Time passed quickly, and by June, Xu Shaoxiong of the China Space Administration told Jiang Cheng that the project had been approved, and the next step was feasibility assessment and preliminary design.

Of course, after all, this base is China's base in overseas African countries, and there are still many things that need to be coordinated between countries.

This is not something that Jiang Cheng has to worry about.

But he can also imagine that the space launch center project in Kenya cannot be promoted in two simple years, and must be prepared for five years.

During this period, Jiang Cheng will spend at most time with the project team on the design of the base, and more time will accelerate the development of a prototype of the fusion reactor.

During Jiang Cheng's research trips to Kyoto, Xijing and other places, the research center's team is working intensively to build according to the design drawings.

The entire nuclear reactor covers an area of nearly 1,000 square meters, of which the core reactor is 9 meters high and covers an area of about 6 square meters.

The current construction difficulties still lie in superconducting materials and laser ignition devices.

The inner wall material and pulse strong magnetic design have been broken through, and several other difficulties are only difficult points, and the R & D team can solve them.

It just takes time.

After Jiang Cheng returned to Pengcheng, Yu Xinran had already led the team in the research center to overcome the material problem and was rapidly advancing construction.

At the same time, for safety, in the design process, many unexpected problems were also taken into account, and Jiang Cheng also designed corresponding countermeasures, which need to be carried out simultaneously during the construction process.

After Jiang Cheng returned, it also made Yu Xinran very happy, which means that the two have already carried out virtual experiments online.

"So urgent..." Jiang Cheng was a little helpless, but he was still happy to take Yu Xinran into the world of scientific research.


The next day, June 9, the day the college entrance examination ended, Maple Fire Technology Company officially held a new product launch conference.

This time the press conference, Liu Zixuan chose to conduct it in the magic capital.

The huge press conference hall uses the main exhibition hall of the World Expo, and from the entrance to here, there is a strong publicity atmosphere.

"Change from the future!"

"The world is right in front of you!"

"Do whatever you want!"

Along the road, there is also Liu Zixuan's Fenghuo EX series theme song sung by the current popular singer Zhou Qian, and the elf-like voice makes the fans and media who come to the press conference feel very comfortable.

Fans are highly concerned, and the media is watching tightly, for fear of missing a little information.

Some media even started with a picture, and the rest was all made up, but there were still a lot of clicks and views.

Because the Maple Fire EX series has represented the world's highest level of mobile phone design.

Although the Maple Fire EX7 mobile phone has not changed much compared with the previous generation, it is generally more stable and easy to use, and many people have no need to replace the phone after changing this mobile phone.

But when the new machine is released, they are still very concerned.

According to Fenghuo's consistent urine, every two to three years, it is necessary to make some different black technology, and even give the mobile phone a big innovation.

It's like the original full screen, and then the folding screen.

Many companies are following suit, but in the end, they do not have new screen display technology, they can only choose the inner folding screen.

Instead, Warwick's mate X series insisted on the same external folding as Maple Fire, and even purchased the polymer miniLED folding display screen of Maple Display Technology Division.

It has become a stunning double of users choosing folding screens.

It can be said that in the current global mobile phone market, Maple Fire has deserved the first gradient, and the Maple EX series, Q series, and the latest main shooting and thin Liuyun series mobile phones are amazing and liked products in major foreign countries.

It is the basic version of the Kind series, which is currently also at a price of 3,000 yuan, and any one is comparable to the flagship machine of the general brand to use smoothly.

Bai Xiao, who became the general manager of the company, no longer had so much leisure time to attend the press conference, but he was also very concerned, let Chen Sisi go to the magic capital to participate, and let her take pictures to show him.

Of course, in addition to some old fans, this time the venue is very large, and some new fans have also arrived.

The press conference of more than 260 people was very lively.

Before that, the media and fans did not know what the Maple Fire EX8 mobile phone looked like, and some people even climbed the model approval and filing situation of the Ministry of Industry, but they found nothing.

Instead, I saw some strange things.

There is a product numbered Shef11, which is a delicate bracelet, and another is a necklace, which makes these people who dig the bottom confused.

Is Maple Fire ready to enter the jewelry circle?

"Up lord, take more pictures on the right, I see a super beautiful girl on the side."

"Sisi, can you see the prototype of EX8?"

"Hey, Lord Up didn't know what we were going to see and walked away."

"Who is the spokesperson this time?"

Chen Sisi glanced at the barrage in the mobile phone and said, "Just looked at it, the publicity here does not have a model style, it is estimated that it is the same as before, it will not be announced until the press conference."

"In addition, the spokesperson is still Brother Hu."

Barrage a burst of "666" sound.

"Fenghuo is dedicated enough, and the EX series has always been Hu Ge."

"Brother Hu doesn't have any scandals, it's good."

"The kind that tastes better the older you get."

"Sit back and wait for the phone to be released."

After verifying the information, Chen Sisi entered the press conference.

The stage in front became a huge screen, which read: "Do whatever you want - Maple Fire's summer new product launch".

Below is a line that says, "Maple Fire EX8, brand new for you!" Then

she saw the intellectually beautiful woman. The current head of Maple Fire, Liu Zixuan.

The white top, with off-white cropped pants, coiled hair, and light makeup are still very attractive.

The beauty of the intellect is fully explained in her.

But what surprised her a little was that Liu Zixuan was wearing a single lens glasses on her right eye, which was a little strange.

Is that thing the new Maple Fire AR smart glasses?

Chen Sisi took a picture of the situation in front of the venue and the venue, and introduced to friends in the live broadcast room, "These several Fenghuo mobile phone conferences allow self-media to broadcast live, and 5G cooperation with China Mobile can realize the 5G high-speed connection of hundreds of people in the venue, and also allow more people to see Fenghuo's new mobile phones for the first time."

"This is also a manifestation of Maple Fire's growing confidence."

Someone sent a message from the barrage, "Maple Fire Mobile was the first in the world last year, and it is still the first in the first quarter of this year, and it is estimated that there is no problem in continuing to win for several years." "

/ Bitter death, I just feel that the Maple Fire EX series is really unaffordable!"

"Last year's flagship Maple Fire EX7, now it is still sold for 9999 yuan, can you believe it, the second-hand idle fish market also costs six or seven thousand..."

You can buy the Maple Fire EX3 or EX4, this second-hand market is cheaper, and the performance is still carrying. "

“...... Big brother, it's 2021, you let me use a mobile phone for 16 years? "

Don't look down on the Maple Fire flagship four or five years ago."

"Holding the Maple Fire EX4, I don't feel like changing the machine."

"I can't afford to say it bluntly, I don't laugh at you."

“...... Ironed, old heart. "

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