The next day, it was the wedding day.

Jiang Cheng drove Yu Xinran first, went to the store to make up, and changed into a white wedding dress.

Of course, Jiang Cheng has to simplify it.

I changed into formal clothes and looked more handsome and charming.

Yu Xinran's eyes smiled, looked at Jiang Cheng, and asked, "How is it, does it look good?" "

Clear water out of the hibiscus, natural to carve." Jiang Cheng praised, "Even if you are beautiful without makeup, it is even more beautiful under simplicity."

Yu Xinran grinned, "You have learned to have a sweet mouth."

Jiang Cheng scratched his head, "Is it? "

I probably learned it in books and TV shows.

The makeup artist in the store smiled happily and said, "You two, one is a handsome guy and the other is a beautiful woman, and you don't need me to wear any makeup."

"Hey, forgot to take wedding photos." Jiang Cheng thought about it and suddenly said.

Yu Xinran shook his head, "It's okay, I know you're busy, next time we have more time, just go and shoot it." After

setting the marriage time, Jiang Cheng was not very experienced after all, plus he had been busy with papers and lithography machines, and he really forgot about it.

"Then the next time comes, let's go on a tourist tour and take a tourist wedding dress." Jiang Cheng thought about it and said.

"Uh-huh." Yu Xinran grabbed Jiang Cheng's hand and looked forward to it.

At ten o'clock, Jiang Cheng sent her home, the main wedding car was also decorated, Jiang Cheng's cousin, uncle, and the group drove to Yu Xinran's house.

It's close, but it's less than 3 kilometers away.

When Jiang Cheng left here, Yu Xuemin's side was already preparing to set off firecrackers.

In a few minutes, the car arrived.

The sound of firecrackers sounded along the road.

"The car in front feels so domineering, what kind of car, I haven't seen it." Neighbors on the side, attracted by the sound of firecrackers, watched the convoy and pointed.

"It looks like a luxury car."

"That's Rolls-Royce, estimated to be several million!"

"It's so expensive!"

"Old Yu's daughter is really blessed."

“...... That is, I heard that the groom is the richest man in our country! "

Huh? Isn't that marrying an old man? "

This you are left behind, the richest man has already changed, it is the one who engages in the maple fire, I heard that four years ago it was still the top student in the college entrance examination in our county, and I was admitted to Mizuki University..."

The discussion rang out after the sound of firecrackers.

Jiang Cheng got out of the car and led people into Yu Xuemin's house.

With the red envelopes, they were distributed as agreed previously.

Yu Xuemin's face was calm, and his heart was still a little reluctant, but he also smiled when he looked at his daughter who was wearing a wedding dress and smiling.

There was no custom of stopping relatives, simply sat down, and after eating a snack, Jiang Cheng saw that the time was almost up, and walked out with people in his arms.

"Xinran, in the future, you two must support each other, love each other, learn to tolerate and understand each other, understand?" Jiang Yi wiped his tears, and Dundun reminded.

Yu Xinran's eyes were also red, "I know, parents, when your daughter is away, you should pay attention to your body, your father should drink less, and mom you will be less angry with students..."

She became Jiang Cheng's wife.

And Yu Xuemin's home has become her mother's family.

This made her, who was already a little emotional, start crying uncontrollably as Jiang Cheng carried her to the side of the car.

"Dad, mom, I'll go back first, and you'll go to the hotel first."

The custom is that the bride holds it all the way to the new home.

Yu Xuemin rubbed his eyes, "Okay, let's go."

Jiang Yi arranged for these six relatives to carry the dowry and put it in the car.

Yu Xinran got into the car and cried in Jiang Cheng's arms.

"It's okay, our two are close, and not very far away, go home and walk a few steps." Jiang Cheng patted her back and comforted.

Yu Xinran sobbed and slowly got better, "I know, but I just remember..." At

this moment, Yu Xinran's bridesmaid and her roommate got into the car and accompanied her.

A group of people, plus Yu Xinran's family sending team, went to Jiang Cheng's house together.

At home, after worshiping the ancestral gods, they went to the hotel for a banquet.

The wedding is progressing according to the process, and there is no need to say more.


in the hall, a wedding is taking place.

Jiang Cheng said there, "The years carry on the promise of this day, and the present day and the dynasty share the white head."

It's warm and warm, and it goes without saying.

Inside Box 3.

Chen Feng, Li Silin, Zhou Chengan, and Chen Zikai, who stayed in Guanglin to be in charge of the hot spring project, followed Ouyang Xing, the county magistrate of Guanglin County, Li Ming, director of the government office, and Li Ming of the industrial park.

Knowing that they are all high-level officials of Jiangcheng Group Company, Ouyang Xing and others are very enthusiastic.

After introducing each other, Ouyang Xing also specially exchanged phone numbers with them.

"Jiang Dong is our pride in Guanglin, he has been a blockbuster since the third year of high school, he got the second place in the province in the college entrance examination, and he was admitted to Mizuki University, I know that his future achievements must be very high." Ouyang Xing said with a smile.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, "Jiang Dong's ability is indeed very strong, he can remember any report, material, and data of the company very well, and he is even more outstanding in scientific research."

Li Silin said, "A few years ago, when he was a freshman, he started Maple Fire Game Company, and now..."

Zhou Chengan answered, "Now our game subsidiary Jiang Dong can't look at it."

"Then how can it be, Jiang Dong trusts you, there is a steady stream of good games to come, and your position in this subsidiary is very stable." Li Silin raised her hand and said.

Ouyang Xing interjected, "How many companies does Jiang Dong have now?" He should have a net worth of billions!

"There are seven or eight companies in the company, and you have to ask Jiang Dong about your net worth." Chen Feng smiled lightly, "By the way, County Magistrate Ouyang, a while ago, didn't our Fenghuo Public Welfare Fund Company donate a teaching building to Jiangluoxiang Primary School in Guanglin?"

"yes, it's under construction now."

Chen Feng smiled, "So, with Jiang Dong here, he will definitely pay attention to the development of his hometown." "

Meaning, it's useless to talk to us, let's listen to Jiang Cheng."

"That's, it's rare that our county has produced such a powerful village sage." Ouyang Xing was still very happy.

Soon the wedding was over and everyone began to eat.

Chen Feng drank the white lotus juice drink in front of him, feeling strangely delicious, "Hey, what kind of drink is this?"

Li Minghui spoke, "President Chen, this is the juice squeezed by the white lotus, an agricultural product from our side. This is still developed by Jiang Dong's father in our industrial park! "

It tastes great."

"How many bottles?"

"The market sells 15 yuan a bottle." Li Ming also did not expect everyone to be so interested, so he explained.

"It's not expensive, a bottle has a volume of 750ml!"

Li Silin suggested, "Our group can also purchase a batch, and the canteen can be on.

Chen Feng nodded, "Good idea, I'll report back to Jiang Dong." Several

people ate and chatted, and soon Jiang Cheng took Yu Xinran, who had changed into a red traditional wedding dress, and began to toast.

"Thank you." Jiang Cheng held the water cup and thanked him first.

"Jiang Dong, you two are very compatible with male and female appearance!" Ouyang stood up and said with a smile.

"That's it, Jiang Dong, born early noble son!"

"A hundred years of good union..."

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