"President Jiang, live up to our mission, we successfully won the case!"

On the phone, lawyer Zhang Wei said calmly as water.

It seems to be a very ordinary lawsuit.

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, "Hard work, I can rest assured of your level." "

Maybe in the parallel world, there is also a magical lawyer Zhang who will send the plaintiff in, but Zhang Wei will not."

He proved himself with strength.

"In this part of the mobile phone industry, there will be more lawsuits and judicial disputes, and I suggest organizing the Fenghuo mobile phone legal department team to carry out training in the near future to improve their level."

"Your suggestion is very constructive, I will ask the human resources department to study it."

Jiang Cheng hung up the phone, feeling that his company was going to set up a special training department, only in this way could he continuously improve the ability level of employees.

After handing this matter over to Chen Feng, Jiang Cheng was ready to go to the second meeting of the presidium of the lithography machine.

The convener is Bai Chunhua, president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The purpose is to discuss the development scheme of the 193nm immersion lithography machine.

The plan was jointly drafted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Modu Microelectronics.

"Everyone has obtained the preliminary plan for the research and development of the whole machine, take a serious look, what are your opinions?" Dean Bai Chunhua spoke.

Jiang Cheng glanced at it a few times and finished reading the plan of more than twenty pages.

There are some feelings in my heart, too conservative, and too many problems.

However, the opening is still the Xian Zhufeng of OPPLE Optoelectronics.

"According to the lens parameter requirements on the scheme, we Opture Optoelectronics cannot provide it for the time being."

The first person to speak embarrassed Bai Chunhua and He Ming.

Bai Chunhua's face turned dark, and said, "Most of these parameters are what you said at the report, we just combined with the research and development needs of the lithography machine, and improved it a little."

"Dean Bai, you don't know, above the camera, if you want to improve the parameters a little, you have to make efforts to ascend to the sky." Xian Zhufeng said busily, "At present, our ultra-large numerical aperture is still far from the requirements of the immersion lithography machine. "

In addition, we need to constantly experiment with calibration, debugging, and image quality compensation." The chief engineer of OPPLE Optoelectronics, who was present as an observer, also added.

These things have been somewhat deepened.

Even Bai Chunhua did not dare to say that he was completely familiar with these fields.

Jiang Cheng had taught and understood some of them, and he was no stranger to what they said.

Bai Chunhua knocked heavily on the table, "The optical system is one of the most important components of the lithography machine, no matter what, we must make a breakthrough, if there is no difficulty, what do we want to do with the alliance?" The

crowd was quiet for a while.

Professor Zhu Yi, the technical representative of excellent precision, spoke, "The double workpiece table components can basically meet the requirements of the scheme, and only need to be adapted to the whole machine. Bai

Chunhua's face was a little better, and he finally had a power.

"Precision control system is also the focus of the research and development of the whole machine, in this regard, excellent precision has been developed in the forefront, we must be firm confidence, I don't believe there is anything we can't overcome the difficulties."

Jiang Cheng raised his hand and added, "Precision control, excellent precision double workpiece table is not much of a problem, but the measurement and correction system is also an important point of attack." "

The research on the whole lithography machine, Jiang Cheng can be said to be more profound than everyone present.

Because in his in vivo hypertechnology laboratory, the simulated 193-nanometer dry lithography machine (45nm process process) has been analyzed by him part by part.

Remind this sentence to tell everyone that it is not that the accuracy of the double workpiece table is no problem, it means that this system is done, and there are still problems!

Subsequently, Huaxin International, Dazhu Laser, Huawei and other enterprise technical experts all issued opinions and suggestions on this plan.

Here Huaxin International is a little indifferent, he is just a chip foundry, in order to support domestic production, he has stated that after the research and development, as long as the acceptance passes, he must buy a set of production lines.

As for the rest, they can only be on the side OB.

Jiang Cheng then expressed his opinion.

"This research and development plan, I feel that I have put in some effort." Jiang Cheng smiled, but then said bluntly, "But there are 13 parameters that are too conservative or wrong, and 6 omissions that have not been deployed."

Jiang Cheng's voice was firm and steady.

It immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"The first place, the light source exciter, the ArF excimer laser used in 193 nanometers, the proportion parameter of hydrogen fluoride will be increased by another 0.1%..."

Next, Jiang Cheng did not look at the manuscript in his hand, and the whole process came out one by one on the relevant problems he just found, and explained his understanding and related knowledge.

The big guys sitting at the conference table, and the technicians attending the table, listened carefully and quickly remembered notes from time to time.

Bai Chunhua was extremely surprised and stared at the young man sitting on the side.

Slightly lost in thought.

His voice was loud and firm, and all the data seemed to be the truth in his mouth.

In his heart, a voice came up.

Listen to him, you can't be wrong.

He Ming of Magic Capital Microelectronics widened his eyes and stared straight at Jiang Cheng.

Fuck, what kind of research is this kid doing? So much about lithography machines?!

Jiang Chengcheng's problem was explained for more than an hour, and several people involved in Dazhu Laser and Optoelectronics took several pages of notes.

"The above are some of my opinions, what is wrong, please criticize and correct." The voice stopped, and Jiang Cheng looked around with pure and flawless eyes.

But the next moment, Dean Bai Chunhua took the lead and clapped his palms, with everyone applauding warmly. "Snap!"

Bai Chunhua was a little excited, "You all take a good look, President Jiang of Fenghuo Company, is his understanding of lithography machines stronger than all of you?!"

Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said modestly, "I only know a little about fur, and I still don't study deeply enough."

He Ming of Modu Microelectronics smiled, "I already knew that President Jiang knew so much about the lithography machine, and he should have let him lead the research and development of the whole machine."

"If President He has this intention, Jiang Cheng is also willing to give it a try." Jiang Cheng replied directly.

"You..." He Ming choked, a little annoyed in his heart.

Sneering, you can also climb along the pole, can't you hear good words?

Several other people were also a little surprised, not only because of Jiang Cheng's brilliant performance just now, but also because Jiang Cheng didn't seem to be as harmless as he looked this time.

Aggressive, actually so strong?

However, they didn't know that Jiang Cheng was in a hurry!

From this plan, he can see that although it is an alliance, if the magic capital microelectronics does not give strength, the entire alliance will be dispersed in half.

Loose and crumbling alliance, what to talk about developing a new lithography machine?

According to this rhythm, Jiang Cheng estimates that it will take at least 18 or 19 years or so to create an immersion lithography machine!

This is definitely not the result that Jiang Cheng wants.

To do this, he had to change his strategy.

Since you can't do it well, then don't do it at all, let me go farther!

Bai Chunhua, as the chairman of the alliance, glanced at He Ming, looked around again, and finally spoke.

"The whole plan, according to the suggestion that President Jiang said, has been reorganized,"

"In addition, Maple Fire Group is also a major shareholder of Modu Microelectronics, I propose that the research and development of the lithography machine this time will be specifically led by Jiang Cheng, and Modu Microelectronics and the member companies of the alliance will fully cooperate!"

"Open the road every mountain, build a bridge when you meet the water!" I don't believe it, there will be problems that we can't solve, we can't overcome! "

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