However, who let the microelectronics institute be next to the fine funeral home.

After Jiang Cheng answered the phone, he directly ran to Professor Xu Wei's office first.

When I arrived at Professor Xu Wei's office, I saw from a distance that he, who had always been serious and training people, was actually talking to Ding Chengjun with a slight smile.

Yo, it's really the sun coming out of the west.

Could it be that Senior Ding Chengjun has made some new achievements?


Jiang Chenggang wanted to knock on the door, but Xu Wei saw him at a glance, "Come in quickly." "

Senior Chengjun." Jiang Cheng approached and patted Ding Chengjun's shoulder.

Ding Chengjun's face was also very good, and he nodded towards Jiang Cheng, "Here it is."

"What's the situation, are you so happy?" Jiang Cheng saw that Xu Wei hadn't said anything yet, and asked directly.

Xu Wei coughed lightly, "That's right, our barrier memory project is very successful, and the commercialization potential is huge, tomorrow there will be big guys to visit, and our project is also part of it."

"It looks like a big guy!" Jiang Cheng guessed.

Otherwise, Xu Wei, who has always kept a straight face, as if others owe him semiconductor materials, would not have smiled so happily.

Ding Chengjun nodded slightly, "The old assembly is coming."

"I'm leaning, awesome!" Jiang Cheng was really frightened when he heard it suddenly.

Xu Wei looked at Jiang Cheng's expression, and also felt that there was finally something that shocked you.

"The notice is around 10 a.m. tomorrow, and you will be in the office by 8:30."

"Am I coming too?" Jiang Cheng blinked.

"Why, don't you want to come?" Xu Wei's face was flat.

"No, hehe, thank you mentor." Jiang Cheng waved his hand, thought about it, but said, "By the way, mentor, if you want to report, can you suggest that the country vigorously develop the integrated circuit industry and set up an integrated circuit college in our school?" "

What?" Xu Wei couldn't keep up with Jiang Cheng's train of thought, "Why did you make this suggestion?"

"Keep up with the times." Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "Mentor, don't you think that our school still lacks many cutting-edge disciplines and professionals in the direction of integrated circuits?"

Xu Wei frowned, thinking, and did not speak.

"Now science and technology are developing rapidly, especially in chip design and chip manufacturing, our country is still very weak, and many majors are still learning old theoretical knowledge and cannot keep up with the times." Jiang Cheng continued.

Ding Chengjun gently pulled Jiang Cheng's arm, he didn't expect him to say such profound words.

Especially when you say this in front of Guy Xu, doesn't it mean that your microelectronics department is outdated and can't keep up with the times?

Xu Wei stared at Jiang Cheng and said, "Then what kind of research do you think you should set up an integrated circuit college?"

"We should merge the Department of Electronic Engineering and the Department of Microelectronics to form a more targeted study on integrated circuit design and EDA design, integrated circuit devices and manufacturing processes, packaging and system integration," Jiang Cheng suggested, "that is, the entire integrated circuit industry, software and hardware are integrated."

"Your suggestion is too big, at least you have to communicate with the school." Xu Wei waved his hand, "I'll click on it when I have the opportunity." "

If you are like Jiang Cheng and directly give advice, where is the school?

Of course, the specific proportions, Xu Wei will grasp.

Jiang Cheng then said, "By the way, mentor, is the patent for this barrier memory going to be licensed or sold?"

"Why, your company has an idea?" Xu Wei asked directly.

"Uh-huh, such a good technology, of course our company wants it. Although there is still a long way to go before commercialization, it is already a very small road. Jiang Cheng said this is normal.

Xu Wei snorted amuseously and said, "I can see that today I am not here to tell you the good news, you are here to fight the autumn breeze."

Jiang Cheng smiled, "This is not the integration of production, education and research!"

"You have also contributed a lot of effort to this project, and you also have a share of credit, you let your company dock." Xu Wei said with a straight face, and then waved his hand to let Jiang Cheng go, "Okay, you go quickly." "

I'm really afraid that if he stays any longer, he will say something earth-shattering."

School of Integrated Circuits!

This kid still really dares to think about it!

However, is today's microelectronics really outdated?

But if you think about it, there are really a lot of outdated places.

What undergraduates learn, it is of little use, even if it is a master's student, the direction of research is not cutting-edge enough, doctoral students are better, there are doctoral supervisors, professors with it, can conduct research on cutting-edge science and technology.

But it's still too slow, too narrow.

Jiang Cheng's words, although fierce, are not unfailing!

----- (ˉ'ˉ)----

However, Jiang Cheng didn't know what Xu Wei thought at this time, he just said what he wanted to say.

Omi and other countries are integrated, the entire integrated circuit industry chain is close, but China is not, not only backward, but also a huge gap.

The only companies with vision are just struggling to support and explore the progress.

But they are all backward foreign technologies.

In Jiang Cheng's eyes, if even top universities such as Mizuki and Kyoto are not at the forefront, then what is the talk of cultivating talents?

All those who want to study deeper, after learning what Mizuki University taught them, if they want to go deeper, they must go abroad.

After studying abroad, I can't come back a lot.

Is life abroad really that good?

Not necessarily.

But Jiang Cheng estimates that there are also reasons why some research fields in China are lagging behind.

After coming out of the Institute of Microelectronics, Jiang Cheng continued to go to Professor Luo Ruihua.

The increasingly hot summer has arrived.

Let Jiang Cheng just walk all the way, and he sweated.

The blue plaid shirt was all sweat stains.

"How did it take so long?" Luo Ruihua looked unhappy, "Isn't the research on Old Ghost Xu's side over?" "

“...... He said that tomorrow there will be a big guy to investigate, let me follow along. Jiang Cheng was speechless and explained.

This Professor Luo is really, so old, he still likes to eat Professor Xu's vinegar.

"Oh." Luo Ruihua was silent, this matter is quite important. "He's lucky."

"By the way, teacher, what's a good thing, I feel that today is not a magpie called the door, two good news in a row." Jiang Cheng and Professor Luo Ruihua were already familiar with each other, and asked with a grin.

"That's right, Academician Zhang Bai and I have discussed and are ready to recommend you to apply for the National Jieqing." Luo Ruihua took out a declaration form and handed it to Jiang Cheng, "Take it back and fill it out well." "

Jie Qing!" Jiang Cheng naturally knew that this was a special fund for Hua Guo to encourage and support outstanding young people to continue in-depth research.

Each person will receive nearly one million yuan to support independent research direction to carry out innovative research. The annual evaluation conditions are relatively strict, generally only about 160 people in the whole country.

Luo Ruihua snorted lightly, "Why, can't you see it?" With

the support of 1 million yuan, Luo Ruihua knows where Jiang Cheng can see now.

But this is an honor, which is equivalent to the official recognition of peers and China.

"How come, thank you teacher, and thank you Academician Zhang for me." Jiang Cheng scratched his head and said gratefully.

"Thank you what thanks, it's just an application, can you come down and say two." Luo Ruihua waved his hand.

Despite this, at least Luo Ruihua took him with him, and he was still very cared for, and many trivial matters of studying for a PhD were exempted from him, and he also set up the platform of the research group to let him do his best.

Just imagine, how many graduate students in the world can only follow the experience of mentors.

Of course, Jiang Cheng's level is not comparable to them.

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