At noon, Jiang Cheng lay on the bed and slept with his eyes closed.

Yu Xinran did not drink, and was busy with work with his laptop.

After all, people are not in the company, and there are still some jobs on Jiangyu Technology's side that will be reported and communicated by email.

But of course, how can Jiang Cheng sleep at this time, he is fully entering the computer world in his body.

There are 17 train-shaped cabinets, each with 10 cabinets.

125 computer cabinets, 8 service cabinets, 13 communication cabinets and 24 storage cabinets.

Placed in the virtual laboratory, it is very impressive.

E5 2692 processor, 12 cores, 24 threads, main frequency reaches 2.2GHz.

Ordinary one, for ordinary people, is already a powerful productive force.

What's more, there are 32,000 E5 2692s.

Whoever comes will be reduced to slag in seconds.

Today, Jiang Cheng is writing small programs that can be applied to computers in the body.

This program is similar to a program for switching systems.

It's just that the usual switching system program just switches different systems on the same hardware platform.

But Jiang Cheng's program is different, he switched to the simulated supercomputing hardware.

The core is consistent, unchanged, and still the lowest biological hardware in the body.

Most of the Mini Programs have been written by Jiang Cheng before, and at this time it is to improve and modify.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Cheng debugged it several times and felt that there was no problem.

Prepare for the first switching experiment.

The internal analog power supply is ready, using an uninterruptible power supply for energy storage, which can output a maximum of 1000W of power.

Of course, Jiang Cheng now only sets up an output of 100 watts.

With this power, Jiang Cheng was still a little worried.

Although it is simulated, the simulated current is too large, which also puts great pressure on these biological cells in Jiang Cheng's body that can be used for simulation.

The cooling system, although not yet very perfect, has now simulated the design of cooling towers and thermal power generation facilities.

Although Jiang Cheng has only one of these devices, he can't mean that he can copy them continuously, or he can redesign and build more powerful devices in the internal computer.

It's just a matter of taking some time.

Although Jiang Cheng can also directly power on and boot in the simulated super technology laboratory, the performance will be greatly reduced.

It is equivalent to opening a virtual machine in a small supercomputer and simulating the operation of Galaxy 2.

Computing power will be limited.

Therefore, what Jiang Cheng is now trying is to switch the hardware system patch on the program that has just been completed.

The next moment, although the power supply of the computer in the body was not disconnected, Jiang Cheng obviously felt the screen flash one by one, and then the small supercomputer began to shut down.

As soon as the small supercomputer was turned off, the entire simulated supertechnology laboratory was also darkened one by one.

Jiang Cheng only felt that the bioelectric current that was dark but still running in his body made him feel that the deep system-level program was still running.

After a while, Starship II began to light up.

Biocurrent starts the self-test according to the boot procedure, which is 170 cabinets, even the self-test also takes a lot of time.

The initial 100W analog current seems to support start-up.

Through the power management program, it will be adaptively given up to 220W if higher is required.

In the full two hours that Jiang Cheng was resting, the powerful Galaxy II finally started slowly.

A series of external monitor screens, see that the system is a Kirin system, if used, can only be said to be usable.

Born out of Linux system, many related programs can also be compatible.

After booting, all nodes were idle, and Jiang Cheng felt good, and there was no problem of emptiness and weakness.

In the body, the original small supercomputing is gone, and what can be seen is this Galaxy Two.

Through his ideas, Jiang Cheng tried to start the simulation again with the stored data related to the ultra-technical laboratory.

At this time, the computing power of Galaxy 2 began to be used.

But only 256 nodes of computing power are used.

The CPU usage is less than 10%.

The heat dissipation starts to boot.

The current carries the fan to blow the heat emitted by the cabinet into the pipe, allowing a large area of biological cells to carry it, and then enter the thermal power station for cooling, and then recirculation.

More or less can still produce some analog power, although it can not be used to support the operation of the system, but as a supplement is no problem.

Estimating the electricity consumption, Jiang Cheng pulled an additional analog wire to the cooling system and distributed 20W of power supply, and the supercomputing power consumption stabilized.

"Jiang Cheng, it's almost time, it's time for us to leave." A jade hand slapped on Jiang Cheng's shoulder.

Jiang Cheng opened his eyes with a smile, and the Xinghe II in his body disappeared from his eyes, still running silently.

One by one, the supertechnology laboratories lit up, although they were not yet operational, but the huge Galaxy 2, supporting their operation, did not have a single problem.

"It's already half past three!" Jiang Cheng looked at the time, and saw Yu Xinran sitting on the edge of the bed.

Yu Xinran smiled and said, "Yes, seeing that you sleep so soundly, I can't bear to call you." But when you sleep and laugh so happily, did you have some kind of dreams?

"Of course, I dreamed that I also have a Galaxy Two." Jiang Cheng smiled, pulled Yu Xinran's hand, and then got up.

"The cost of Galaxy 2 is more than one billion yuan, and our company can't use it now." Yu Xinran thought about it and reminded.

Jiang Cheng smiled, did not explain, and hurriedly washed his face.

"Si Lin, they are all waiting, isn't the next stop to China Resources Gas?" Yu Xinran faced the camera and simply touched up his makeup.

She has always rarely made up makeup, but under the guidance of Li Silin, she still uses a little makeup, mainly moisturizing, sun protection, and eyebrow line.

Naturally beautiful, both good-looking and durable.

Jiang Chengcheng was much simpler, took a towel to wash his face, straightened his clothes, and it was fine.

"Let's go."

--- (●'◡'●)----

China Resources Gas is located in Nanhai District, Foxi City, and is mainly engaged in private special gases.

Including xenon (Xe), krypton (Kr), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), neon (Ne) and so on.

In the lithography machine, the gas used to generate the laser, the ArF excimer laser, that is, the mixture of argon (Ar), fluorine gas (F), and neon gas (Ne) is used.

It can be said that the excimer laser is an important component to realize the immersion lithography machine.

Special gases are an indispensable thing for generating lasers.

In addition, there are vapor deposition, semiconductor doping, crystal epitaxial growth, ion implantation, etching, etc., all of which are inseparable from special gases.

This is also the reason why Jiang became what came to CR Gas to see.

Alas! Not the president of the alliance, but the heart of the chairman.

When I went back to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I had to ask President Bai Chunhua to invite me to a big meal.

It is also an internal visit and exchange between enterprises, China Resources Gas is still very enthusiastic about Jiang Cheng, not to mention that Jiang Cheng's Maple Fire Group is the presidium enterprise of the Lithography Machine Industry Alliance, that is, they Maple Semiconductor Company, the future will definitely build their own production line, then it will also need special gases.

It will be a big customer.

Buying and selling, occupying the market, shuddering.

However, the gas part, Jiang Cheng is not particularly familiar, just visited, but I feel that this enterprise is still good and has development potential.

After resigning the dinner arrangement, Jiang Cheng and his party prepared to go to Pengcheng, stay in Pengcheng for the night, and then go to Warwick.

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