DRAM R&D Department Laboratory.

Although more than 60 people have been recruited, they are still continuing to expand the recruitment of R&D personnel.

But the research on the entire DDR4 memory chip is somewhat confusing.

Everyone is like a headless fly, not knowing where to start.

Some suggest developing from scratch, while others suggest buying some patents and continuing research and development on this basis.

Chen Shaoji, the director of the R&D department, although he has certain R&D experience in Hinesh, his contact is not complete.

The direction he wants to go is limited everywhere, and it is patented.

Under the introduction of Chen Shaoji, Jiang Cheng carefully understood the progress of current research and development, as well as the problems encountered.

The problem is big.

From the management level, because the R&D center is set up, the R&D director is still not effective, and the enthusiasm of R&D personnel cannot be pulled.

In terms of technology research and development, they did not find the direction of research in these two months.

Pure self-research, from which direction to start self-research? How to circumvent patent blocking?

Buy a patent, whose patent is cost-effective?

This made Jiang Cheng's face very bad.

After a simple meal in the R&D center cafeteria at noon, Jiang Cheng had already thought about how to change the situation in the lounge.

The research and development direction of these two parts is still somewhat unfamiliar to Hua Guo.

In memory research, there are many schools that will engage in research, but most of them are laboratory research, and it is still difficult to form mass production.

For example, Ding Chengjun's graphene memory research is still waiting for scientific and technological progress.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng thinks that in order to achieve the product technology footsteps of the three major enterprises such as Sanxing, Hailix and Micron, we must base ourselves on a certain foundation and continue to study in this direction.

And a better understanding is needed to coordinate the entire research program.

When it was almost 2 o'clock, Lu Xinsheng and Qi Yun returned with a drunken face.

Lu Xinsheng was still sober.

And Qi Yun, Jiang Cheng sent people back to sleep.

Jiang Cheng's face was calm, listening to Lu Xinsheng's report on the results on the wine table.

"Jiang Dong, Luzhou said that he has the idea of investing in our two R&D centers, and more policy preferences will be given at that time." Lu Xinsheng drank some tea and got better.

Jiang Cheng pondered for a moment, "I also intend to change this R&D center into a subsidiary, which is controlled by Fenghua Microelectronics." "

As a research and development center, few people in Maple Microelectronics understand the content of this piece, which is completely to let the R & D personnel themselves hit like headless flies.

The money is spent, but the results are delayed.

Fortunately, for now, most of the money is still spent on the blade, such as research and development equipment.

"That should be better, I have also heard several reports from directors Qi Yun and Liu Chang, and they said that the investment funds in one phase to buy these equipment are almost the same as recruiting these employees." Lu Xinsheng said, "I didn't expect to spend so much money. Originally

, in his mind, there was so much money that should be able to produce results.

But after really getting involved, I found that although these two are called memory, one is flash memory and the other is memory, and there are still many differences in technology.

Data can also be stored after flash memory is powered off, but data disappears when memory is powered off.

"Okay, set up a subsidiary, and accept a round of equity financing, I will discuss with a few directors at that time, and you will report to the board of directors." Jiang Cheng made up his mind.

This is also because he overestimated the talent training in this area today, if there is not enough funds and patent base, it is still too difficult to start from scratch.

Jiang Cheng estimates that he will have to wait for his in-depth research in this area, and then lead the R & D personnel to fight for about a year, which should achieve success.

But not to mention that these two directions Jiang Cheng is not familiar, even if it is familiar, where did Jiang Cheng come from so much energy to split the two halves to guide research and development?

Seeing that Lu Xinsheng was also drinking, Jiang Cheng waved his hand and let him go back to rest.

In the afternoon, Jiang Cheng looked at the research progress of 3D NAND storage.

This is much better than the progress of DRAM storage research and development.

Because 3D NAND is an emerging type of flash memory, jointly proposed by Intel and Micron and other companies, by stacking memory particles together, changing planes to three-dimensional, increasing storage capacity and improving storage speed.

Because of the newer direction, everyone is researching.

And this director Liu Chang, as his name suggests, is very smooth, and the entire R&D plan is more scientific and arranged.

Attempts are underway to design 9-layer 3D NAND flash type chips.

Naturally, Liu Chang and other R&D personnel were praised by Jiang Cheng.

Not only that, Jiang Cheng also deliberately simulated the entire laboratory and put forward several improvement requirements for their design plan.

In the evening, Jiang Cheng and Lu Xinsheng had a light meal at the R&D center.

At the dinner table, Jiang Cheng knocked on Qi Yun after the 3D NAND flash memory R&D center in the watch field

, "DRAM R&D this piece, you have to lead the team to put forward an opinion as soon as possible, what path to take, is it trench type or stacked type?" Jiang Cheng knocked heavily on the table, "It's settled, so that I can lead the R&D team to carry out R&D according to the planned tasks."

Qi Yun's old face blushed, "Jiang Dong, I originally planned to develop stacked memory chips like Hailix and their mainstream enterprises, but there were too many patent restrictions.

"Then delve into the trench type." I read some news and reports a while ago, Mengqida company is about to go bankrupt, their company has developed also grooved chips, this piece, freshman you can go to contact, if you can buy some patents, also report to the board of directors.

Lu Xinsheng nodded, "This piece, if you really need it, we can talk to them."

After dinner, Jiang Cheng did not plan to stay here for one night, and flew back to Kyoto by plane overnight.

Left Lu Xinsheng to work in the two R&D centers for specific scheduling arrangements.

After all, Jiang Cheng is the chairman, and Fenghuawei is jointly invested and established by multiple companies, and it is impossible for him to personally arrange everything.

But soon, Maple held its second board meeting.

At the meeting, issues such as Luzhou State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission's investment in DRAM R&D center were discussed.

Under the communication before the meeting, Jiang Cheng's proposal was quickly passed.

The DRAM R&D center was divided and Changhe Storage Co., Ltd. was established.

Maple Microelectronics holds 51% of the shares; Luzhou Venture Capital Group, a subsidiary of Luzhou State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, invested 300 million yuan, accounting for 25.5% of the shares; Zhicheng Investment Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Maple Fire Group, invested 276 million yuan, accounting for 23.5% of the shares.

Changhe Storage received another 570 million yuan, which will be used to purchase essential patents and carry out trench DRAM technology research and development.

Of course, in this part of the patent, Jiang Cheng requires that he must make a careful judgment and not buy everything.

Some patents are outdated and can be easily bypassed.

There is no need to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to buy a bunch of his patents, but there are not many that can be used.

As for Maple Storage (3D NAND Flash R&D Center), it has not been separated for the time being, and continues to be led by Liu Chang.

After this matter was handled, Jiang Cheng continued to manage the affairs of his Maple Fire Group.

Yang Ziqian, who returned from the United States, officially came to the group to report after a summer vacation for good students.

For this reason, Jiang Cheng has already left his position empty.

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