Guanglin County.

After nearly 3 years of railway construction, the high-speed railway in Guanglin has been opened.

This time back home, Jiang Cheng deliberately chose to take the high-speed train.

From Pengcheng to Guanglin, the high-speed train only takes more than 3 hours, which can be said to be a great convenience for travel.

Jiang Yiping and Chen Ru had already driven back to Guanglin in advance, and they also brought Jiang Xinwan with them.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon of June 12, Jiang Cheng held Jiang Shanyi and took Yu Xinran, Zhang Xiaoyong, Lin Yun and other four bodyguards to take the high-speed rail business seat.

The speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour all the way makes people feel very stable.

"It seems that in recent years, Guanglin has developed rapidly!" Jiang Cheng looked at the Guanglin County outside the window and said with some emotion.

Just two years after not returning, the new district looks like the standard of a prefecture-level city from a distance.

High-rise buildings, 30-story buildings.

Yu Xinran also nodded, "Chatting with Luo Chen a few days ago, she said that the changes are great, but the consumption has also increased a lot, and the current house prices have reached more than 8,000, and the good lots are even tens of thousands."

"I lean, it's so expensive, kill pigs!" Jiang Cheng was a little speechless.

He still remembers that when he bought a house in Guanglin Jade Pavilion, the house price was only more than 3,000 yuan per square meter, and now ten years later, it has risen to 10,000?

"With the high-speed rail, Guanglindu has attracted people from surrounding counties and townships to settle down, and the current population has exceeded 400,000." Yu Xinran ruffled his hair, "So real estate is booming, Qin Jin is estimated to have made a lot of money!"

Jiang Cheng had nothing to say about this.

House prices have risen so high, and there are various factors.

He also didn't want to get involved in the industry, the water was too deep.

He still plans to concentrate on his own technology industry.

If you really want to develop real estate, Jiang Cheng also plans to go to the moon to develop, so it is challenging.

What is the technical content of Huaguo's model of engaging in famous land acquisition, loan construction, and pre-sale of off-plan housing? It may be that the alcohol content is higher.

【Ding-dong! Guanglin Station, arrived. Please take your luggage and belongings as you want to get off the train...]

Just in the reverie, Guang arrived.

Zhang Xiaoyong helped carry the luggage, and the bodyguards were by his side.

"Jiang Dong, the car has already arrived."


Jiang Yiping drove a Bentley back first, and the bodyguard drove Jiang Cheng's Rolls-Royce, waiting at the exit gate at this time.

After all, it is a small station, there is no VIP channel, and when Jiang Cheng came to the station, several bodyguards separated the people and let Jiang Cheng and Yu Xinran pass.

Also very vigilantly watching the crowd around him.

However, security checks such as trains and planes in China have always been very strict, and there will be no problems under normal circumstances.

The surrounding crowd is a little strange, which big star is coming?

But Jiang Cheng was wearing a mask, and no one recognized it.

Soon, the 2 cars drove back to Guanglin Emerald Pavilion.

Leaving Zhang Xiaoyong and Lin Yun two bodyguards for close protection, the others stayed in the hotel on the side.

--- (* ́I'*) ---

Jiang Yi'an at home.

Li Liangyu sat with Jiang Xulin, who returned this morning, and his girlfriend Zhang Yiru, chatting and getting to know each other better.

The girl is still very cheerful, and does not put up any shelves, and her conversation is still relatively decent.

It's just that as a child in a big city in Kyoto and an only daughter, Zhang Yiru was still a little unaccustomed to it when she first came to Anyuan.

The city is small, just two or three main roads, arranged along the source river.

But on the whole, it still looks relatively civilized and hygienic, and it is not as unbearable as she had hoped before she came.

In particular, the conditions in Jiang Xulin's home are also good, his parents open a small supermarket, and the house has just been bought for a year or two, and the decoration is relatively simple, not the kind of old-fashioned.

When the daughter-in-law saw her in-laws, both of them were more or less apprehensive, for fear of saying something wrong.

At this time, Jiang Yian answered the phone and came back, "Chengzi is back, and the eldest brother asked him to go to his house for dinner in the evening, and it just so happens that we will go to meet Chengzi first." "

Yes." Li Liangyu nodded. "Is the stuff ready?"

"Uh-huh, 2 bottles of Feitian Maotai." Jiang Yian said.

As for sending others, Jiang Yian also felt that there was nothing more appropriate.

This is as a help to Jiang Cheng during the interview of Jiang Xulin as a national civil servant, after all, to be honest, in the 1:5 interview ratio, it is very difficult to be selected.

