To be honest, Jiang Cheng really didn't pay too much attention to games since he devoted himself to scientific research and computer technology companies.

Including finance, stocks, Jiang Chengdu does not pay much attention.

This also led to some missed investment outlets in the past two years.

But there is no way around this, and Jiang Cheng cannot take everything into his own hands.

Just like those enterprises in the lithography machine industry chain, Jiang Cheng has no money to engage in the whole industry chain holding, and the second is actually not necessary.

Swallowing everything by yourself, not even giving others a bite of soup, in the market, it is difficult to survive.

Unless the size and technology have reached the point of fearlessness.

Jiang Cheng has not yet reached this realm, and he does not want to become a company like Sanxing and become a giant monopoly.

In that way, it is estimated that it will be beaten with an iron fist.

However, some Jiang Cheng still has the impression that companies will make money, and by investing early in the early stage, the later income will be obvious.

After hanging up Qin Jin's phone, Jiang Cheng thought.

Later, he called Wei Zhicheng and asked him to take the time to learn about Xiami Fool Games, if he could, with a minimum investment of about 30-40%.

Jiang Cheng's mentality has changed very well, some investment, he does not seek to control.

Because he already has a Maple Fire game in his hands, it is not necessary to hold a game company.

"Jiang Cheng, Luo Chen is writing female novels again. This time I wrote a time-travel novel, called "The Escape of a Genius Girl". Yu Xinran wore pajamas, walked over with a smile, and sat next to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng was stunned, "What type is this?"

"I probably looked at it, and it was written about the soul piercing the Great Song, a girl who has been a genius since childhood, dissatisfied with the family marriage, and escaped marriage." Yu Xinran pursed his lips and smiled, "I feel that the level of color in the next few chapters is the same as at the beginning."

Jiang Chengran, "These two husband and wife files are going to cooperate to tackle tough problems."

"But it's okay not to be revealing." Yu Xinran asked Jiang Cheng again, "Is your Galactic War Chronicle still written?" Do I feel like I'm going to finish the book? "

In this novel on Maple Fire Chinese Network, Jiang Cheng spent a lot of effort to design, many of which are the cutting-edge knowledge of space exploration in today's literature, and many settings have a strict foundation in physics and astronomy.

It's not just that others seem to believe it, but some astronomers do.

The strange planets are truly beautiful.

"From a small soldier, they are all about to unify the galaxy, and they are almost finished." Jiang Cheng thought about it and said.

The number of words has also reached more than 3.6 million words, and the characters are portrayed with a sense of group portraits, and many characters have very distinct personalities.

Of course, the number of readers has also exceeded 10 million.

The traffic of the entire website has been almost equally divided with Sunrise.

"So will you write another one?" Yu Xinran asked with a smile.

"Well, let's take another look." Jiang Cheng now spends two hours in the studio at night.

Sometimes I also code code on the workstation to make a show.

Yu Xinran is there, Jiang Cheng doesn't want to share all his secrets yet.

But obviously, some changes in Yu Xinran's own memory ability have made her feel some of Jiang Cheng's mystery.

However, she never asked deeply.

It's just mutual research.

But Jiang Cheng didn't understand it, although he had studied it many times, he also felt that Yu Xinran had no other new special abilities later.

Including super computing power.

The ability to simulate a computer, none of this.

He can only guess that when the flowers bloomed, some of her biological cells mutated, and they were only cells with memory ability.

However, for Xinran, having a super memory ability is already very powerful.

---- (✿◡‿◡) -----

mid-August, Jiang Cheng took advantage of the Sunday break to take Lu Xinsheng and Zhang Xiaoyong to Luzhou City, Huizhou Province.

As the chairman of Maple Microelectronics, he still has to spend some energy to pay attention.

At the end of March, the board of directors of Mapple Microelectronics passed the resolution to establish two R&D centers.

General Manager Lv Xinsheng began to contact the Luzhou municipal government in April.

Sure enough, it got strong support from the other party.

The first is the land price of the science and technology industrial park, which can be leased first and then transferred, the lease period is five years, and the remaining transfer fee is paid after five years of meeting the conditions.

Moreover, the annual rent standard of the leased part is 5% of the minimum price standard for industrial land in the current year.

However, at this time, the 3D NAND flash memory R&D center (Fenghua flash) and the DRAM memory R&D center (Great Wall Memory) do not need to build factories for the time being.

It is just a standard factory building rented, shared by two R&D centers.

Through recruitment, up to now, more than 200 talents of various types have been recruited.

However, as soon as the relevant R&D equipment is purchased, the original first phase of several hundred million funds will soon come to the bottom.

Lu Xinsheng estimates that the first batch of investment funds can last less than half a year at most.

However, since the official launch of research and development in June, there have been many difficulties and progress has been slow.

This made Jiang Cheng have to go there in person.

After arriving at Luzhou Airport, the manager of the R&D center has already sent a commercial car to pick him up.

Because he was going out, Zhang Xiaoyong followed him more as a bodyguard.

"This winter, the farther north you go, the colder it gets, but this summer, I feel that the south and the north are almost as hot." Jiang Cheng felt the temperature in Luzhou and felt that it was not much different from Kyoto.

Lu Xinsheng said, "Luzhou is okay, it's not the four furnaces. But in summer, it is better to say that it is better to go in the spring city of Queensland. The

manager of the DRAM R&D center in Luzhou is named Qi Yun, a middle-aged man in his thirties.

Tall and thin, wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, he looked a little broad.

"Jiang Dong, President Lu, the vice mayor of Luzhou City here came to the High-tech Industrial Park yesterday to inspect our two R&D centers, I heard that you came over, and said that you would have a welcome banquet, you see?" While on the road, Qi Yun asked.

Lu Xinsheng asked, "The deputy mayor in charge of industry?"

"Yes, the surname is Xu, and his name is Xu Shanzhan." Qi Yun explained, "I came from the military, so I was more enthusiastic and bold.

Jiang Cheng frowned, "Next time our whereabouts, we can't say it at will." "

If it's a formal study trip or a business event, there will naturally be arrangements.

But like Jiang Cheng, who originally went to check the progress of research and development on an ad hoc basis, it was known locally.

Qi Yun said embarrassed, "Understand, next time must pay attention."

Lu Xinsheng also reminded, "Jiang Dong is right, we are all here to see the progress of research and development internally this time, and there is no external investment arrangement involved, Qi Yun, you must remember next time."


"President Lu go and accompany it, I'll go to the R&D department to see the progress." Jiang Cheng doesn't like to deal too much with politicians, let them go if needed.

Lu Xinsheng nodded, "Qi Yun, the vice mayor will ask, you just said that Jiang Dong had something temporary and didn't come over, understand?"

"Got it."

After all, it is the management of R&D personnel, and Jiang Cheng still understands this.

But subconsciously, he still felt that this person needed to exercise and could not be alone.

When they arrived at the temporary R&D center, Lu Xinsheng and Qi Yun went to receive the leaders, and Jiang Cheng rushed into the laboratory at once.

The huge DRAM memory research and development laboratory, mainly new equipment, is full of space, and these researchers are still struggling to find new design architectures and new design materials.

It's just been more than two months, and there are no results.

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