Guanglin County.

Near the end of the year, Jiang Yiping's meals also increased.

Since Jiang Cheng left 10 million yuan to him, he returned to his old business and started a business of deep processing of white lotus.

Rented a factory building in the county industrial park, purchased 2 second-hand production lines for lotus seed juice, and registered a trademark, Guanglinjiangping lotus seed juice.

As for the name of the company, it is also called Jiangping Bailian Food Co., Ltd.

After busy with the familiar White Lotus business, Jiang Yiping was much more active than the dry sitting south grocery store.

And to start a factory yourself, there is less physical effort, but there is more mental work, and sometimes you have to have a plan.

Chen Ru knew that Jiang Yiping liked to engage in the White Lotus business, so she simply transferred the Nan grocery store to Jiang Cheng's aunt and let her run it.

He followed Jiang Yiping to level up this White Lotus Food Processing Factory.

Manage finances.

According to what she said, Jiang Yiping suddenly had so much money, maybe he would be defeated.

This money, but her precious son's!

On this day, the leaders of the county industrial park specially invited the two couples to dinner.

For this reason, Jiang Yiping was still a little nervous.

After all, he has always been accustomed to doing business freely, and rarely has any dealings with government personnel.

On the wine table, Director Li in the garden was still very polite, not only accompanying Jiang Yiping to sit in the main seat, but also showing respect on some details.

This made Jiang Yiping very unaccustomed.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Director Li stated his purpose.

"President Jiang, you two are really good tutors, and you have cultivated such an excellent son, I heard that it is at Mizuki University, right?" Director Li said with a smile.

Jiang Yiping nodded, "I will graduate next year."

Chen Ru bumped him lightly and reminded, "You don't understand, Chengzi is still studying for a doctorate, where is the graduation next year."

Director Li smiled, "Doctor, that's really excellent!" I also heard that he started his own business, and the company is now very big.

Chen Ru didn't let Jiang Yiping say anything, and replied first, "We don't understand these things, and we opened a company." Director

Li toasted one after another, some praise, and specifically picked Jiang Cheng to talk, praising the two of them to the sky, "... I don't know, will he come back for the New Year?

"This, we are not particularly clear, he is busy, uncertain." Chen Ru explained.

"Then your son is back, I will be the host, please have a light meal for your family," Director Li asked with a smile, "Speaking of which, you have engaged in industry in our hometown and brought many people to employment, thank you!"

"This..." Chen Ru understood that their idea was to see Jiang Cheng.

Although Jiang Yiping drank a lot of alcohol, he was still sober, and in these aspects, he did not express his position and listened to Chen Ru.

In the end, Chen Ru did not reply to him directly, but only said that if Jiang Cheng returned, he would ask his opinion.

Jiang Yiping drank alcohol and did not drive, and Chen Ru rode a small electric donkey to take him back.

"This Li, Director Li Ming, probably wants to pull Chengzi to invest and build a factory in the county." On the road, Chen Ru said to Jiang Yiping, who was a little drunk.

Jiang Yiping answered with a squeak.

"You yourself often deal with their people, including other business owners, so be careful not to talk about things." Chen Ru reminded him.

"I know."

"Chengwa will come back tomorrow, you go buy some white radish early, weigh a few pounds of pork, and I'll make dumplings." Chen Ru ordered.


Wearing a thick coat, sitting on a small electric donkey, the cold wind is practiced, blowing Jiang Yiping's head hurts a lot, but in his heart, he is happy.

Jiang Cheng's fame is already very big unconsciously.

Even the leaders of the county paid attention.

*<|:-) --- ----

the next day, early in the morning, but after five o'clock, Chen Ru got up and urged Jiang Yiping to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

According to her, the dishes and meat at this time are the freshest.

Then, I changed the sun-dried four-piece set on the bed, and cleaned the dust of the bookshelves and desks again, and then began the special dishes that Jiang Cheng liked to eat.

Eggplant beans, small stir-fried hammer fish, spicy tofu, vermicelli brisket, and of course, meatballs, dumplings.

It is also used as a New Year reunion dinner.

"Call Xinran's parents later and ask them to come over for dinner together." When Jiang Yiping brought back the dish, Chen Ru took a closer look and was still quite satisfied, which would remind him again.

Since it is the New Year's dinner, naturally all the relatives of the family will invite to the gathering.

In the past, Chen Ru would invite the New Year reunion dinner around the time of Xiao Nian, but since Jiang Cheng went to study, the time to come back was uncertain, and it was relatively late, so he followed Jiang Cheng's time.

