The time soon arrived at 3 p.m. sharp.

Under the display of the large screen in front, a short video shows the concept of Maple Fire Man to climb the peak, and asks the question of what our mobile phone should be like in the future.

These questions were briefly answered by some Maple Fire fans and representatives of related industries.

It's just a 3-minute short film, but everyone in the audience feels that this may be another revolutionary new product launch event that defines mobile phones, and their hearts are more excited.

At the moment when the short film ended, the lights above the stage flickered, and in the center of the stage, a two-dimensional boy with flame hair slowly appeared!

"Hey, my friends, I'm Xiao Feng, and I'll host this new product launch today."

While speaking, his hand was still making gestures.

Very cute and cute.

Everyone was a little shocked, this is a naked-eye holographic projection effect?

For a while, those guests were calm.

"This is the first time I have hosted such a large press conference, and I am a little nervous, will everyone applaud me and give me some confidence?"


At this time, everyone reacted and applauded one after another.

Xiao Kaede listened, and then jumped up, "Okay, thank you."

"Just now through the short video, we saw the concept of Maple Fire's mobile phone determined to talk about peaks, I believe everyone also knows the meaning of our Maple EX series." Xiao Feng said, his hand was faint, next to him, the huge display dissipated and became a beautiful stage background, and in the direction of his hand, showing the current sales of Maple EX series mobile phones.

"Since the creation of the EX series, it has been well received by consumers, especially the Maple EX7, since its release, domestic sales have reached 9.6 million units, foreign sales have reached 16.35 million units, lightweight folding method, more powerful performance, more understanding of your system, let us feel everyone's love for Maple EX series."

"So today, we brought the brand new Maple EX8 mobile phone, I believe everyone is looking forward to it. Now, she will be revealed by our beauty president, Ms. Liu Zixuan! Please!

While speaking, Xiao Feng also made a cheering spin of 360, which made people feel very amazing.

Liu Zixuan, dressed in simple but intellectual, stepped on high heels and went on the stage.

"Distinguished guests and friends, good afternoon! I'm Liu Zixuan.

"Besides, there's Xiao Feng!"

Xiao Feng said hello very cutely, but did not speak, but signaled that the stage was hers.

Liu Zixuan took a single mirror, lightly clasped his hands in front of him, and said to everyone, "As you know, the Maple Fire EX series has always been the top flagship of Maple Fire's mobile phones, and it is also one of the representatives of the ultimate performance and pioneering mobile phones in the world. He led the trend of full screens, and also led the fashion of folding screens. So today, how do we define the new Maple Fire EX8?

"As the phone of the future, what should it look like?"

"I think he may not be holding this straight mobile phone in his hand, even if it will be thinner and easier to fold in the future."

Liu Zixuan introduced with a slight smile, but it made people feel that she was extremely confident.

But everyone in the audience was thinking about this at this moment.

Yes, what will the phone of the future look like?

Maple Fire EX8, what will it look like?

"So attentive friends must have seen it, I am wearing this glasses now." Liu Zixuan pointed to the glasses and began to enter the mobile phone introduction. "Isn't that a little strange? Because this is our Maple Fire EX8!


"Oh my God!"

"This, the phone has become glasses?"

"Isn't that funny?"


a while, not only the people in the field, but also the barrage instantly brushed the screen.

"Haha, 666, it turns out that Maple Fire EX8 is glasses."

"It really blew my eyeballs."

Liu Zixuan waited for the audience to digest this information before nodding to Xiao Feng.

The next moment, Xiao Feng stretched out his hand and pointed a finger, and the screen behind him was transformed into a display screen in Liu Zixuan's glasses.

Everyone saw this simple and special display screen.

"Yes, this is our Maple Fire EX8 phone." Liu Zixuan reconfirmed to everyone who was surprised, "But it's not just such a glasses.

"More than 30 years ago, when mobile phones appeared, they were always handheld objects, fruit 4 brought a new touch interaction, Maple EX3 mobile phones brought a real sense of full screen, but these mobile phones are inseparable from our hands."

"We always need to hold the phone in one hand, use the keys or touch the other hand. Nowadays, the increase of the mobile phone screen, especially after the folding screen is unfolded, it is no longer realistic to think of one-handed operation.


"Maple Fire EX series, always a mobile phone to explore the future, but also a mobile phone that is not satisfied with the status quo, his philosophy, his existence, is to climb the highest mountain!"

Liu Zixuan's voice increased, but it was still pleasant, "So, today we bring you a brand new Maple Fire EX8!"

"A new style, new definition, new interaction and new feel of EX8!!"

Xiao Kaede duly added the effect of fireworks to the virtual projection screen.

These words also made everyone's hearts tighten, what is the magic of this phone?

"The entire Maple Fire EX8 mobile phone consists of 3 parts."

The projection screen switched to show the three-piece set of the Maple Fire's mobile phone.

Hosts, glasses, and biochip neurons.

The first thing to show to everyone is the host.

Liu Zixuan's white and smooth arm stretched out, showing a jasper bracelet she was wearing.

The screen zooms in on this detail and shows it to everyone.

"This, this is the host?"

"Isn't it a jade bracelet? How did it become a host?

"Hey, this slender jade hand, it's so delicate, I can play with my hands for years..."

In addition to the discussion, some LSP voices were also mixed in.

Liu Zixuan continued, "For the first time, we explored separating the main part of the mobile phone from the screen part, making the main body smaller and thinner, and now it is a bracelet. "

In the process of wearing, it hardly makes me feel a little more weight, it is very light, fitted, delicate and beautiful, and we invited Bai Jing, a design master in the jewelry industry, to design a total of 10 types of male and female host styles for us, which is very classic and attractive."

Everyone was really confused.

"This, design mobile phone, how to become design jewelry?"

"This design seems to look good."

Some boys who are just about to get married are even more eye-catching, if this is the case, is it possible to buy the Maple Fire EX8, and save the money for buying a bracelet?

This is a double win!

Kaede, you are so sweet.

Next, Liu Zixuan has already begun to introduce the host parameters, and the screen also shows how Maple Huo puts these chips and even batteries in a small bracelet (bracelet) through a three-dimensional effect.

"Our processor, using the latest Phoenix T550 chip, has 12 large cores, automatic turbo frequency 4.8GHz, 6 small cores, 6 virtual cores, and the main frequency is 3.6GHz. 72GB resistive memory, 2TB of carbon-based storage..."Thanks

to the leapfrog development of our carbon nanobattery technology, the Maple Fire EX8 host has a powerful battery of 10,500 mAh, and after not needing to supply screen power, normal standby has reached a terrifying 60 days!" Normal use can be up to 10 days, even if it is a heavy use of full-power copying machine, it can be used for 4 days!! "

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