In the afternoon, everyone rested, and the next day, Jiang Cheng took them to start a visit and inspection tour.

The first stop is the Galaxy 2 supercomputer that Jiang Chengchao dreamed of.

It is located in the East Campus of Zhongshan University, which is also the Yangcheng Center of Hua Guo Supercomputing.

Two rented vans drove onto the campus.

Later, Jiang Cheng saw a red building, embellished with a white frame in front of it, with the words "Hua Guo Supercomputing Yangcheng Center" written on it.

There were several people standing at the door, and in front of them was a middle-aged man with silver hair, wearing a pair of glasses and a plaid shirt.

"Chief Engineer Lin!" Jiang Cheng got out of the car and stepped forward to shake it.

Lin Zexing said with a smile, "You are President Jiang of the Maple Fire Group?

"Yes, this time I came to trouble you." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"Listening to Xu Wei, you are his best and most proud student, and you have already founded the Maple Fire Group at a young age, which is really extraordinary." Lin Zexing smiled slightly, very enthusiastic.

After introducing the group that came, several people went to the supercomputing center under the leadership of Lin Zexing.

First visited the exhibition hall and listened to their people tell the story of Galaxy 2, and then followed into the computer room.

The computer room is very large, with a row of workstations outside with six or seven monitors, and researchers are tapping on keyboards to process large data calculations.

Inside the glass door on one side is a neat row of cabinets like black locomotives, with the word "galaxy" written on it.

The distance between each row of cabinets is only one meter, and the cabinets are nearly three meters high, and in the middle are two LED strips.

"Dear leaders, welcome to the Galaxy II Supercomputing Center, our Galaxy II consists of 170 cabinets, a total of 32,000 main CPUs and 48,000 coprocessors. Although each row of cabinets is separated from each other, they can work in parallel through a high-speed interconnected network.

Next to Lin Zexing, a balding man was introduced with a microphone, he was Chen Jinkun, an engineer in the application department.

After entering the computer room, I felt that the temperature was still relatively cool.

Lin Zexing introduced to Jiang Cheng in the front, "We use water cooling to dissipate heat, and there is a water-cooled plant 3 kilometers away, and the chilled water circulates through pipelines.

Jiang Cheng took a few steps and stretched his hand over the cabinet.

The body stopped, but the mouth asked, "How much power does it consume?"

After Chen Jinkun listened, Langsheng introduced, "At present, the energy consumption of all computing nodes is about 18 megawatts, plus the overall energy consumption of the cooling system is more than 20 megawatts. The annual power consumption for normal operation is about 200 million kWh, and 800,000 yuan of electricity is used every week. "

It's really a big consumer of electricity.

The crowd was a little surprised.

"So much?"

Chen Jinkun said proudly, "That is, our Galaxy 2 has been the world's number one supercomputer since it was built. Jiang

Cheng's hand did not leave the cabinet, but the computer in the body ran very fast.

In one moment, this row of cabinets was simulated to the ultra-technical laboratory in vivo, and the next moment, along the high-speed interconnection network, it quickly extended to the surrounding cabinets.

As if the graphics card loads a picture, the new cabinet is loaded quickly.

But Jiang Cheng found that he could not extend without limit, but had a certain distance limit.

However, in the three basketball court-sized computer rooms in front of you, there is no problem in simulating all of them into the body.

Seeing that it would take a little time, Jiang Cheng looked at the interconnected lines again and asked, "With so many nodes, how did you achieve high-speed interconnection?" "

We provide an interface to a high-performance network through our proprietary MP/BLT (Small Packet/Block Transfer Protocol), including an X16 PCIE 3.0 interface, which is connected to each other through cables and network ports, and ..." Chen Jinkun and others stopped and began to explain at Jiang Cheng's cabinet.

Yang Ziqian listened very quietly for a while, and after listening, he also asked questions.

He is also in the whole big data area now, and some things are connected.

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, very satisfied with Yang Ziqian's performance.

At this moment, it can all be simulated into the body faster.

Two minutes later, Jiang Cheng withdrew his hand.

The huge Galaxy II supercomputer all simulated into Jiang Cheng's body.

The only difference is that it is a pipe and facility connected to the water cooling plant.

But for Jiang Cheng, this is no longer necessary, he knows the principle, he can simulate and design a large-scale cooling facility for heat exchange in the body by himself.

Pipelines can be simulated using now.

After Jiang Cheng finished this time, he was in a much better mood, and communicated with Lin Zexing with a smile.

Including what system the machine uses, what black technology there is, what specific principle is.

Some can be said, Lin Zexing knows everything, but some involve confidentiality, he also briefly skimmed and explained the general principle.

Lin Zexing was very polite, and left Jiang Cheng and his group to have lunch at the supercomputing center.

On the occasion of parting, he also specially gave a small gift, a small souvenir of Galaxy II.

"Xu Wei and I have been friends for many years, if there is anything that needs to use our supercomputer, please contact me and take care of it first." Lin Zexing held Jiang Cheng's hand and said solemnly.

Jiang Cheng's face was slightly red, but the amount of wine was still moderate, and his spirit was very full, "Thank you Chief Engineer Lin, he will come to Kyoto tomorrow, he will definitely inform me."

"Good." Lin Zexing waved his hand.

Chief engineer, this is also a big bull like Xu Wei, this more knowledge, will be a help.

At least far away, in his hands, Jiang Cheng has touched the big treasure of Xinghe Two!

Yu Xinran handed him the water, looked at him with a smile, and said funny, "You, don't you also want us to build a supercomputing ourselves?" "

To build, to be built, but not now." The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth raised slightly, "I don't think much about the CPUs of Intel and agricultural enterprises now."

Yang Ziqian on the car squinted his eyes and smiled, "Does President Jiang think there are better CPUs than these two now?" "

No," Jiang Cheng shook his head.

"That's it." Yang Ziqian then said, "You think of using your own CPU when you want to do so."

"Of course, now our own CPU is under development, although the processor performance is still very low, but I believe that with our excellent design, we will be able to grow into the strongest processor." Jiang Cheng said confidently.

Yang Ziqian smiled, "I like to listen to President Jiang bragging."

Yu Xinran was speechless, "Blindly said, Jiang Cheng is not bragging, what he said will definitely be achieved."

"That's right, so other people brag about me I don't like to hear."

"Huh, you mean Lin Zexing and their Galaxy II bragging?" Jiang Cheng reacted quickly, and immediately heard Yang Ziqian's meaning.

Yang Ziqian smiled slightly, the so-called confidant is like this.

"Do you see less than half of the machines turned on?"

"Well, of the 170 cabinets, only 83 are running on boot, and the rest are on standby." Jiang Cheng thought for a while and said, "However, this does not mean anything, after all, Xinghe-2 is not civilian, maybe there are not many enterprises that apply for computing power."

"This is also, this supercomputing machine is also very powerful, that engineer named Chen Jinkun has a good level, apply this piece." Yang Ziqian nodded and praised objectively.

The level is really there, not fictitious.

It's just that the supercomputing may not be used very full.

Jiang Cheng groped for this Xinghe II in his body at this time, thinking about how to use it.

You must know that with this, in the future, chip design and development, new material manufacturing, Jiang Cheng will be faster.


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