Jiang Cheng stayed at Fenghuo Mobile Phone Company for a while, and also went to the new mobile phone research and development laboratory to see the progress.

At present, there are hundreds of Fenghuo mobile phone R&D personnel, and iterative products are being developed for existing series.

In the Chinese market, the iteration speed of mobile phones is very fast, and designers and R & D personnel have to continue to develop and improve.

Nowadays, Jiang Cheng's Maple Fire mobile phone has slowly formed a release convention

, in January, when the winter vacation is about to be held, release Kind series, Q series (thin and light);

From April to July, when the summer vacation is about to be over, EX series and F series (large screen) will be released;

In September, a facelift or enhanced version was released.

As for the Kind SE series, it is actually the youth version of the Kind series, which sinks at a price of about 1,000 yuan to compete with other manufacturers, and is currently released twice a year.

The specific time is not fixed.

"Azure, I plan to open up foreign markets, mainly for Japan, the Europa League and the bear country in the early stage." Before leaving, Jiang Cheng specially explained to Mo Tianqing. "You send a message out, and people who are willing to go abroad to explore the market, whether they are middle and high-level or ordinary salesmen, can sign up and participate in the screening."

"In the foreign market, I also wanted to go for a long time, I see that the foreign agents of the game over there in Cheng'an are very profitable." When Mo Tianqing heard this, he was very happy and said enthusiastically.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "But the requirement of English is not bad, and there is no problem with basic communication."

"Well, okay, then I'll deploy it first and see how much is willing." However, don't we consider the A3 market? They also have a large population and are a vast new market. Mo Tianqing was a little puzzled.

"The situation in the Three Kingdoms is too complicated, you don't have a certain ability, you can't withstand it." Jiang Cheng shook his head.

In my impression, most of the foreign sales behind rice are in the three countries, but the people behind them directly ban the sale, and they have to be fined.

It is equivalent to working hard for several years and earning it in vain.

Jiang Cheng would rather let their local merchants distribute directly and make a small profit directly.

I don't want to make it uncomfortable.

--(*σ ́∀')σ---

Next, Maple Network Technology Company (Game).

I haven't personally visited these companies for a long time, and when Jiang Cheng came, Zhou Chengan was organizing the first national competition D1 of "PUBG" and the "King of God" competition S1 on his mobile phone.

"Jiang Dong, you haven't come to Maple Fire Game for a long time." Zhou Chengan said jokingly.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Mainly rest assured to you, I looked at it, this year's income is very good."

"That's, or rely on the two popular games "Jedi" and "Shenyao", the current monthly turnover of these two games alone in August exceeds 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Zhou Chengan explained.

This Jiang Cheng naturally knows that it is not the same as the take-off in the previous life, although the Maple Fire Game makes money, it will not have no lower limit.

Not only that, the game "King Shenyao" has added many heroes of the pre-Qin and Tang and Song dynasties, allowing players to learn and understand celebrity stories through character introductions, skill stories and other methods.

In this area, Maple Fire Games has also been praised.

Of course, the younger age of the game, this trend Jiang Cheng has no way.

Jiang Cheng nodded and asked again, "Are the games under development this year the two from the last report?" "

One is Immortal 5 and the other is Honkai World 4.

Zhou Chengan said with a smile, "The main thing is that these two games, in addition to this, mobile games, are also developing new games, and there is already a preliminary plan." "

Show me." Jiang Cheng said.

"Okay," Zhou Chengan answered, notified the assistant, and took Jiang Cheng to the mobile game department.

Jiang Cheng said as he walked, "The current office conditions are still a little insufficient, you can go to see a building, then use part of it yourself and rent out part of it."

Zhou Chengan was very happy when he heard it, "I also have this idea, but I was worried that after handing over the profits, the company did not have so much money to buy the property."

"There should be more than three billion on the account now, right?" Jiang Cheng remembers these numbers well.

Zhou Chengan nodded, "Yes, I expect that in the next 4 months, the situation will be better." "

It's really too profitable, and the creativity of these two games provided by Jiang Cheng directly caused the company's monthly turnover to skyrocket.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "I was building the group headquarters before, so the profit made your company bear a little more, this year you don't have to hand over so much, 500 million is enough, and the rest you can look at a building."

Zhou Chengan smiled, "I have long been looking for a building, in the North Fourth Ring Road, the newly built Star Building, 30 floors, it is estimated that it will take about 4 billion to take down."

Jiang Cheng waved his hand and smiled, "Okay, you guys have seen it, you have worked hard to operate these games, and you should let everyone enjoy a better working environment." "

Eh." With a smile on his face, Zhou Chengan accompanied Jiang Cheng to look at the mobile game department.

Mobile games are Jiang Cheng's most attentive when he was in Maple Fire, and at present, the games that make money and are still in operation are, "Shenyao", "Subway Surfour", "Snake Wars" and "SimCity".

Zuo Zhang, as the director of the mobile game department, was very happy to see Jiang Cheng.

"Jiang Dong, are you here?" Zuo Zhang shouted loudly and jumped up.

Jiang Cheng looked at this guy and smiled, "How do you feel that you have gained weight?"

"Hehe, when you get married, you gain weight." Zuo Zhang scratched his head embarrassedly. "Jiang Dong, we will only know the news of your marriage later, and we are embarrassed to send another message."

"It's okay, the heart is over." Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "What game are you developing now?"

"At present, the ideas provided by the planning department, after preliminary screening, there are so few, Jiang Dong, you see." Zuo Zhang faced Jiang Chengcheng a little better, after all, he was an old employee who had stayed together.

Jiang Cheng took it and looked at it at a few lines, one of the large-scale mobile game designs is a martial arts action game.

"This, in fact, can also be made into a game similar to PUBG battle royale, you can try this direction, of course, the action design should be good-looking, and simple to get started." Jiang Cheng spoke.

In addition, there are racing and action games.

These Jiang Cheng did not say anything, "The current planning department is much better than we were at that time, everyone's creativity can emerge, which is very good, everyone continues to work hard and make better and better games." Chi

Fei from the planning department was also there, and he was also very excited to hear Jiang Cheng's praise, "Jiang Dong, you are the most powerful planner, if only I could get your guidance."

Jiang Cheng shook his head, "I don't have so much time, but my dream is to create a game in a virtual world, which requires the development of technology to a certain height!"

"Is that the kind of consciousness connection that goes into the virtual game?" Chi Fei asked.

"This is too sci-fi."

Jiang Cheng smiled, "I look forward to the day when I can make a real big-budget game with you."


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