Friday, January 9.

Li Fang of the Administration Department was still a little confused, but according to the order, organized a board meeting as required.

Before the time, one by one, as if an appointment had been made, arrived one after another at 8:50.

Director Xiao Yang of Modu Electric was still a little confused about the situation, so he sat down in his position at this time and turned his head to ask the person next to him.

"Why did the board of directors suddenly convene again, what is important, why not notify in advance?"


But at this moment, everyone closed their eyes and ignored him.

As for the independent directors sent by Modu Micro Nano Investment, they only came with ears, and his small shares did not matter whether they came or not.

When it was almost nine o'clock, He Ming, who was dressed in black, walked in without sorrow or joy.

"Everyone, the first thing to do today is to re-elect the chairman

of the board of directors..."

Director Xiao Yang was stunned and slapped the table, "Lao He, what the hell are you doing?" Didn't the wine wake up? "

Where is the boss sitting down with a butt, directly raising his hand to speak, and letting others kick themselves first."

Eat fake wine!

He Ming silently glanced at Director Xiao Yang, and coughed lightly again, "If you have any opinions, just mention it."

"I don't agree, there is no need to mention it." Xiao Yang waved his hand directly, and then lay down on the back of the chair with a look of indignation.

Zhao Xin, the director sent by Guangxin in the magic capital, couldn't help but laugh, "Hehe, old Xiao, you should still be before, right?" "

If it was before, with the shareholding situation of Modu Electric, it not only controlled the board of directors, but also directly vetoed the decision.

But that's not the case anymore.

"Damn, Lao He, I told you a long time ago, don't open equity financing, you want, now stupid B, people will sweep you out on the first day they come in!" Xiao Yang slapped the table again and cursed angrily.

But He Ming is still ancient.

Zhao Xin snorted coldly, "Okay, Xiao Yang, this is not a vegetable market, don't slap the table at every turn, it's not useful if your slap is loud." I said it bluntly, I propose that Jiang Cheng of Maple Fire Group be the new chairman. Everyone raised their hands in agreement. For

a while, most of the people on the field raised their hands.

Only 3 people remained.

He Ming, Xiao Yang and a director of micro-nanoelectronics.

Even Director Wang of Warwick raised his hand in agreement.

Xiao Yang's eyes swept over this group of directors who raised their hands, this one by one, actually turned against the sky, and the opinions were so unanimous?

That independent director, actually rolled his eyes and slowly raised his hand?!

"In addition, the industry alliance fund has also agreed and has entrusted me to convey it on its behalf." Zhao Xin was a little happy.

Looking at Xiao Yang's deflated appearance, his heart was as sweet as eating honey.

Boy, let you be arrogant every day, and finally one day it will fall into my hands!

The supporting party, in terms of shares, has already passed 70%, and it can already be said that it can be directly decided.

What is the origin of this Jiang Cheng, who can actually get the full support of so many shareholders?

Xiao Yang wanted to open his mouth to object, but found that he had no reason and qualifications.

He Ming nodded, "According to the rules of procedure, this proposal is adopted." Subsequently

, the whole person seemed to have been drained of all his strength.

The magic capital microelectronics, which has always been decided by him, does not belong to him from this moment today.

Zhao Xin smiled on his face, clapped his hands, and said, "Then, now there is Jiang Cheng Jiang Dong!" "

The door to the conference room opened.

A man in a black trench coat strode forward. (BGM should be here)

He walked straight to He Ming.

The corner of his mouth that was slightly raised, with a smile, "President He, we'll see you again." The

corner of He Ming's mouth twitched, and he stood up a little unsteadily, looking at the excessively young Jiang Cheng in front of him, "Congratulations, Jiang Dong!" "

It seems that he is not hairy, but has stronger scheming and means than himself.

The two stretched out their hands to shake, and He Ming took steps ready to leave.

He Ming is not stupid, when he received that call yesterday, he had already estimated the taste.

By the time I called Minister Yi Guobin in the evening, I already knew that this outcome could not be changed.

Removed himself with his own hands.

"President He, you are still a director, don't be in a hurry to leave, please sit." Jiang Cheng spoke, his voice was not so young at all, but loud and generous, full of magnetism.

Zhao Xin smiled, and his row gave way to a position in turn, "Lao He, come and sit here." "

Sit, still sit in front, but not in the chairman's chairmanship.

He Ming was a little distraught, and subconsciously sat down.

Jiang Cheng looked around at the director in front of him and smiled.

It was Director Xiao Yang who had a fiery temper, and Jiang Cheng also stayed on him for a few seconds before slowly sitting down.

"Thank you all for your trust and support." Jiang Cheng spoke, his voice confident and loud, not the same as He Ming before.

Maybe that's the vitality.

"The first meeting, the preparation is also a little rushed, but there are three topics that need to be discussed," Jiang Chengdao, "Xiao Lou, send the documents." "


There was a sound outside the door, and Lou Xiangwan came in holding the folder, because there were a few more, Li Fang also hurriedly went to help.

Although her mind is full of incredible feelings, what cannot be changed is that the chairman has changed.

It was that "outsider" Jiang Cheng.

I still think carefully about whether I said something wrong or did something wrong when I came into contact.

Of course, these Jiang Chengdu did not know, and now he talked about the topics one by one.

The first is a personnel change, He Ming removed the chairman and is still a director; The position of general manager was removed, Jiang Cheng concurrently served as the general manager, and He Ming was appointed as the deputy general manager, and a pronoun was added, which means that it needs to be assessed and assessed.

Deputy General Manager Cheng Wudu is no longer in charge of the research and development of new lithography machines; Set up a director to directly connect with the chairman and general manager.

Of course, the director is temporarily replaced by Jiang Cheng.

Establish a whole machine process research and development team, with Lian Guanghao as the head of the research and development team; Six important component system docking groups, supervisors to be selected; In addition, there are process calibration groups, material preparation groups, and so on.

It is expected that more than 200 R&D personnel will be required.

The second is the fund and treatment guarantee plan, which mainly includes laboratories, experimental equipment, experimental funds and personnel treatment.

The third item is the optimization and improvement of the enterprise management system and the rectification of the work style of employees.

It can be said that these three issues, one by one, are holding sharp knives to bleed He Ming.

That is to say, you really can't do it.

Zhao Xin looked at it seriously, and a smile spread on his face, "It should be like this, with Jiang Dong at the helm, we will be much more relieved!"

Director Wang of Warwick smiled, "We have explained to President Ren, and we fully support what Jiang Dong wants to do!" Even

Xiao Yang had to admit at this time that this Jiang Cheng really had a set.

At least it's not like He Ming, who will only hand over the problem at the meeting.

As the chairman, he can naturally hand over the problem, but he is also the general manager, if the general manager does not think about how to grasp things concretely, is it possible to rely on those few vice presidents?

Soon, the three topics were directly adopted with the support of several people.

There are too many shareholders who support Jiang Cheng, and the shares have passed the absolute holding line.

There is nothing to say and nothing to suggest.

He Ming returned to his senses and slowly spoke, "Jiang Dong, I also support!"

Everyone looked at him and was surprised to find that he had actually changed his mind so quickly.

He Ming sighed lightly and looked around at the directors present, "It seems that I am old, and my thinking and courage are really not comparable to young people." I believe that under the leadership of Jiang Dong, our magic capital microelectronics can be reborn and win a new life.

Jiang Cheng said with a smile, "President He, you can't be called old, I have already proposed the plan, you, as the deputy general manager, grasp the implementation, but you have to go on." "Good

!" The voice is calm and firm.

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