Since it is called a pressurized water reactor, it naturally requires a large amount of cooling water.

The Dawan Nuclear Power Plant is built on the seashore with artificial islands to use a large amount of seawater as cooling water.

After all the simulations, Jiang Cheng also felt that although the principle of this nuclear power plant is not difficult, it is not easy to really build.

In particular, there is a need to strike a balance between security and stability.

A nuclear leak can be a very serious accident.

Although Li Zhenming wondered why Jiang Cheng had been talking while touching the device with his hand, he didn't think much about it, but was surprised by Jiang Cheng's erudite and professional knowledge reserve ability.

It is worthy of being the youngest academician, worthy of the name!

After the simulation, Jiang Cheng also participated in a discussion here to discuss the safe use of nuclear power.

“...... At present, the international research is on the fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology, that is, fast neutron reactors, which do not use uranium fuel but plutonium-239 as fuel. When Li Zhenming's chief engineer next to him discussed, he talked about the fourth-generation technology, "Our Dawan nuclear power plant, although the technology is slightly old, but the victory is safe and stable, the annual power generation exceeds 10 billion kWh, mainly for supplying the port city."

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Along the way, I feel that the operation and management of your power station are very standardized, and the safety awareness is very high, which is also worth learning."

"Is Jiang Dong also interested in developing nuclear power?" Li Zhenming asked curiously.

"Good." Jiang Cheng did not shy away, and said directly, "At present, our company intends to enter space, and the future energy problem is a big trouble." Compared with solar energy, nuclear power is more stable.

"It is." Li Zhenming abruptly, "However, as far as our power station is concerned, the power generation efficiency is very high, but this heat dissipation problem is also a very troublesome thing, and this problem will still become a big trouble in space."

"Of course, we don't know much about space, and I believe Jiang Dong will definitely be able to have a better solution."

Jiang Cheng smiled, "After the award, now we have just entered this field to do research, we are still students, this time I went to your station to study, I gained a lot, and I have the opportunity in the future, I believe we must still have the possibility of cooperation and exchange."

"Jiang Dong is too modest."

After the meal, Jiang Cheng left the Dawan Nuclear Power Plant with people.

On the way, Zeng Qiang, an engineer at the energy research center on his side, asked a little puzzled, "Jiang Dong, although this Dawan nuclear power plant is stable, it is an old technology after all, if we want to research manufacturing, should we directly study fast reactors?"

"What fast heap?" I don't want to study this nuclear power. Jiang Cheng waved his hand.

"So, what are we going to do next?"

"Nuclear fusion." Jiang Cheng said directly.

"Nuclear fusion?! Controlled nuclear fusion? Not only Zeng Qiang, but the other two engineers in the car were also stunned.

Jiang Cheng nodded and glanced at them, "Not bad." Nuclear fission is easy to achieve and controllable, but the subsequent disposal of nuclear waste is too cumbersome. Another

point that Jiang Cheng did not mention is that in his opinion, from the perspective of the development of the universe and element reserves, nuclear fusion is a more reasonable development direction.

Hydrogen accounts for more than 98% of the elements in the universe.

Stars like the Sun undergo nuclear fusion all the time.

This stable fusion could last for billions of years.

Of course, the key reason why the sun can undergo nuclear fusion is that the mass is large enough and the gravitational force is strong enough.

For humans, the key to achieving stable and controllable nuclear fusion such as the sun is to provide a stable and reliable fusion environment for this device.

But nuclear fission is not the same.

It is not easy to produce heavy metals such as uranium and plutonium in the universe, which are produced by supernova explosions.

The heavier the element, the harder it is to form the element.

On Earth, these raw materials suitable for nuclear fission can not be regarded as particularly numerous, and the reaction is controllable, but the efficiency is very low, a large amount of nuclear waste will be produced, radioactive and strong, and a large amount of cooling water is required to maintain the core temperature of no more than 2000 degrees, so it is not particularly safe and convenient.

Jiang Cheng briefly said his plans, and then said, "I will go back and give you some materials to study, and understand the direction of our research."

"Okay." Zeng Qiang and the others immediately agreed.

They can imagine that their research will be more advanced and groundbreaking in the future.

"The current research agency for controlled nuclear fusion is ITER, should we also join it?"

"No, let's study our own. However, the superconducting tokamak research on the Huaxia side is better, we can learn to understand, but just to understand their principle, the key is to have newer and better results in materials, design, and even theory. Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said.

He maintains enough respect and humility for the current progress and achievements of research for all mankind, but these do not mean that the path they are taking is necessarily the right or the only way.

And these roads, some core technologies will not be so easy for the other party to show.

Even the powerful technology that Jiang Cheng himself has researched cannot be given to others casually.

Several people naturally responded.

Jiang Cheng could see that they were still full of confidence and enthusiasm for this research at present.

And these enthusiasms, in the face of future difficulties, will also quickly dissipate.

Because controlled nuclear fusion is really too difficult.

Unlike the Sun, the Sun is gravitationally constrained and can continuously and steadily carry out nuclear fusion at all times.

However, in a reaction device such as a tokamak, one needs to use methods such as magnetic confinement to achieve controllability.

Many problems and difficulties such as raw materials, materials, and efficiency are in front of Jiang Cheng.

This time the research, he did not have a complete implementation plan, can only be said to have a deeper understanding through the virtual laboratory.

That's why Jiang Cheng thought of a way to connect with Yu Xinran, because he needed an assistant too much.

A close friend who can carry out scientific research together.

Jiang Xinwan may grow infinitely in the future, but she is still too young now, and there is still a lot to learn.

You must know that Jiang Cheng uses extremely powerful supercomputing, and he has never stopped learning all kinds of knowledge, but the mastery of cutting-edge knowledge and technology in various fields will still find that the

more you know, the more you feel that you don't know.

When he returned to the Pengcheng headquarters, Jiang Cheng arranged a visit plan for the EAST superconducting tokamak.

Finally, in December 2020, I successfully simulated it.

Warmly shaking the hand of the person in charge, Jiang Cheng had a big smile on his face, "If there is a big change in energy technology in the future, the key is to thank you!"

In his heart, Jiang Cheng could only give 666 likes, "Thank you Lao Tie for the tokamak!" "

One is a nuclear fission reactor and the other is a nuclear fusion reactor.

Jiang Cheng fully simulated his virtual laboratory.

It's time to get ready and delve into the world at the atomic level.

This is the basis of everything in the world.

Even people are made of many atoms such as carbon.

There are secrets of the universe in this.

There is also hope for technological takeoff.

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