Soon, June 20, it will be there.

Zeng Qiang, as the deputy director of the research center, took the people to carefully and carefully check, for fear that there would be a little mistake.

Mo Tianqing came early, and he will receive the prototype launch experiment as the rotating CEO, and the experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Technology who came to participate in the observation, as well as relevant personnel of the State Grid, relevant leaders of the military, etc.

The scale of the people who came to observe was not large, but there were only 15 people, but all of them were big guys, which made Mo Tianqing feel a little surprised.

Fortunately, as the rotating CEO, although Mo Tianqing did not have an in-depth understanding of the technology that Jiang Cheng focused on developing, he probably knew the situation, naturally understood the importance of it, and specially prepared relevant public information and carefully noted it.

At least it won't be too humiliating in front of these big guys.

Yi Guobin was already the minister of industry, but this time he did not come. Leading the team was Academician Liu Xiao of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, who specializes in this field.

"Academician Liu, Jiang Dong is now at the project site, shall we sit down first, or go directly?"

At the door of the Energy Technology Research Center building, Mo Tianqing received this group of experts and bigwigs, and said after greetings.

Liu Xiao waved his hand when he heard this, "No, go directly to the scene."

"Okay, Jiang Dong explained, you can see it on the spot before starting, but after the prototype is started, for everyone's safety, please come to the control center here to check."

"That's of course, Academician Jiang is thoughtful." Liu Xiao said with a smile.

Mo Tianqing had already arranged 2 high-end electric buses of Yadi, and got on the bus and took them with him.

Along the way, this group of experts were very excited, and they were chatting one by one.

"I don't know, this prototype of Academician Jiang, can the experiment be successful?" Some academicians are apprehensive.

Another smiled and said, "Success is certain, it should be said how many seconds you can last."

"I heard that Academician Jiang has solved the problem of inner wall materials? That's not calculated in seconds.

The more Liu Xiao listened, the more itchy his heart became, and he asked Mo Tianqing, "Mo Dong, you talk to us old men, what kind of level can you have?"

Mo Tianqing smiled slightly and said modestly, "Judging from the last ignition experiment, the nuclear fusion reaction took about 1 day and produced about 100,000 degrees of electricity.

Liu Xiao nodded, "One day, it's also very good." At present, the world's strongest superconducting tokamak operating record is 101 seconds at 120 million degrees Celsius, a record set by our EAST Eastern Hyperring.

Mo Tianqing coughed lightly and reminded, "After running for 24 hours, it was Jiang Dong who ordered the initiative to stop. From the perspective of follow-up maintenance, it can be operated stably for at least 1 year.


"How is this possible?!"

"If it can be more than a year, how else do we need to engage in cooperative research? Just go straight to mass production.

Liu Xiao also fainted, his side has been authorized by the leadership, the "two academies" together with the Maple Fire Group to jointly develop a nuclear fusion reactor power station that can be commercialized, and the name of the station is ready, it is called "Qua Father No. 1".

It means a nuclear fusion device like the sun.

But now listening to what Mo Tianqing said, so mature, what do you need to study together?

Mo Tianqing was a little embarrassed, he was not a professional after all, but these materials and data would not be fake, naturally correct.

Fortunately, the fusion device laboratory is only 3 kilometers away, and it will be there soon.

"Experts, it's here!"

Hehe, if you have any technical questions, ask Jiang Dong.

"Oh, this is it!"

Through the automotive glass, everyone saw this field experimental base.

There is only one building about 20 meters high, next to a few small workshops, and on the other side is a wide construction site with greenery but rows of long black objects.

I don't know what it is.

After a security check, the car entered the base.

Jiang Cheng had already received Mo Tianqing's news, but at this time, according to the situation after thousands of rounds of simulation experiments, he would spot check the relevant key links.

Like nuclear fission reactors, after all, nuclear energy is used, and safety always comes first.

Although Jiang Cheng's side is still only an experimental machine, it pays special attention to safety.

In the future, when the State Grid really builds a power station, safety must be placed in an important position.

After all, although nuclear fusion is safe, it is explosives and not as easy as uranium to have deadly radiation, but it is really difficult to control the explosion, and the power cannot be underestimated.

At this point, you can refer to the hydrogen bomb.

Jiang Cheng and Yu Xinran, who were wearing white overalls and white hard hats, checked along the line, feeling that everything was ready, and it happened that Liu Xiao and other experts also arrived at this time.

"Academician Jiang!"

Seeing Jiang Cheng from a distance, Academician Liu Xiao was very eager, and walked quickly with more than a dozen people.

Jiang Cheng handed the record sheet in his hand to the staff beside him, looked up and saw Liu Xiao, and also walked quickly, shaking hands with him cordially, "Academician Liu, welcome everyone to come and guide!"

"We are here to witness and witness Academician Jiang bringing new transformative technologies to our country!" Liu Xiao smiled and raised the palanquin.

Jiang Cheng smiled, greeted the experts one by one, and introduced Yu Xinran beside him.

"Academician Jiang, both of you have entered the scientific research team, which is really a good story in the scientific community." Liu Xiao said with a smile.

However, he also felt very strange, Mrs. Jiang Cheng did not seem to study physics, how could she understand nuclear fusion?

Then, several people looked at the huge "machine" in the center.

Unlike other superconducting tokamaks, the huge device in front of you is somewhat similar to a stellarator, but the top is thinner, and at the top of the 12-meter height, the device has a circular hood.

The bottom is connected to 6 pipes, which are covered with wires, which should be strong magnetic constraints.

"This is the nuclear fusion reactor you developed, Academician Jiang?" Liu Xiao asked.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Yes, this is just an experimental machine, some designs are not particularly optimized, if a new machine is built, I think it can be more optimized." "

At least not like this, the wires are bare and messy, and some designs are also for practicality, not aesthetics.

Liu Xiao touched it forward, and sighed with some emotion, "Academician Jiang, can you really achieve more than one day's operation?" What is the temperature?

"The core temperature reaches 100 million degrees Celsius, and under strong magnetic constraints, the inner wall temperature is controlled at a steady state operation below 3,000 degrees." Jiang Cheng introduced.

"But even if it can be steady-state confinement, what about the neutron bombardment after the deuterium and tritium reaction?"

"We had two technologies to solve him." Jiang Cheng raised his mouth slightly, "Our constraint is pulsed strong magnetic confinement technology, through the pulse, to achieve stable capture of neutrons and pulse emission to the top, and then generate electricity."

"What about the second technique?"

"We use carbon nanoceramic technology for the inner wall material, which can withstand a small amount of uncaptured neutron bombardment very well, and it is expected to be used for two to three years without any problems."


Everyone was shocked.

The most difficult problem of inner wall materials and neutron bombardment in nuclear fusion was actually solved by Jiang Cheng's two technologies?

It doesn't matter how high the temperature is, because these tritiums and deuterium are ionized, are strongly magnetically confined, and will not contact the inner wall material, although the temperature is high, it does not mean that the temperature of the inner wall material will be so high.

The key is the neutron bombardment after nuclear fusion, which can easily affect the equipment, causing the strong magnetic confinement to fail or be affected.

Once affected, these particles do not react so easily to target impacts.


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