The 2015 Lunar New Year is coming, and the days of the holiday can be counted with a finger.

The employees of the entire Maple Fire Group and its subsidiaries had anticipation on their faces.

It is said that this year's Maple Fire Group and its subsidiaries have very good revenue, and the profit is much higher than last year.

With such a fast-growing company, everyone's motivation is very high, because it means that there is a broader space for development and the opportunity to acquire virtual equity.

The first batch of enjoyment personnel is only the beginning, and the second batch will be extended to the R&D team that has made greater contributions, as well as the middle and senior managers with outstanding performance.

Of course, the equity has just been distributed, and there will be no dividends this year.

But the year-end bonus must be considered.

Zhang Xiaoyong routinely came early to pick up Jiang Cheng to the company's headquarters.

Since the company is a little far away, from Wanliu to Jinghai Road, it is 45 kilometers, and it takes nearly 1 hour to drive smoothly.

"Xiaoyong, did you move over?" On the road, Jiang Cheng looked at the road ahead and suddenly asked.

Zhang Xiaoyong hurriedly said, "I moved over, I moved on the 18th of last month, and the accommodation conditions there are much better, or thank Jiang Dong for taking care of it."

"It's not easy for your family to drift north in Kyoto either. Is the child on vacation now, and reading is not far away?

"It's a holiday, and I'm going to transfer to Yizhuang next semester."

"It's the third year of junior high school, right?" Jiang Cheng had talked before, and the memory could not be wrong.

"Yes, I will be in high school next semester." Zhang Xiaoyong smiled, "Jiang Dong, you remember."

"I remember your lover worked at a restaurant, right?"

Zhang Xiaoyong opened his mouth and said, "She quit her job there, she hasn't worked for the time being, and she is taking care of her children at home."

Jiang Cheng nodded, "At that time, you can go to the cafeteria over there at the headquarters to do things."

"Thank you Jiang Dong!" Zhang Xiaoyong said gratefully.

Wang Hong also said once whether to stay in the headquarters property company, but Zhang Xiaoyong has always been embarrassed to mention this, just let her apply.

But at this moment, the property has just hired people, and it is not needed for the time being.

"Just work with peace of mind, and if you have any difficulties in life, you can mention it." Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "By the way, tomorrow to the fifth day of the new year, you have a holiday, give me the car keys, and I will use them myself tomorrow." "

Today, it's February 15th, the 27th day of the 27th month of the lunar calendar.

According to the holiday regulations, Chinese New Year's Eve the holiday, it is only a 2-day shift.

Jiang Cheng planned to go back on the 16th.

Zhang Xiaoyong hurriedly said, "Jiang Dong, I don't have to take an early holiday..." "

I will stay at the airport when I arrive, and you will come and pick it up when Xinran and I return." Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "You guys better buy tickets to go home early."

"Good." Zhang Xiaoyong had to answer.

But then, he pondered the language and spoke, "Jiang Dong, there is a matter, I don't know if I want to report it to you, maybe I am too careful." "

Oh, you tell me about it?"

"A while ago, a woman took the opportunity to approach my lover and kept encouraging her to do Internet business together," Zhang Xiaoyong laughed at himself, "You know, my lover has no culture, can know what the Internet, I originally suspected that someone was approaching us, wanting to hear news and the like..."

Jiang Cheng still listened to the story at first, but then frowned a little.

After all, Zhang Xiaoyong came out of the scout, and he smelled the slightest movement.

He immediately let Wang Hong quit his job directly and moved into the headquarters.

But approaching Zhang Xiaoyong's lover, it is impossible to find out what news he has, and the target is naturally on Jiang Cheng.

"Later, I took the time to investigate, but the woman never showed up again, and I only found a fairly positive portrait in the store's surveillance." While speaking, Zhang Xiaoyong took out a washed photo from his pocket.

Jiang Cheng took it, a woman with sunglasses, her hair was unkempt and curly, her face was slightly larger, she was about thirty years old, and she was wearing a red coat, which looked a little rustic.

But after all, it is a surveillance photo, which is still a little blurry, and the facial features are not clear.

"Xiaoyong, it seems that someone is already staring at me." Jiang Cheng smiled and handed the photo back to Zhang Xiaoyong.

Based on what he saw was taken, Jiang Cheng had already stored this photo in his body.

Using programs such as face recognition and automatic photo repair that he is very familiar with, he began to quickly simulate the calculation.

Zhang Xiaoyong said, "Jiang Dong, don't worry, as long as this woman appears again, I will definitely catch her."

"Good." Jiang Cheng smiled slightly.

But at this moment, he had a faint anger in his heart.

What they don't know is that Jiang Cheng's understanding and mastery of computers has reached a very high level.

Even though he is studying for a doctorate and spending a lot of energy on microelectronics, he has never relaxed his study and research in the field of computer software.

Including hacking techniques.

What's more, today's Jiang Cheng is a super hacker with the No. 1 Galaxy II in his hands.

As a law-abiding citizen, Jiang Cheng has never been shown in the eyes of the world.

But if someone really approaches with impure purpose, or even malicious intentions to harm themselves and their families, he will not hesitate to use all his strength.

At that time, no one can escape his pursuit.

Unless you live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, you will never leave society.

--- (°ー°〃) ---

is also the time for the year-end bonus to be issued.

Of course, Jiang Cheng's Fenghuo Company's year-end bonus is naturally not comparable to Warwick, but it is not worse than other companies.

The average 6-month year-end bonus allows most people to get about 36,000 yuan at once.

For example, the team that developed SF circuit design and simulation software and developed a new type of resistive memory achieved an average of 12 months of year-end bonuses!

As for the subsidiaries, they are determined on their own basis based on their respective performance and submitted to the headquarters for approval.

Here, the highest year-end prize is Maple Fire Game and Maple Fire Mobile Phone.

In addition, Maple Fire Semiconductor Company is also good, this group of R & D personnel, hard work for a whole year, more rewards, that is as it should be.

After all, hair transplantation also costs a lot of money.


Jiang Cheng did not pay dividends to himself as usual, but only took the year-end bonus.

It's just that Jiang Cheng is also the chairman and general manager of Modu Microelectronics at this time.

There are also plans to give him a year-end bonus.

But Jiang Cheng refused.

I have just taken office, and the time is also in January, and it is not good to get a year-end bonus.

With his own money in hand, he has six or seven million yuan (salary + manuscript fee).

Spending it yourself is inexhaustible.

Jiang Cheng doesn't have the idea of living a luxurious life, on top of life, he really pursues money to be enough.

In the evening, it is the annual meeting of the group companies.

The specific arrangement of these, with Chen Feng and others in charge, Jiang Cheng did not worry about anything.

Some shows are also good, at least Jiang Cheng and Yu Xinran look at it and feel that there are quite a lot of versatile employees in the company.

The rewards of the lottery will all come from Maple Fire's own products.

Mobile phones, tablets, bracelets, watches, smart companion devices, etc.

Of course, there are also cash prizes.

The grand prize went to Shen Hao, a cash prize of 80,000 yuan.

He grinned maniacally and offered to take a few hundred dollars to buy lottery tickets.

What is called hand qi, this is called hand qi.

The excitement quickly dissipated, and the next day, February 16, Jiang Cheng and Yu Xinran stepped into the return of Guanglin.

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