The heat of the Maple Fire EX8 has been continuing.

But fewer and fewer people complain about the high price, because this technology is really worth it.

And with the accelerated adaptation of the software department of Maple Fire Technology Company, relevant special system useful APP has been developed.

For example, intelligent face recognition.

Users with glasses, after turning on this function, the system will intelligently help him record the person he knows, of course, this needs the user's own authorization, but after recording, even if you forget him later, as long as the mind moves, the other party's name will appear in the glasses.

Of course, if the user notes some important information, it can also help with the prompt.

At least very effectively solved the problem of face blindness.

After this built-in plugin update, it has been greatly praised by users who purchased Maple Fire EX8.

After all, most of the memories are still not so strong, sometimes the face is blind or can't remember people, and it's easy to recognize the wrong person, resulting in jokes.

But with the intelligent reminders of the Maple Fire EX8, this problem will no longer occur.

Of course, this function needs to consume artificial intelligence computing power, for this set up ordinary users, can identify records no more than 100 people, members, can be expanded to 1,000 people, if there are special needs, you can also pay for this function separately, as long as you give money, is Maple Fire's use of cloud computing capabilities can also help memory.

But then you need to upload the information of the notes to the cloud.

It should be said that normal people do need to remember people, there are 100 is similar, and there will be no big problems in basically communicating with members.

And the members of Maple Firemobile are very conscientious, the annual fee is not very high, but they can enjoy a lot of services.

This includes most themes, fonts, and larger cloud storage capacity and artificial intelligence services.

But this feature was only popular for a day or two, and the appearance of a video made Maple Fire EX8 enter the hot list again.

"What I want to say now, don't be afraid."

This is a mother who is sharing her "special" story with a first-person perspective.

Her daughter, Qianqian, is a severely depressed person.

Ten years ago, Qianqian was relatively light and could go to school, but as the exams became more difficult and for other unknown reasons, depression increased significantly, and finally she stopped talking.

Today, Qianqian is 26 years old.

The original young girl has grown up, but whether it is dressed or faced, she is still very young, and her eyes are even more afraid of seeing people.

I stayed at home all the time, and only occasionally was my mother take me to the side to bask in the sun.

The mother also thought of many ways to treat, but in the end there was no way.

Even psychiatrists have come, I don't know how many.

A few days ago, it was Qianqian's birthday.

Her mother specially purchased a Maple Fire EX8 as a birthday gift for Qianqian.

Qianqian is short-sighted and wears a double-mirror version.

After severe depression, Qianqian's parents were reluctant to communicate.

But the day after drinking the potion of biochip neurons, something magical happened.

The mother found that Qianqian's eyes were a lot brighter.

And it seems that he likes this ability to control his mind very much, and is interacting with the artificial intelligence fox on his mobile phone!

It's a virtual world.

In the virtual world, Qianqian found her own confidant!

And today, Qianqian actually left a message through a virtual image and sent a video to her mother.

"Mom, I'm sorry."

"I'm really inferior, afraid to speak, afraid to do things, afraid that everything will not be said well, not done well, I feel very useless

..." "I want to leave this world many times, I don't want to be a burden to you, but I'm afraid..."

Very strong emotions emerged from it.

These words were not really spoken, but what Qianqian's heart had been thinking.

It's just that Maple Fire EX8 sensed the other party's thoughts and emotions, and the tanuki guided her through voice to let her say the words in her heart.

The mother covered her mouth and sobbed, "I, this is the first time I heard my daughter's heart, but I think with this step, we can definitely cure her!" "

Thank you."

The video is only 20 minutes long, but it attracts a lot of people to watch.

The specific name of this mother is unknown, and the main name of Up is "Qianqian's mother".

Before this, she occasionally shared some experiences of family counseling treatment for major depression in videos, and some videos also recorded the appearance of Qianqian basking in the sun.

But there are also some crying out of control.

In particular, some of the methods just learned did not achieve results after trying, but even more stimulated Qianqian's resistance, and this mother collapsed at this time.

The barrage and comments are very harmonious, encouraging and supporting Qianqian's mother.

"This is a good thing, but the UP Lord should not be too hasty, take your time, I believe Qianqian will definitely recover!"

"Agree with the upstairs view. The trust that has been built now is still fragile and should not be broken.

"I think Qianqian should have talked to the artificial intelligence Tanuki." The enhanced version of the Tanuki is too intelligent.

"I didn't expect that the idea interaction technology still has this function, perhaps this technology will have a good effect on the psychotherapy of psychopaths and depression."

"The psychology of patients is very complex, and we must be cautious. I wish Qianqian a speedy recovery.

"The first time I heard Sister Qianqian's voice, it was really good, and the people were also beautiful and gentle. Come on, sister! "

Lord UP, I want to take care of Qianqian for the rest of my life."


Jiang Cheng and Yu Xinran, who are returning to Peng City, also saw this hot search news on the Internet.

Yu Xinran had some emotion in his heart, "Jiang Cheng, can those depressed patients really be treated through this technique?" In

her eyes, these people are really not easy.

It is not possible to get people's normal understanding.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "What we study is only technology, but if we use it on the positive side, then it is good technology, and if it is used on the evil side, it is bad technology."

"Well, it is." Yu Xinran nodded.

"However, for this type of object, the company can do something here conveniently, and can help one is one." Jiang Cheng then said, "For example, for those who meet the requirements, they can give a strengthened version of the artificial intelligence beaver."

"Well, the public welfare fund can also come up with a sum of money."

Jiang Cheng naturally agreed. "By the way, the prototype test machine is ahead of schedule to the 20th, let's prepare well after we go back."

Yu Xinran said with a smile, "Then I believe that as long as this experimental prototype is successful, our energy supply will be more autonomous in the future."

"The current electric vehicle development is fast, the penetration rate has reached more than 45%, and it should be higher in the next few years." Because electricity will soon be no constraint, our fusion reactor can supply enough electricity," Jiang Cheng said, "As for the next step, I plan to go in two directions."

"The first, relying on the miniaturization of nuclear fusion reactors, developed nuclear fusion plasma engines; The second..."

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