There is a room to stay in the Lotus Hotel, and Jiang Cheng directly booked a room in the hotel, and then called Jiang Yiping for a long time.

Several private rooms were prepared. A roommate sitting Luo Ruihua, Xu Wei, Yang Mingde, and Jiang Cheng and Yu Xinran.

In addition, the company's top management and the county leaders arranged 2 boxes.

As for the rest, most of them sat in the hall.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, Jiang Cheng and Yu Xinran arrived at home.

Jiang Yiping, who picked up the person, looked at it for a long time, "Chengzi, what kind of car did you buy here?" "

Rolls-Royce." Jiang Cheng smiled, and then took the things, "Xiaoyong, you drive to the Lotus Hotel to stay, and tomorrow morning go to Milan wedding dress to decorate the wedding car."

"Okay, boss, you need to call me with a car." Zhang Xiaoyong nodded and drove away first.

"Dad." Yu Xinran exclaimed sweetly.

Since the engagement, the two have changed their words, and they will not be unused to it at this time.

Jiang Yiping's face suddenly had a smile, "Hey, I'm tired all the way, go home and eat first."

"I'm not tired, I'll be back for more than 4 hours now." Yu Xinran said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng shook his head, "You still need to have a high-speed rail station, otherwise it is still not convenient enough to get around." "

High-speed rail, I heard that the high-speed railway from Daozhou to Hongdu will be cultivated at that time, but I don't know if it will set up a station here." Jiang Yiping often deals with all kinds of people, and he has heard a lot of news.

Jiang Cheng was noncommittal, he had heard of this plan in his previous life, but he had never implemented it.

"This matter has to be decided at the national level, and it is useless for others to pass on two sentences casually."

"Maybe it will be repaired in a few years!" Jiang Yiping said.

Yu Xinran agreed, "That's right.

Jiang Cheng was speechless.

Yu Xinran pursed his lips and chuckled, took Jiang Cheng's hand and said, "Aren't you talking on the leader's side now, maybe you will make suggestions at that time, and this high-speed rail will pass!"

"Well, I still have this skill." Jiang Cheng waved his hand.

When he arrived at home, Jiang Cheng found that the home was full of lights, which looked like the New Year.

That is, many things are Chen Ru's vision, some are not young enough, and many decorations are red.

Taking the two to the wedding room on the 9th floor, Jiang Cheng saw the big red four-piece set when he had just moved...

"Ha, don't worry, I washed it all and finally used it." Chen Ru smiled happily, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes rose.

Jiang Cheng looked at it, and his heart moved slightly, "Okay, the wedding day!"

"It is." Chen Ru patted Jiang Cheng's head with a smile, "Big red happy events are going to be repeated, next year you have to give us a big fat boy, you have a big career, it doesn't matter if you don't have time, your mother and I are young, you can help bring it."

Yu Xinran's face turned slightly red.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Okay, okay."

Only then did Chen Ru urge him downstairs.

"The meal is ready, don't be too long, almost come down to eat." Don't forget to remind you.


In the afternoon, Luo Ruihua and the others arrived.

Jiang Cheng arranged for many commercial cars to wait at Linzhou Airport and sent people directly to the Lotus Hotel.

This is currently the best hotel in Guanglin County.

At dinner, there were more than twenty people gathered at once.

After knowing that Luo Ruihua was Jiang Cheng's mentor, Chen Feng and the others showed even more respect for him.

Yu Xinran has already returned home, tomorrow is the wedding day, there are still many things on her side, Zhang Luochen and her two roommates are going to accompany her.

"Let's go, I'll take you around the night view of Guanglin." After the meal, Jiang Cheng invited.

Yang Mingde smiled happily, "If you have something to do, we'll come back by ourselves."

"That's it, Jiang Dong, you don't have to worry about us." Chen Feng spoke.

Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, I think ah, this marriage is definitely not tired of himself, what things my parents have arranged, I, just a puppet, do it according to the rules." "

It's a ceremony for friends and family to witness.

As for the marriage certificate, both have already obtained it.

"You boy, where did the experience come from?" Yang Mingde made a straight face and asked strangely.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "I read it in the book." While

speaking, he led the group to Yanjiang Road.

Because it was June, the weather was already a little hot, but the night breeze at night blew away a trace of heat.

Along Binjiang Road, the lights are hazy.

Luo Ruihua nodded slightly, "Xiaojiang, your small county town is still quite exquisitely built." "

The greenery is good, and the air is good." Xu Wei also commented.

Jiang Chengdao, "The small county town in Jiangnan is still a little far from the city, and the traffic is not convenient."

"Now that there's a high speed, it's not too far." Yang Mingde said.

"Far! Therefore, the outflow of talents and teachers is very large, and in our prefecture, it takes several years to produce a Mizuki and Kyoto university student. Jiang Cheng shook his head and sighed.

Yang Mingde said, "This is also true, the difference between teachers and students in big cities and small cities is very large, and there is no way to do it."

"I actually used to have average grades, and after mastering the methods of memory and calculation, my grades slowly caught up." Jiang Cheng said slowly, "Before, I always thought how good it would be if everyone had a biochip, and their memory and computing power were strong, where would they worry about their academic performance?" "

Everyone is a top student.

No need to roll up.

Xu Wei said solemnly, "Xiaojiang, your idea is very good, and I also believe that with the development of science and technology, the in-depth research on biological neurons will definitely be achieved."

"Yes, it is possible, and it will definitely be realized someday in the future." Jiang Cheng slowed down and looked at the river water in the night.

Several people stopped.

The idea of Jiang Cheng is not an ordinary joke.

Because Jiang Cheng's scientific research ability is too strong.

He may not be able to achieve this goal, but he can definitely go a certain distance towards this goal.

At that time, learning knowledge will no longer be so difficult, and for the entire human race, it will also be a great development and leap forward in science and technology.

Today's development of scientific and technological knowledge far exceeds the scope that ordinary people can learn and master, even doctors and academicians can only achieve mastery and proficiency in a small field.

Even Jiang Cheng, who has a strong plug-in, at present, has a deep grasp of computers, microelectronics, and optical technology, and other discipline knowledge can only be said to be a little involved.

Time is limited, and the energy to study is also limited.

Because it is not to copy the book into the body, it is equivalent to mastery, which still requires Jiang Cheng to constantly learn, remember, and master.

Temporarily putting aside this huge idea, Jiang Cheng said with a smile, "By the way, I am planning to invest in the construction of a hot spring town in the county, and when it is built, when the three teachers are on vacation, they can come and live for a while."

Yang Mingde was a little strange and asked, "Why, you still have hot springs here?"

"Yes, our hot spring resources are still quite rich."

Chen Feng came over at this time and said with a smile, "Jiang Dong, you didn't mean to find a training base, I see if we can set up in your hot spring town!"

"You think beautifully, training is a vacation." Jiang Cheng chuckled.

Chen Feng smiled, "Although it is farther away, it is really good." It's not easy to find such a beautiful place in a big city now.

"It is."

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