The Energy Technology Research Center under Maple Fire Group is located on the east side of Pengcheng's headquarters, where a superconducting nuclear reactor laboratory is under construction.

Due to the particularity of this laboratory, the location of the Energy Technology Research Center is close to the sea, and there are almost no people around.

A new 12-metre-wide expressway has been completed.

The research center building, staff dormitory, and the main body of the laboratory building have all been completed by more than 60%.

That's just over four months.

Jiang Cheng was in the headquarters office of Maple Fire Group at this time, and Yu Xinran tried the first experimental cooperation.

After the shared virtual lab was established, Jiang Cheng shared the permissions through the software, and pulled in Yu Xinran, who had just closed his eyes and entered the world in his mind.

This was the first time Yu Xinran had seen a laboratory of tens of thousands of square meters so realistically.

Looking up, you can see the high "roof", lit up, making the whole laboratory very bright.

There is a lattice-tiled road in front of you dividing the two sides, with several smoke-pipe-like buildings on one side and cylindrical metal equipment on the other, three or four stories high, like claws, sticking out a few short metal passages.

And himself, as if without gravity, can move at will.

Because it is online, the appearance of the two people is projected into a stereoscopic image.

"Jiang Cheng, is this the virtual laboratory?" Yu Xinran covered his mouth lightly, surprised.

It made her feel amazing, a bit like a fantasy novel.

But the pure scientific environment made her quickly dismiss this idea.

"Yes, on the left is the Dawan nuclear power plant, which is the nuclear fission experiment, and on the right is the superconducting tokamak EAST." Jiang Cheng explained.

Yu Xinran was a little puzzled, "Then what experiments do we do?" "

Superconducting controllable nuclear fusion."

"I've also seen some information, this nuclear fusion requires magnetic confinement, materials are a big problem, right?" Yu Xinran thought about it and said.

"Yes, so to engage in our own nuclear fusion technology, we must first start with materials." Jiang Cheng said, "I'll teach you how to use the virtual lab now.

As he spoke, Jiang Cheng slowly guided Yu Xinran.

"In the virtual lab, we can control it very freely through our minds, including disassembling the structure and simulating the operation..." As

Jiang Cheng spoke, the huge tokamak was broken down layer by layer, allowing her to view the detailed design of the entire equipment very conveniently.

"In addition, all the materials we need, although they are simulated, cannot be made out of thin air, and in the laboratory, there are currently a lot of experimental materials, but they are not very complete."

"Our next task is to develop materials that can adapt to the first wall and core reaction site of a tokamak-like nuclear reactor device."

Yu Xinran listened carefully, and it felt very new and powerful.

"You see, this is our own superconducting tokamak in Hua Guo, and the material in it is..." Subsequently, Jiang Cheng disassembled EAST and analyzed it in detail with Yu Xinran.

"Tell me, what conditions are needed for deuterium and tritium to continue to undergo controlled fusion reactions?" Jiang Cheng asked while instructing.

Fortunately, Xinran has also spent time these days to understand the cutting-edge knowledge of related aspects, thought about it for a while, and said, "First of all, the conditions for the ionization of the two isotopic elements of hydrogen, and this condition must be stable and continuous;

"Secondly, it is necessary to let ionized deuterium and tritium guide the fusion reaction to achieve a relatively stable reaction cross-section, and third, it is the problem after the reaction, according to the announcement, after the reaction of deuterium and tritium, helium and a neutron are generated." Neutron radiation brings a huge amount of energy and also destroys the inner wall material of the reactor, which must be solved.

Jiang Cheng said appreciatively, "You are right, but there is another point, that is, natural tritium does not exist, and this needs to be recycled to generate, which is also a troublesome matter." In

just about a month, Yu Xinran through targeted self-study, especially to the library of Pengcheng University, after listening to related professional courses, now Jiang Cheng sees, Yu Xinran is obviously more suitable for cooperating with himself to engage in scientific research.

At least the initial research idea is there.

Scientific research is like this, when you encounter a problem, solve it.

Under Jiang Cheng's hand-to-hand guidance, in just one day, Yu Xinran has mastered the use of the virtual laboratory very easily, and quickly became familiar with the operation of relevant simulation instruments.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng and Yu Xinran had one more thing at night.

That is between 9 p.m. and 12 p.m., joint scientific research.

The first step in scientific research is the problem of materials.

In order to make nuclear reactors withstand high temperatures of up to 2,000 or even 3,000 degrees, ordinary iron is not up to the task, so new materials must be selected.

Jiang Cheng intends to develop carbon nano + ceramic materials.

Carbon nanotechnology is a technology that Jiang Cheng has long been familiar with and mastered, and he has a very clear understanding of the performance of carbon nanotechnology.

Ceramics are slightly less mastered, but they can't resist the fact that Jiang Cheng simulation laboratory can try and configure almost infinitely.

Jiang became the master, Yu Xinran was supplemented, and some preliminary plans would be discussed together, and the feasibility would be discussed, and Xiao Feng would quickly carry out experiments according to his own design.

Of course, many experiments still need Jiang Cheng's own hands.

Xiao Feng's ability lies only in the performance of the materials produced by the fine adjustment of different parameters under the same experiment.

At this point, Jiang Cheng is not comparable to Xiao Feng, for example, some proportions and parameters of the carbon nanoceramics being experimented on, in a range, Xiao Feng can simulate thousands of times in a few seconds.

Then, the multi-core computing power is used to test the performance synchronously.

The best of the best.

After the two carried out research together, there were many more topics.

During the daytime at the company, I often go to the research center to promote the progress of research together.

By January 15, 2021, carbon nano-ceramic materials, with the joint efforts of the two, were finally developed.

Not only resistant to high temperatures, but also not afraid of neutron impact.

Jiang Cheng also whimsically uses carbon nano-coating and also absorbs neutron collision energy to achieve power recovery!

In this way, the input energy to maintain the nuclear reaction is reduced to a certain extent.

After all, to be honest, if the energy required to maintain nuclear fusion is too high, especially higher than the energy output of nuclear fusion, then this device is meaningless.

The first step in superconducting controllable nuclear fusion, the inner wall material, is solved.

The next step is to improve the magnetic confinement technology.

However, at this time, Jiang Cheng had to slow down the pace of research.

Because the new year is coming again.

2020 is a special year, because of the influence of Y, it has more or less inconvenient for everyone's life.

But fortunately, many academicians gave strength, the "Guanshan" protective protein prepared by Jiang Cheng's team, the Y seedlings made by Academician Chen and other teams, and the semi-finished special drugs developed later, so that Hua Guo did not suffer the destruction.

And the large-scale procurement of foreign countries has slowly dissipated this Y sentiment.

Full return to normal track.

Since there was no infected person, or could not be infected, these diseases also quickly dissipated and became an episode in the history books.

And the return to the normal world has not greatly affected the development of Maple Fire.

Jiang Cheng looked at the financial statement in front of him, and his heart was still quite satisfied.

It should be said that the world's top 500, the first strong is their own, right?

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