As the youngest elementary school graduate, 5-year-old Jiang Xinwan took the examination for elementary school promotion.

After coming back, he was showing off with his grandmother Chen Ru, saying that the topic was too easy, and he guaranteed full marks.

Chen Ru naturally smiled so hard that he hugged Jiang Xinwan and held him high, "My family is the most powerful late night, even more powerful than your father."

But at this time, Jiang Xinwan was not so proud, and pouted, "Or Dad is even more powerful, I still can't understand his books!"

"Then you are still young, you will understand it in a few years!" Chen Ru kissed her and was very happy. "Your dad is still playing in the mud at his age!"

If before, this age may still be in kindergarten, but the talented Jiang Xinwan finished the primary school curriculum early, not to mention, she is involved in a wide range of knowledge, among which the most interested are astronomy, the universe, physics, chemistry.

She even begged Jiang Cheng to prepare a special laboratory for her.

But considering that Jiang Xinwan was too young and there were problems with experimental safety, Jiang Cheng denied it.

Just promised that when Jiang Xinwan was 10 years old and admitted to university, he would design and build her own private laboratory.

Jiang Cheng and Yu Xinran just came back and heard Chen Ru's words.

Jiang Jiang's horse was full of black lines, "Mom, you are digging my black history!"

"What kind of black history is that, I haven't said that you were chased by a big yellow dog and jumped into the field when you were a child!" Chen Ru said with a smile and put down Jiang Xinwan, "I don't even know!"

Yu Xinran pursed his lips and chuckled, "I really don't know."

Jiang Xinwan ran over and said happily, "Our junior high school exam is over, I should have a full score."

"My baby daughter is awesome! You are rewarded with a set of exam papers in the evening. Jiang Cheng smiled and gently tied his beard in his arms.

Yu Xinran gave him a blank look, "It's good that you want to turn your daughter into a problem-making machine!"

Then said to Jiang Xinwan, "Mother will make you food in the evening." "

Uh-huh, it's better to be a mother." Jiang Xinwan immediately smiled and went to stick to Xinran.

Chen Ru said, pulling Jiang Cheng to sit down, "You have been on a business trip for a few days, so you are tired."

"No, I'm in good spirits!" Jiang Cheng waved his hand.

"By the way, I told you something, your cousin Xulin talked about a girlfriend, saying that he was going to bring it back during the summer vacation. Your dad and I are going back to Guanglin in the next two days. Chen Ru then said.

Jiang Cheng naturally remembers that his cousin Jiang Xulin was a college student who entered in 2016 and graduated last year, and after graduation, he was admitted to the national civil service and worked in a ministry in Kyoto.

It is also a very good employment.

On the day of the admission, his uncle Jiang Yi'an was very happy, and specially called Jiang Cheng to thank him.

The written test was met by Jiang Xulin himself with his own skills, but in the interview and inspection, Jiang Cheng helped to speak.

He is now a celebrity who can reach the heavens, whether it is political or economic, and it is natural to say hello without violating the policy.

"Oh, where is it?"

"Kyoto people, Kyoto hukou." Chen Ru said, "Your aunt is still very worried, I don't know if that girl will look down on their family. "

“...... Think too much. Jiang Cheng was a little speechless.

Chen Ru smiled, "I said yes, Yi'an's family has also improved a lot in the past few years, Xulin is handsome and talented, what is there to worry about." What about the Kyoto hukou, and it's not very bullish. With

the accumulation of Jiang Cheng's wealth, Chen Ru's vision was also much higher.

Yu Xinran hugged Jiang Shan Yi, "Is there a photo of a girl?"

"Oh, look."

Chen Ru handed over the EX7 mobile phone, and in the unfolded screen, there was a woman with light makeup, her hair fluttering, and her face was slightly sideways and smiling.

"It's still good to look at, not that kind of vitriol."

Jiang Cheng looked at Chen Ru funny, "I didn't expect you to look at your face!"

"You don't understand, it comes from the heart, some people can see it."

Yu Xinran nodded, "It looks quite cheerful, what do you do?"

"It seems that he is also a civil servant, I don't remember exactly where." Chen Ru shook her head. Although she often video chats with Li Liangyu, talking about those parents, she does not know anything about the situation of government departments.

Then he looked at Jiang Cheng, "Your aunt asked if you had time to come back and help see how about people?"

Jiang Cheng asked, "What time is exactly?"

"Xulin hasn't taken annual leave yet, I want to wait for your time." Chen Ru said.

Well, now that he has become a celebrity, everyone has to go with his time.

Jiang Cheng recalled the recent work plan and arrangement, and apart from preparing for the test of the nuclear reactor at the end of the month, time was not tight.

After all, it is not his rotating CEO now, and most of the trivial matters do not have to worry about.

It's just that major events need to be agreed upon by the chairman.

"13, 14, 15 these days are fine." Jiang Chengdao.

"Oh, then 13 is good, I have seen the day, it is the Dragon Boat Festival, Xulin does not even have to ask for annual leave, that day is good!" After getting Jiang Cheng's time, Chen Ru was very happy, and immediately took the phone and prepared to talk to Li Liangyu.

Yu Xinran teased Jiang Shanyi and said with a smile, "Then let's go home together and take Xiao Yi to show my grandparents."

"Good." Jiang Cheng nodded and agreed.


Kyoto, the second comprehensive department of the Ministry of Industry of China.

Jiang Xulin, who was busy with a meeting material, received a call from Li Liangyu.

"Hey, Mom."

"Xu Lin, just now your aunt called over, saying that your brother will come back to Guanglin on the 13th." Li Liangyu said the situation simply, "I see it's the Dragon Boat Festival, can you guys come back?"

"I'll ask the leader first, it should be fine." Jiang Xulin did not rush to agree, mainly because there was a meeting recently, and he did not know whether to work overtime.

"Good. The time for adulthood is also estimated to be tight, if there is nothing special, choose these days.

"I understand."

"The rooms are ready, and the toiletries are also new, but I don't know what taboos the girl has." Li Liangyu asked.

Jiang Xulin thought for a while, "Just don't be too spicy." "

Got it." Li Liangyu hung up the phone with a smile.

When Jiang Xulin put the materials in his hand in order and handed them over to the director for review, he spoke, "Director, there should be nothing important during the Dragon Boat Festival, right?" "

Huh? Feeling homesick? Director Liu Tianzheng asked with a smile.

Jiang Xulin said a little embarrassed, "Isn't this talking about a girlfriend, I have plans to talk about marriage, and I want to take her home to see."

"That's a good thing! Dragon Boat Day is good, go. Liu Tianzheng agreed with a smile.

"Thank you, Director."

Liu Tianzheng smiled widely, "Take it, this is a modification, think about it more." You are calm and savvy, and we all see your excellence, go.


Jiang Xulin nodded, and then went out.

Looking at Jiang Xulin's departing back, Liu Tianzheng was a little emotional.

Although Jiang Xulin has never said that his cousin is Jiang Cheng, who in this ministry will not understand the situation?

It's just that like Jiang Cheng with the aura of an academician, he is not at all able to get acquainted with a small division chief, and people are at least the deputy minister!

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