When will he come back, when will the family have a reunion dinner.

And Yu Xuemin's family has also become closely connected at this time.

They know that they must have decided that the two will come together, and they are very satisfied with Xinran, a prospective daughter-in-law.

Chen Ru's gesture was very fast, some ingredients were prepared in advance, and now the ingredients of the dish were ready, and only needed to be cooked.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Jiang Cheng's aunt also came to help and wrapped dumplings together.

Jiang Cheng only has an uncle named Jiang Yi'an, and his aunt Li Liangyu, who is three years younger than Chen Rulai.

Jiang Yi'an came to live in the county seat later, and he had just bought a house and had been running motorcycles.

Aunt Li Liangyu used to work as a waiter in a hotel, but now she has transferred to the South Grocery Store to operate.

Of course, the rent is very low.

If the three stores are opened, it is only 15,000 a year.

"Sister-in-law, what time will they arrive?" Li Liangyu asked while wrapping.

"He said it was a morning flight, and it should be almost there." Chen Ru said, and then said towards Jiang Yiping, "Yiping, it's almost time, you hurry to the station to pick up people, but don't be like the last time, you can pick up people." Jiang

Yiping was speechless, he really didn't blame me last time, okay.

But still honestly go to pick up people.

Of course, there was no episode this time, and I kept in touch by phone.

Jiang Cheng and Yu Xinran took the latest bus and arrived at the station at eleven o'clock.

Waking up Yu Xinran, who was sleeping peacefully on his shoulder, Jiang Cheng said softly, "I'm home." "

This county seat, although smaller, is Jiang Chengliulian's hometown.

"Hmm." Yu Xinran stretched his waist gently, "So fast?"

Jiang Cheng gave her a blank look speechlessly, and slept all the way, of course he felt that it was fast.

However, his eyes were full of pampering, touched her hair, and took the jade hand, "Let's go, my father is already waiting." The

two got out of the car, but they didn't bring much, but Jiang Cheng pulled a suitcase and loaded some clothes.

"It's back." Jiang Yiping looked at Jiang Cheng, who had grown a little mature in front of him, took the luggage, and said.

"Uncle." Yu Xinran exclaimed sweetly.

"Hey," Jiang Yiping listened very happily, "your parents will come over for the reunion dinner at noon, let's go home first." "

Hmm." Yu Xinran's face was slightly red, but he flashed and looked at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng blinked, indicating that this was normal.

After returning home, Yu Xuemin and Jiang Yi had already arrived and brought some fruits over, Jiang Yi wanted to help do something, but Chen Ru wouldn't let it.

At this time, the two are waiting for their precious daughter to return.

As soon as the door opened, the two came in.

"Xinran!" Jiang Yi's face was full of joy, ran over, grabbed her hands, "Tired, right?" "


Jiang Cheng scratched his head, "Uncle and aunt."

Yu Xuemin coughed lightly and said to Jiang Yi, "What are you doing at the door, let them in." "

When I entered the room, my eyes were full of familiar relatives, and I looked at them with a smile.

Jiang Chengyi greeted one by one.

Chen Ru, who was busy in the kitchen at this time, rushed out with a large shovel, "Chengwa!"

"Hey, Mom!" Jiang Cheng replied in a loud voice.

Chen Ru, who was wearing an apron, looked at him carefully, "Not bad, not bad, this time I didn't lose weight." "


take care of the pot." Jiang Yiping reminded speechlessly.

Chen Ru smiled and went into the kitchen again, "Rest first, drink saliva, mom made you your favorite dish."

"Good." Jiang Cheng's heart was warm.

"You two, you're all busy now, others go to college, they have an early holiday, and you won't come back until it's almost Chinese New Year's Eve!" Li Liangyu, who was cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks in the restaurant, said with a smile.

Yu Xinran was pulled by Jiang Yi and spoke on the side of the sofa, and Jiang Cheng also sat down and faced Yu Xuemin.

"Cough, do you want to play chess?" Jiang Cheng coughed lightly and looked at Yu Xuemin.

"No need," Yu Xuemin knew that he couldn't do it, waved his hand busily, then looked at him and asked, "Chengzi, what does your company mainly do now?"

"It's mainly chip design and semiconductor manufacturing." Jiang Cheng didn't know what the meaning of his question was, but he simply replied.

Yu Xuemin was stunned, only feeling unconscious, so high-end look, "Eh, then do you plan to invest in the family or something?"

Jiang Cheng blinked, a little puzzled.

?? What's the situation....

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