Modu Microelectronics Equipment Group.

Deputy General Manager Cheng Wudu Office.

After Jiang Cheng left, Lu Ming came to his office for the first time and reported Jiang Cheng's situation to him.

"Hehe, you mean, he wants a research and development team of 100 people? Do you want to rearrange the entire R&D plan? "Cheng Wudu is only one meter and seven meters tall, but his stomach is very large, which is obviously tested by alcohol.

At this time, he smiled and couldn't help but be happy when he listened, "Lao Lu, you said that he is the chairman of the Maple Fire Group, why did he come to our company, is it really nothing?"

"I don't know, but listening to him talk about lithography machines, I feel that he is not like a boss, but like a research and development chief engineer." Lu Ming smiled.

Cheng Wudu turned around and walked a few steps, and then sneered, "Okay, then you go back, whatever he wants to say, as he says, but what he wants to do, report it for approval first according to the procedure." "

Since you have leisure to play in the magic capital, then play slowly.

And what about under the banner of the Union? Moduwei is not their final say.

Lu Ming wanted to say more, but he still didn't say anything for a while, "Good." So

, the next day, Jiang Cheng found that one of his requests to use the conference room actually required filling out the newspaper system application for approval, and at least 4 people needed to review and sign...

And I couldn't apply for it.

As for the laboratory, then not to mention.

Jiang Cheng felt that he had a preliminary understanding of the problem of Moduwei.

From the management point of view, the system is still very sound, and in the evening, Jiang Cheng also took a special look, and many departments were still working overtime.

Of course, whether overtime is effective or not, it is not a matter for the time being.

But the gap between departments is really large, and if it is not a strong department, it is basically difficult to get help from other departments.

And all kinds of cumbersome processes trap everyone.

It has become the pursuit of stability and no accidents; There is a series of signatories to bear the burden.

Jiang Cheng found He Ming again.

"Mr. He, it seems that your company does not welcome me to engage in the research and development of the whole machine!" As soon as he spoke, Jiang Cheng said flatly.

He Ming looked at Jiang Cheng and said in his heart, look at you when you hit the snake on the stick to take the lead, how is it now, is it like an eggplant beaten by frost?

Do you really think it's that simple to start a company?

Of course, there was a smile on his face, "Why did President Jiang say this, I have already explained it, and fully support President Jiang to lead the research and development of the whole machine."

Jiang Cheng snorted coldly, "If this is such support, then I can't wait here."

"Eh, President Jiang, I explained clearly, maybe the people below are still not in place." In this way, what you need to do here, tell me, and I will arrange it directly. He Ming patted his chest and said.

"No need." Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "Let's leave here." It doesn't have to be sent.

While speaking, Jiang Cheng didn't bother to look at him, so he turned around and left.

Lou Xiangwan was even more angry next to him, and directly spat on it.

He Ming's face was livid, he clenched his fists, looked at the background of Jiang Cheng's departure, and snorted coldly, "The kid who doesn't have even grown Qi in hair, and he also wants to come to the magic capital to give orders." "

Hit a wall, you know it's a shame, right?

However, Cheng Wudu and these people are indeed excessive, and they will knock and knock next time.

Isn't it good for Jiang Chengduo to guide and guide the research and development of the whole machine?

There are fewer R&D personnel, and there are more of them, and the laboratory has to be organized.

Otherwise, you won't be able to hand over the volume.

-----ヽ(*。 >Д<)o ゚-----

Magic Capital.

The magic capital in winter is not very dry, but the weather is getting cold.

The sun shines through the clouds, basking on the body, warm.

"Jiang Dong, then do we book a ticket to go back, or a train?" Lou Xiangwan asked tentatively.

"Why go back," Jiang Cheng pointed to the Bund in front of him and said with a smile, "Let's go, today we should also go for tourism." "

Huh?" Lou Xiangwan was stunned.

Jiang Cheng patted him on the shoulder, "Go buy something and give it to your girlfriend."

Lou Xiangwan scratched his head, "Jiang Dong, I don't have a girlfriend yet." "

The people introduced were gone a bunch after a pile, and there were a few blind dates, but none of them followed.

Blind dates are like this, boys or girls, it is not easy to look at each other, after all, they don't know each other.

For those introducers, Lou Xiangwan is a real potential stock.

With Jiang Cheng, the chairman of Fenghuo Group, salary and treatment aside, it is also possible to be in charge of a department or subsidiary in the future.

But it is also like this, Lou Xiangwan feels that he is still young, it is a rising career, and he does not have much thought.

It's just that some of the introducer identities are there, and it's not good not to go.

"I remember you're 30 this year, and it's time to find someone." Do you need me to introduce you to it? Jiang Cheng asked with a smile.

"Hehe, Jiang Dong, what you introduced must be good." Lou Xiangwan smiled shyly.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Okay, I made a note of this, and I have the opportunity to look for you." "

Looking at people, Jiang Cheng thinks he is good.

The two went down to the Bund, and Jiang Cheng specially bought Yu Xinran a silk scarf and some pear paste candy.

Lou Xiangwan also bought a lot of special snacks and packed the big back full.

Temporarily put aside the unhappy things, the day seemed calm.

----ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~----

When it was close to leaving work at noon, He Minggang talked to Cheng Wudu, knocked him by the way, warned him to pay attention, and took Jiang Cheng away, and they themselves wanted to lead someone to pull up the lithography machine research and development team.

But before he could think about these things, a phone rang.

But it was the director of Modu Guangxin in the group,

"Zhao Dong, hello."

"That's right, Dong He, regarding some personnel changes in the group, our company proposes to hold a board meeting tomorrow to decide."

"Personnel changes, what does Zhao Dong mean?"

"Oh, it's not interesting, it's not equity financing now, some shares change, and personnel must change logically."

But the convener of the meeting was the chairman, He Ming. "This topic is not mature, I do not recommend holding it."

"This is our formal proposal, and paper mail will be delivered in the afternoon." After Director Zhao finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

He Ming: ??

What's going on?

However, then, another phone rang, but it was the phone of Yi Guobin, vice minister of industry!

"Minister Yi, hello!"

"He Ming, you can't control the company or how? Jiang Cheng put down his body to be the R&D director for you, and you treat people like this? "

I lean on, this Jiang adult just left, the small report has hit Vice Minister Yi Guobin?

He Ming was slightly shocked, and hurriedly defended, "Some management within the company is not particularly smooth, I just told him that I personally and fully support what is needed..."

Yi Guobin was too lazy to listen to him and said directly.


, do you need to officially send a letter in the name of the Industry Alliance Fund?"

"No, no, no, tomorrow at 9 a.m., I will call the directors to the meeting." He Ming said again and again. "Just, this meeting topic?"

"You'll know then." Yi Guobin said lightly and hung up the phone again.

Today this is, poke a hornet's nest?

However, without waiting for him to think carefully about the meaning of this sentence, the next director of Warwick sent Wang Feng's call.

"Director Wang, you want to talk about the meeting of the board of directors, right?" He Ming faintly felt that the sky of the magic capital was about to change.

Director Wang on the other end of the phone was a little surprised by the other party's rush to answer, "Yes, regarding the personnel changes, we propose to hold a meeting of the board of directors tomorrow."

"Tomorrow at 9 a.m., I'll let the administrative staff know about it." He Ming took a long breath and spoke.


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