Liu Xiao reacted, "Academician Jiang, are you doing this by concentrating the neutrons that are emitted and letting them generate electricity for you?" "

But this, how is this possible?

Jiang Cheng glanced at him appreciatively, "Academician Liu, you are right. In this way, we let the entire reactor, after steady-state operation, the higher the output ratio.

"Shhh! This idea is really too far ahead. Liu Xiao was still shocked.

Some academicians looked at it for a long time, and they were very puzzled, "Academician Jiang, are you a tokamak, or a star artifact type?"

"Let's combine some of the best of both." Jiang Cheng smiled slightly.

"I can't wait to see how efficient the power generation is!"

"Yes, what time is the official experiment?"

After carefully watching for a long time and asking a lot of questions, everyone still knows little about this technology, only feel that it is a little fantastic, but what they want to see more is the official operation.

Jiang Cheng spoke, "After the test has been completed, you can start the prototype experiment immediately." Please come with me to the control room.

As he spoke, he motioned for everyone to follow back to the control room of the research center.

On the way back, several academicians still fought red-faced, both thinking that Jiang Cheng's method was very good, and also thinking that the material could not meet the requirements, and it was difficult for particles with strong magnetic constraints to hit the target, and so on.

But when the controller arrived, everyone quieted down and carefully watched the situation of the camera and the relevant data display.

"Report to the chief engineer, everything is ready, please indicate whether to start!"

The person in charge at the base site asked for instructions.


"Start." The person in charge repeated it, and then pressed the start button.

Suddenly, only a soft whistle was heard in the control room, and the whole equipment was activated!

The data began to change rapidly.

"Strong magnetic confinement is underway, the current core temperature is 10,000 degrees..." "100,000

degrees..." "10

million degrees..." "100 million degrees


"Strong magnetic pulse starts!"

"Deuterium plasma jet!"

This time!

Even in the control room, the entire reactor could be seen shaking slightly, and the sound gradually became louder.

"The fusion reaction is normal, the reaction speed is..." "The

current fusion gain Q value is 16."

Time passed second by second, and everyone seemed to dare not breathe in the sound of the report and the changing data, and in less than a minute, the ratio of the entire output energy to the input energy reached 16 times!

And look at the situation, it's still increasing rapidly!

The power generation jumps up rapidly from 0W, and when it is 2 minutes, the power generation per second stably reaches 1000KWH!

"This, according to this power generation efficiency, can't it be able to generate 80 million kWh of electricity in a day!"

Jiang Cheng glanced at this person, this computing power is still good.

Oh, it turned out to be the vice president of technology of the State Grid.

No wonder so sensitive to this number.

After seeing the stable operation of the entire prototype, the engineers were also slightly relieved, looking at the data detected by various computers, and carefully recorded.

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, "It seems that the prototype experiment is successful, the entire reactor is running, there is artificial intelligence to calculate the reaction situation, and arrange the injection behavior of nuclear fuel, in general, we don't need to do too much, as long as we maintain it."

"Academician Jiang, do you mean that after the whole machine runs stably, it can continue forever?" Liu Xiao was still surprised.

"Yes." Jiang Cheng said, "The supercapacitor on my side can store 1.5 million kWh of electricity, and according to the current prototype power generation efficiency, it can be fully charged in 25 minutes, and the power generation will explode."

Zhang Yanbing, deputy general manager of the State Grid, said, "Then this just turned on and turned off, it's too wasteful!" How about we let the State Grid connect as soon as possible and let electricity connect to the power grid?

Jiang Cheng shrugged, "It's too late at the moment." We only generate electricity for 20 minutes, and then we can discuss grid connection and subsequent construction of power station cooperation.

Liu Xiao was a little speechless, "So, Academician Jiang, what did you say about cooperation?" "

The second generation of the improved type, and the development of the deuterium-helium 3 fusion reactor." The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth raised, "This generation of reactors, I feel that it is still not perfect, there is room for improvement." "

It's just that some materials limit him.

Including the purity of carbon nanometers, Jiang Cheng needs to extract carbon nanomaterials in the space factory, I believe that the purity will be much higher, and the construction of the next generation of reactors will be better improved.

Zhang Yanbingtou said excitedly, "No, Jiang Dong, you are not satisfied with this?!" Do you know that just a prototype, the efficiency of power generation, is almost comparable to half of the Three Gorges, do you know?!

Jiang Cheng looked at the other party's hands and couldn't stop shaking, and said calmly, "This is nuclear fusion, if this power generation efficiency is not good, then what else are we developing?" "

Its power generation efficiency is also very important depends on the speed of nuclear reaction, the current power generation efficiency is already relatively high, if fully loaded, although higher, but the gain is not worth the loss."

This advantage interval is calculated by Jiang Cheng through how many simulations.

"Isn't it boiling water to generate electricity?"

"Of course not, it's plasma power technology." Jiang Cheng shook his head, if he still boiled water and used a steam turbine to generate electricity, then the power generation efficiency was definitely not so high.

During the entire reaction, most of the energy above is carried away by neutron jets.

Watching the rapid increase in electricity, Zhang Yanbing, Liu Xiao and the others were very excited, "Academician Jiang, we have a few old bones, just follow you to learn!"

"You're too modest." Jiang Cheng smiled, and then let Yu Xinran hand them a design book, "This is an improved design idea, you can take a look first."

Liu Xiao took it and looked through it eagerly.

Several academicians next to him also probed over and huddled in a ball.

Zhang Yanbing did not, he came over and said to Jiang Cheng and Mo Tianqing, "Jiang Dong, Mo Dong, if this nuclear fusion is commercial, how much is the estimated cost of building a reactor with a daily power generation of 500 million kWh?"

"I don't have a very detailed calculation, but it is expected to be around 70 billion." Jiang Cheng thought for a while and said, "The entire equipment and power station construction is about 50 billion yuan, and the annual cost of operation and maintenance, nuclear fuel and input energy is also nearly 20 billion."

Zhang Yanbing's eyes lit up, "This is completely feasible!" "

A day to generate 500 million kWh, even according to the current nuclear power grid price of about 4 Mao3, you can earn 215 million yuan a day, a year is 78.475 billion yuan, after the power station is built, it is normal maintenance."

It can return the capital in one year, and every year after that, it can make a net profit of nearly 50 billion yuan.

Of course, these are rough and ideal calculations, and after the construction starts, there are many problems to consider, as well as various costs.

But anyway, the construction of this fusion power station is completely feasible!

When the 20-minute power generation was over, Zhang Yanbing looked at the 1.2 million kWh of electricity stored by the supercapacitor station on the side, feeling like looking at money, braving golden light.

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