And there are also postgraduate degrees in it.

Before that, Jiang Cheng did not return during the New Year, so he had no way to show his gratitude.

This time Jiang Cheng came back, naturally he wanted the courtesy, although in terms of generation, he was an uncle, but this thank you actually let Jiang Xulin go.

Li Liangyu nodded, and said to the girl again, "Yiru, we will go to Uncle Xulin's house for dinner later, just in time for his brother to return."

Zhang Yiru was a little puzzled, and gently pulled Jiang Xulin's hand with his left hand.

"I'll talk to you later." Jiang Xulin smiled slightly.


Jiang Xulin got up, "Then let's go now." "

Oh, no wonder it's almost dinner time, Li Liangyu didn't go to cook, which made her a little embarrassed, could it be that she didn't welcome herself and had no food?"

It turned out to be a meal at the uncle's house.

However, before this, Zhang Yiru had never heard Jiang Xulin talk about his uncle's situation.

"Shall I buy something?" Following Jiang Xulin, Zhang Yiru thought about it and asked.

"No need, Brother Jiang Cheng and they have two children, I have prepared two red envelopes, you can give them at that time." Jiang Xulin said.

"Uh-huh." Seeing that her boyfriend arranged everything properly, she also saved her mind.

Riding in Jiang Yi'an's newly bought Yadi Song hybrid car, the four of them soon arrived at the Jade Pavilion and followed them to the 8th floor.

The bodyguard Zhang Xiaoyong opened the door and saw that it was Jiang Yi'an's family, "Brother An, sister-in-law is good, come in quickly."

"Xiaoyong, you have worked hard all the way!"

"It's all about doing high-speed rail, not hard." While talking, help carry things.

Jiang Yiping took someone in and glanced at the girl next to Jiang Xulin.

Wearing a pink dress, she looks very ladylike.

"Uncle is good."

Zhang Yiru also shouted. "Uncle is good, I'm Zhang Yiru, Xu Lin's girlfriend."

"Eh, good!" Jiang Yiping scratched his head and smiled, motioning for them to sit down.

Li Liangyu went into the kitchen and helped Zhang Luo.

"Chengzi is back, right?" Jiang Yian asked.

"When he came back, the family was upstairs and I told him to come down. It's almost meal time. Jiang Yiping said.

Zhang Xiaoyong hurriedly said, "I'll go." As

personal bodyguards, Zhang Xiaoyong and Lin Yun basically followed, even at home.

Of course, the two will also rotate with other bodyguards, but most of the time, Jiang Cheng trusts the two more.

Zhang Yiru pointed to Zhang Xiaoyong, who went upstairs, and asked softly, "What do you call him?"

"Just call Uncle Zhang, he is Brother Jiang Cheng's bodyguard."

"Bao, bodyguard?" Zhang Yiru is a little confused, what identity? All with bodyguards?

"You'll know later, don't be too surprised." Jiang Xulin patted the back of Zhang Yiru's hand and said with a smile.

"Still selling Guanzi?" Zhang Yiru said speechlessly.

At this time, a laughter came down from upstairs, and Jiang Xinwan went downstairs first, and stared at Zhang Yiru when he looked up.

"Good aunt!"

While speaking, Jiang Xinwan walked to her with a smile and looked at her carefully.

"This is Brother Jiang Cheng's daughter, Jiang Xinwan, late night." Jiang Xulin introduced, and then reached out to hug her, "Late night, Uncle Xulin hug!"

"No, I'm a big friend in junior high school, so I can't just let the boys hug." Hee-hee, Aunt can! Jiang Xinwan said with a smile.

Zhang Yiru felt very cute, reached out and hugged her hand, and took out a red envelope to her, "Wanwan, this is a red envelope for you."

"Thank you Aunt!" Jiang Xinwan was very happy and kissed her directly on the face.

At this time, Jiang Cheng hugged Jiang Shanyi and accompanied Yu Xinran to come down.

Jiang Cheng greeted with a slight smile, "Uncle An, Xu Lin, hello brother and sister."

Jiang Yi'an stood up, "Chengzi, come back!" "

Brother Jiang Cheng." Jiang Xulin took Zhang Yiru to stand up.

"Hmm." Jiang Cheng nodded and smiled, and then sat down on the sofa. Yu Xinran hugged Jiang Shanyi and went to the phone to ask Yu Xuemin if the two had arrived.

Instead, Zhang Yiru's eyes were a little surprised, and finally this reflected, "He, he is the chairman of Jiang Cheng of Fenghuo?" "


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