Although Jiang Cheng said that he did not pay much attention to political matters, with his experience in opening a company in recent years, he quickly reacted.

Looking at Yu Xuemin, Jiang Cheng asked tentatively, "Does Uncle Yu have a task of attracting investment?"

Yu Xuemin was immediately guessed by him, and his face was slightly red, "Hmm." Jiang

Yiping, who had just put his suitcase back upstairs in Jiang Cheng's room, came down, and when he heard these words, he also spoke, "Yesterday, Director Li Ming of the Industrial Park said that he wanted to invite Chengzi to dinner, and it is estimated that he also wanted to attract investment. "

Oh, it's him," Yu Xuemin naturally recognized, "Now each of our units has the task of attracting investment, which is a little difficult to complete!"

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, but did not speak for the time being.

When Yu Xinran heard this, he also sat down next to Jiang Cheng, took his hand, looked at him, and said to Yu Xuemin, "Dad, Jiang Cheng's company here is mainly high-tech, come to our county..." Jiang Cheng

squeezed Yu Xinran's little hand and interrupted her, "It doesn't matter, look back and invest in something else, it is good to help the development of your hometown." "

Hmm." Yu Xinran said obediently, his heart full of joy.

Yu Xuemin had a smile on his face, "Na Cheng, when the New Year is over, I will invite Li Ming and them from the Industrial Park to sit with you." "

Okay." Jiang Cheng answered.

It's just a little money, and it can help the old man, so naturally it's not a problem.

However, what investment and what industry to engage in requires Jiang Cheng's plan.

Although the idea of helping the development of his hometown, that does not mean that Jiang Cheng threw money in to listen to the sound.

A reunion dinner made Jiang Cheng and others eat very happily and lively.

It was wine, and Jiang Cheng also drank a lot.

Near the end, Jiang Cheng pulled Yu Xinran to sit down, and said to Jiang Yiping, Chen Ru, Yu Xuemin, and Jiang Yi

, "In this way, parents, uncles and aunts, there is something that I haven't told you about before, but I think you will all agree."

Chen Ru's heart tightened, and then laughed: Could it be, I'm a grandmother?!

Yu Xuemin guessed it and looked at Jiang Yi beside him.

"I want to marry Xinran after graduating in June this year, what do you think?" Jiang Cheng spoke, and then he also felt that the hands holding his arms tightened slightly.

Chen Ru smiled at this time, "Of course it's good, I just don't know, what do you think of your in-laws?" "

How to look, even the in-laws are called, how else can you look?

Yu Xuemin coughed lightly, "It's okay."

Chen Ruxi raised her eyebrows, took Jiang Yi's hand again, and then smiled again, "Then I see that the time is enough, or after the end of the year, let's talk about it in detail, and settle the matter first?"

Jiang Yi glanced at her daughter, and was also very satisfied with this affair, and immediately nodded, "It's to settle down first." "

They all followed Jiang Cheng, lived and lived together, and the two were also in love for the purpose of marriage, not playing hooligans, and the reputation still had to be had."

Yu Xuemin also nodded, but drank a glass of wine and was silent.

The little cabbage that has been raised for many years is now about to leave home, and he only has reluctance in his heart as a father.

When leaving, Yu Xinran also followed Yu Xuemin and Jiang Yi to go home first.

Chen Ru packed some uncooked dumplings for them, "Xinran, your grandmother didn't come together, this dumpling is brought back to her old man to taste." "


Jiang Cheng sent the three downstairs, and when he came back, he saw Chen Ru smiling happily while cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks.

"Ha, I used to worry about Chengzi learning computers, I was afraid that he would not be able to marry his wife, but I didn't expect it to be so soon..."

Aunt Li Qiongyu said speechlessly, "Chengzi is so good, what are you worried about." "

Oh, this is also..."

Jiang Cheng shook his head and smiled, and went to help clean up, but was quickly driven by Chen Ru to rest.

It was still a warm quilt, which made him fall asleep with some alcohol and sleepiness.

----♥(。 →v←。 ♥ ----

afternoon, Jiang Cheng called Qin Jin.

This kid doesn't know what he's been busy with recently, and he has never seen him take the initiative to chat with Jiang Cheng, even if the email seeds are not sent.

"Hey, Orange, you're back?" As soon as the phone called, Jiang Cheng heard the happy laughter on the other end.

Jiang Cheng answered, "Your kid has been on vacation for so long, and he hasn't seen a phone call, is it separated from me?"

"No, I'm not afraid you're busy!"

"Cut, brilliant Internet café, come quickly." Jiang Cheng said directly.


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Cheng packed up, took his ID card, talked to Chen Ru, and went out.

Now it is very helpless that as Jiang Cheng's career grows, although both of them have learned computers, it is inevitable that there will be less and less communication.

But Jiang Cheng still hopes that this pure foundation will continue.

However, when Jiang Cheng arrived at the Brilliant Internet Cafe, he found that even the signboard had been renovated, showing a few big words: Brilliant Internet Cafe.

This, with the development of the times, even Internet cafes are evolving.


Jiang Chenggang sighed and clapped a pair of hands over.

When he turned around, it was Qin Jin wearing a black tweed coat.

There was a happy smile on his face, his hair remained slightly unmoved, and his chin and beard were a little pulled.

Jiang Cheng raised his fist and slammed it heavily on his chest, "You boy, what are you busy with after the holiday?" With a baby?

"Yes, now I have to take the baby every day, it's too painful." The point is that the kid, who doesn't want me, cries and cries every day. Qin Jin showed a bitter melon face, extremely depressed.

The two chatted while talking, and slowly entered the brilliant Internet café.

The eldest Chen was still there, and there was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl helping the cashier.

"Brother Chen, drive two machines?"

Old Chen's eyes lit up, "Yo, this is not an orange or a mirror, you all haven't been here for a long time."

"I'm going to school, but your business is getting better and better, and you can upgrade the Internet café." Jiang Cheng smiled, looked at the decoration here, or tidied up, added some booths and sofas, so that people can sit and rest.

The eldest elder Chen said with a smile, "This is not to keep pace with the times, if it is not beautiful, everyone will not come." While talking, he took the ID cards of the two and opened the card.

"How's the business?"

"It's a little better off during the holiday, and as soon as I go to school, I will die, and I will check every day, and no students dare to come." The eldest elder Chen sighed, his face pained, "I just renovated the Internet café, if it doesn't work next year, I plan to change careers."

Jiang Cheng smiled, did not reply, waved his hand, and went in with Qin to surf the Internet.

Internet cafes in small counties, without students, will wait for more than half of the business.

And this check is a lot, it is estimated that it is also a good habit left by Jiang Cheng at that time....

Qin Jin sat down and asked, "Orange, what game are we playing?"

"Play the game? No, let's do a few topics first, I'll see if your level has regressed. "After Jiang Cheng turned on the phone, he immediately opened the document, his fingers flew like a fly, and he quickly wrote two topics." After that, let's play a few more games of Dota 2.

Qin Jin blinked, "Isn't it?"

"Oh, do it, I haven't been in touch for a long time, I don't know what your level is." Jiang Cheng pointed to the topic on the desktop.

These are not simple questions, but more practical and require some brainwork.

Qin Jin was helpless, and exhaled a long breath, "Dizzy, orange!" You know why I don't dare to contact you, I'm scared! "

I'm afraid you will take out a thousand Java advanced questions and Java practical problem highlights!"

Jiang Cheng was stunned.

So, is that so?

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