After the second meeting of the presidium of the alliance, the representatives of Warwick gave Jiang Cheng a thumbs up.

"President Jiang is domineering!"

"Where, it's just the truth." Jiang Cheng waved his hand.

"In the field of the Lithography Machine Alliance, I will follow up with me specifically, but he also explained that most of the decisions are mainly made by President Jiang." The director, Wang Feng, looked kind.

Jiang Cheng nodded and shook his hand again, "Thank President Ren for my trust."

Wang Feng left with a smile.

Bai Chunhua left Jiang Cheng and He Ming behind, ready to talk about the next thing in detail.

It was still in the conference room, but only three people were left at this time.

He Ming, who was expressionless, and Jiang Cheng, who was calm and indifferent.

Plus a dean Bai Chunhua without waves. (In fact, the three people did not smile)

"President He, you don't have any ideological burden, I see that Jiang Cheng has a deep research on the whole lithography machine, and he is a major shareholder of yours, it is appropriate for him to take the lead." Bai Chunhua said to He Ming first.

He Ming snorted softly, "Dean Bai, let's listen to you." "


How could Bai Chunhua, who had already been refined by humans, not be able to see it?

However, he ignored him at this time, and said to Jiang Cheng again, "Jiang Cheng, what are your plans for the next step?"

Jiang Cheng did not reply to him directly, but looked at He Ming, "I don't know Mr. He, how many R&D personnel are there for the new lithography machine of Modu Microelectronics now?"

"It was just formed a few days ago, and now it's only 13 people." He Ming said flatly.

Formed the other day?

Jiang Cheng was a little angry, but the alliance was established on the 9th of last month, and now it has been a month, it has just been formed, and there are only 13 people.

No wonder this scheme is full of errors.

Jiang Chenggang wanted to question, but Bai Chunhua's eyes stopped him.

Bai Chunhua spoke first, "President He, is there any difficulty in research and development at present?" "

The difficulty is certain," He Ming sighed, "The new lithography machine, we have too few talents to understand this piece." My group of people, if there is half the level of Jiang Zong, I will be thankful!

Jiang Cheng thought for a while and said, "In this way, I will take the time to go to Magic Capital Microelectronics to concentrate on research for a period of time, but I need the command of the entire R&D team."

"Hey, Mr. Jiang is willing to come, and we naturally raise our hands to welcome you." It is necessary to grievance Jiang Zong in the position of a research and development director in Modu Microelectronics. He Ming smiled and squinted at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Positions and whatnot, it's just a false name." I don't ask for much, just get an immersion lithography machine this year. "

In 2015, it's not too late.

Today's lithography machine process has entered the 20 nm look, and it will reach 14 nm in the next few years.

If their own immersion lithography machine is developed, through multiple explosion processes, at least 14 nm chips can be guaranteed.

Bai Chunhua was slightly surprised and reminded, "President Jiang, don't be too anxious, let's not mention this year, next year we can successfully develop it, and the task of our alliance can be regarded as excellent."

He Ming chuckled, "President Jiang, you are still young, Dean Bai is right, let's not be too ambitious."

"It's okay, just think I'm young and fearless, blind!" Jiang Cheng smiled indifferently and waved his hand.

Bai Chunhua got up, "Okay, let's do it today, if you have any problems and situations, communicate and dock internally in time."

Bai Chunhua left first.

Only He Ming and Jiang Cheng were left on the field.

He Ming packed up the book and water cup, and looked at Jiang Cheng, "Okay, when will President Jiang come over, call in advance, and I'll give you a good pick up the wind and wash the dust." "


He Ming was stunned, and then smiled, "No problem, I'll arrange it when I go back today."

"It's troublesome Mr. He!" Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand and prepared to shake with one.

But He Ming only nodded slightly, as if he didn't see it, and turned away directly.

Looking at the other party's departing back, Jiang Cheng withdrew his hands, hugged each other's hands, and patted his arms.

It seems that tomorrow's trip to the magic capital will not go smoothly.

---- ╮(╯▽╰)╭----

Magic Capital.

This was Jiang Cheng's first time in the magic capital.

I have heard of the famous name for a long time, but I have never seen it.

His good, his bad, have been heard.

For example, the most economically developed city in China has countless opportunities to make money and make money.

But there are also problems such as discrimination against outsiders by locals.

Jiang Cheng is not a master who likes to drag, and early the next morning, he took the assistant building Xiangwan to take a high-speed train to the magic capital.

It's fast and stable.

Today's high-speed railway in China has become more mature and has formed its own standard system.

First-class enterprises do standards, this sentence is not wrong.

But it must also be seen that it must be a strong company, so that it is possible to do it to a standard.

Just like Maple Microelectronics, the USB-O socket standard and protocol standard proposed by Jiang Cheng have been submitted to the International USB Standards Association and have become an international standard for sockets.

In addition to Maple Micro, there are also some foreign companies that have adopted this kind of insert.

Fenghuo mobile phones, Huawei mobile phones, blue and green mobile phones, plus Kushuai and Huaxing, the market share has reached more than 70%.

All that remains is rice and even thoughts.

And rice, has been ready to gradually replace with USB-O socket, of course, fast charging protocol they are ready to develop their own based on Maple Micro's fast charging standard, just like a blue-green factory.

Maple Micro has developed KC3.0, which will support 40W super fast charging.

It is expected to be rolled out slowly in the second half of 2015.

That's the power of standards.

With the standard, plus its own based on this standard, continuous research and development, at that time, the market will embrace your standard.

And the people who set the standards will control the entire market to a certain extent.

After arriving in the magic capital, Lou Xiangwan drove the rented car to the magic capital microelectronics.

On Zhangxi Road in Modong New District, Jiang Cheng took a car along the west gate and entered the Modu Microelectronics Equipment Group.

But although Jiang Cheng came in, in the morning, He Ming was organizing a meeting above the middle level leaders, and let Jiang Cheng wait in the reception room.

This is when it is almost noon.

Lou Xiangwan was a little breathless, ran to find the administrative department personnel, and asked several times.

However, Jiang Cheng closed his eyes to recuperate.

It's actually doing experiments in the vivo hypertechnology laboratory.

When it was almost noon, He Ming and several managers came in.

"Oh, Mr. Jiang, I'm really sorry, I just conveyed the spirit of the presidium meeting to every middle manager in the morning, so that it was not well received!" He Ming apologized to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng got up and looked calm, "Understand, President He is also for work!"

"Come, let me introduce Mr. Jiang," As he spoke, He Ming pointed to the two people beside him, "This is Cheng Wudu, our vice president in charge of the research and development of the front lithography machine, and next to him is Li Fang, our administrative manager.

Jiang Cheng looked at the two, one man, tall and thin, with a shrewd look on his face, and the other was a young woman, wearing a professional dress, white stockings, short hair to the shoulders, and a slightly plump figure.

"Hello two." Jiang Cheng nodded slightly.

Li Fang was okay and responded, "President Jiang."

The other deputy general manager Cheng Wudu nodded slightly and did not say anything.

In his eyes, Jiang Cheng's trip was nothing more than relying on the alliance and coming in to point fingers.

Therefore, during the morning meeting, he expressed his dissatisfaction, and there was no good face for him at the moment.

As for him being the general manager of Maple Fire Group?

Can he still manage himself?

He Ming snorted, "President Jiang, the company canteen has prepared a reception banquet, please!" "


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