special effects short videos, like recreating wars in history?" "

..., you whole, I'm not coming, I want to chase my girlfriend." Han Wuji touched his hair, which had not yet become very thin, and planned to find someone he liked while he still had capital.

At least it's better than being forced by your mother to go home on a blind date.

"Do you have someone you like?"

Han Wuji smiled shyly, "What do you think of that cloud zengcai?"

Bai Xiao blinked and thought of the female leader of this group.

Special effects engineer, I heard that the same "old" employees as Fang Qiliang, Yun Zengcai.

People are not pretty, and the body size is a little fat.

God, is it possible, if you have been single for a long time, as long as it is a woman, can you see it clearly?

"Takeki, are you here really? She's a little fat!

"It's just slightly fat, a little meat is good, you know what." Han Wuji scoffed, shook his head, and left directly.


don't have to wait for me to eat later, ha." Outside the door, there was the sound of Han Wuji saying goodbye.

It's over, and I'll live alone again in the future, maybe I will have to eat dog food!

Alas! Let's go to the company and work more overtime.

At present, the special effects company and Maple Fire Entertainment are extremely close, and the filming progress of "Immortal Four" is very fast.

And the special effects studio is also following up, and the production speed is not slow.

It is said that these leading actors have spent a lot of time searching.

Tianhe: Hu Ge

Lingsha: Liu Si

Simengli: Tang Yan

Ziying: Huo Jianhua

Xuanxiao: Jiao Enjun

(blindly found on the Internet, light spray)



after investing in Excellent Precision, Jiang Cheng also naturally touched the double workpiece table developed by Zhu Yi's team.

In Jiang Cheng's huge simulation laboratory, this double workpiece table is very pediatric.

But it is really cleverly designed, and the movement of the workpiece table is extremely accurate.

Of course, the parts involved in this are also very precise.

After taking time to follow the design for a few days, Jiang Cheng also put forward a lot of ideas, which made Professor Zhu Yi feel that the aura had been flashing in his brain.

"Yes, this piece will be better set up with a spiral structure!"

"Yes, such a design can reduce the error

..." "Great, you said so, I thought about it, we can..." Well,

Jiang Cheng has been considered a real genius.

It is the kind of kind that although he is not studying this major, as long as he is given ten days and a half month, some doctoral supervisors may not be able to compare with him.

The more important thing is not that the knowledge is broad, but that the thinking is too agile.

It is a brain that thinks fast and is good at solving problems.

Zhu Yi was still a little reluctant to give up his control of the company, but this idea quickly dissipated.

At the first shareholders' meeting after the equity financing, Zhu Yi very simply supported the suggestion of Liang Xiaoguo, a director sent by Jiang Cheng, to hire a professional manager to manage the company.

Zhu Yi and other teams devoted themselves to the study of double workpiece tables and other precision instruments.

After knowing that Zhu Yi gave up his desire to control the company, Huading Investment did not jump out and still did not express an opinion.

It is better to cooperate and save everyone from embarrassment.

After all, Jiang Cheng is still only a straight doctor, and people are also professors, aren't they?

Not long after Jiang Cheng came out of the fine funeral home, Luo Ruihua and Xu Wei's phone calls came one after another.

Even the words are almost identical!

"Xiaojiang, come to the office, there is a good thing."

"Xiaojiang, are you busy over there, come over quickly, there is something."

Jiang Cheng was a little speechless, after the conclusion of the research group's thesis and the successful completion of Xu Greatman's project, it has been nearly half a month, and he has not seen these two bigwigs contact him.

Why this time, as if it had been discussed, called himself over?

What's the good thing?


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