The vigorous Hua Guo Lithography Machine Industry Alliance Conference was finally held.

The address is the Hua Guo Convention Center, which uses the No. 2 conference hall, which can accommodate more than 300 people.

Of course, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the conference, all participants and non-attendees have arranged accommodation.

One single room per person, right in the middle of the Conference Center Hotel.

In addition to participating and introducing Shen Hao, the people brought by Jiang Cheng took Lou Xiangwan.

He followed as a staff member to facilitate the handling of affairs.

When he checked into the hotel, Jiang Cheng saw Ren Fei, who had been absent for a long time.

He only had an assistant with him, and he was checking in.

"President Ren!" Jiang Cheng stepped forward and reached out to shake one of them.

Ren Fei smiled heartily, "President Jiang, let's meet again!" "

I feel that compared with last time, Ren Fei's mental head is still good, and he does not show old age.

The two went to sit in the side lounge area and let the assistant go to check in.

"The lithography machine industry has always been an industry that we have neglected, and this time the country attaches so much importance to the formation of an industrial alliance led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is very timely for us chip designers." Ren Fei sat down

, and Jiang Cheng nodded, "Yes, I only hope that this alliance will be successfully formed, and then our chip manufacturing will not be subject to people."

"But the chip is not only a problem of design and technology, but also a problem of manufacturing equipment and chemical reagents, which requires the state to pay more attention to basic industries and chemical industries and cultivate more innovative talents." Ren Fei sighed and said.

"You are right, we still do not have enough research on basic science and frontier science." Jiang Cheng agreed, "I have deeply felt this problem in my school now, and many students are only satisfied with the current mature and mainstream scientific knowledge, seeking a master's degree and a doctorate, and finding a good job."

After a pause, Jiang Cheng continued, "But I don't know that these mainstream ones are still outdated, neither cutting-edge, nor in-depth basic research, which is worrying!"

Ren Fei looked at Jiang Cheng's bright and intelligent eyes and said with a smile, "I still need talents like President Jiang!"

Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "You are too prestigious, I only know a little about basic research."

"Yo, Mr. Ren!"

A greeting voice came.

The two turned their heads to see, but a stocky middle-aged man wearing glasses and slightly longer hair combed very stylishly walked over.

White shirt, dotted red tie, pitch-black suit.

The man grinned, but his eyes were shrewd.

"Oh, this is not President Yang, come and come, sit down." Ren Fei beckoned happily and motioned for the other party, Yang Qing, chairman and CEO of Lianxiang, to sit down.

Next to him, there is also a square-faced Rebs, a light gray suit with a sky blue tie.

"President Lei, long time no see!" Ren Fei smiled heartily and said hello again.

"President Ren." Rebs smiled slightly and walked forward.

"This is?" Yang Qing looked at the young and handsome man beside Ren Fei a little strangely.

Ren Fei smiled happily, "Let me introduce you, this is Jiang Cheng of Fenghuo Group Company, President Jiang." "

Shhh, Maple Fire Group?

The two were a little surprised, looked at each other, and then said, "I really didn't expect to be so young!"

Jiang Cheng calmed his posture at this time, but as a young man, he still spoke first, got up slightly, and shook hands with the two, "President Lei, President Yang, I have been famous for a long time, and it is really a blessing in life to see them today."

Rebs said with a smile, "President Jiang's Maple Fire mobile phone is very hot now!"

"Where and where, we are still just a small fight, where is comparable to the three." Jiang Cheng said modestly.

This is not wrong at this time period.

At present, Jiang Cheng's Fenghuo mobile phone sales have not exceeded 10 million, compared to Warwick, rice and Lianxiang mobile phones, it is at least three or four times worse.

Ren Fei said with a smile, "President Jiang should not be presumptuous, I believe that in the future Chinese mobile phone market, the top five will definitely be fine." "

At this time, there are already 4 mobile phones on the field, and the top five are not criminals.

Yang Qing jokingly seemed to say directly, "Then in the future, it is estimated that the Chinese market, I think the four of us can rank in the TOP4."

Jiang Cheng blinked, thinking directly in his heart, even thinking what the hell, and thinking TOP4, hehe, Others, right?

Of course, this time is just a haha, thank the other party for taking a high look at themselves.

Soon, after checking in, Jiang Cheng and Ren Fei left first.

But Jiang Cheng is still a little strange, this is the conference of the Lithography Machine Industry Alliance, why do you want to come with rice!

Do they have self-developed chips?

Ren Fei followed Jiang Cheng upstairs and laughed happily, "President Jiang, isn't it strange how they came to participate?"

"Yes, when I saw it, people were dumbfounded."

"Mr. Lei should have attended as an observer, the big guy personally attended the formation meeting, and it is estimated that the Ministry of Industry also invited many entrepreneurs; As for Lian Xiang Yang Qing, there is a whole machine manufacturer in the computer field. Ren Fei guessed, "But let's not bother with those, my old man is thinking about your big meal!"

"So how about tomorrow night?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Whatever you want, I'll wait for your news." Ren Fei patted him on the shoulder and walked out of the elevator first.

Shen Hao in the back felt the coercion of the business boss and did not say a word.

I didn't expect that this time I followed Jiang Cheng out to participate in the conference, and I could see so many bigwigs.

Ren Fei, Rebs, Yang Qing, and those who don't know each other are all company CEOs.

"Shen Hao, I have familiarized myself with the content in the past two days, but I have to undraft, don't have any problems." Jiang Cheng reminded.

Shen Hao nodded heavily, "Understood." The

manuscript has been familiar with several times, and the memorization can be memorized long ago, but in order to be foolproof, Shen Hao said that he must practice again.

Jiang Cheng nodded and went to his room.

This is just reporting to the meeting, I saw these big guys, and it is estimated that when the formal meeting is held, it will be more lively.

Dinner is a buffet.

Here, Jiang Cheng saw He Ming, the boss of Modu Microelectronics.

The forehead is shiny, and the hair is combed with a large back, but it is all gray.

After introducing each other, He Ming became a little interested in the young man in front of him, Jiang Cheng, a shareholder of the company.

"Mr. He, this meeting is your home venue!"

He Ming was not good at words, and smiled indifferently, "The pressure is very great. "

Although it is not clear yet, it is very likely that as far as the lithography machine manufacturing enterprise, Hua Guo will fully promote Modu Microelectronics."

At that time, of course, there will be huge money coming in.

But it also means that the company has a lot of development and must take care of the interests of all parties.

Jiang Chengdao, "The research and development of the lithography machine is also extremely costly, and there is no point in repeating competition." You can't hide from this industrial chain.

"Yes, now the company only does the most encapsulation lithography machines and accumulates a wider range of experience." The lithography machine of chip manufacturing lacks a foundation, so the pressure is great. He Ming sighed.

The country, society, expectations for them are too great, too high.

And many times, the media does not know those terms at all, and when they see the lithography machine, they think that it is a domestic chip lithography machine, but in fact, it is just a packaging lithography machine.

There is still a long way to go before its own domestic 28nm immersion lithography machine is manufactured, let alone EUV lithography machine.

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, "President He is also not presumptuous, I believe that this industry alliance will allow you to clear many obstacles on the road to development."

"I hope so!"

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