[Hua Guo News: Outside! ] China's Maple Fire Group has successfully developed a nuclear fusion reactor, generating 1000 degrees per second! Fusion power stations are no longer the future! ]

On the public account of Weixin, Hua Guo News used an off-number news newspaper to publicize it.

The above shot prototype, but some confidential quality, only the approximate style can be seen.

Next to it is written in large bright red letters.

The fusion reactor prototype was successfully operated.

The following is a report in small print:

According to reliable information, on the morning of June 20, the first test of the nuclear fusion reactor prototype independently developed by Fenghuo Group Company was successful, generating 1,000 degrees per second and an annual power generation of nearly half of the Three Gorges!

"I lean, what do I see? Is nuclear fusion a lot?

"I just woke up, did I cross over?"

"All I can say is, awesome, Kaede!"

"It's Maple Fire again!"

"Doesn't that mean that electricity prices will be free in the future?"

"If you think too much, the price of electricity is not expected to change."

"Electricity prices in China are generally cheaper, and even in the distant countryside, every household has electricity."

Most of the discussion of fusion power plants on the Internet is about nuclear fusion power plants, and of course, some people are speculating about whether they are really mature or laboratory things.

In the United States, many people were even more silent when they heard the news.

Some of their intelligence agencies know that Jiang Cheng's Maple Fire is studying nuclear fusion, but they don't want to develop an experimental prototype in less than a year, and according to what is known, 20 minutes of power generation is enough to generate 1.2 million kWh!

This efficiency is too strong!

"You all read the news and gave your own opinions, right?"

Green Palace, the sleeping king presided over an internal meeting.

Because he was a little old, the sleeping king always felt like he was going to fall asleep, but at this time he was holding his spirits strong, because the news was so amazing.

Nuclear fusion research, the team led by the United States has always led international research, but although Hua Guo is also in a research institution, the Maple Fire Group immediately emerged and came up with their solution.

This is simply unbearable.

"I think it's hard for us to contain the rise of China." Defense Minister Asder on one side said. "More decisive measures must be taken against Hua Guo, otherwise..." "

Mr. President, I propose to start the elimination plan."

"Yes, looking at it now, in recent years, Hua Guo has come up with powerful technology, mainly Fenghuo Group research and development, including carbon-based chips, biochips, and now in the field of chips and biomedicine, our United States has lagged behind in an all-round way!"

"The next step is aerospace, and the military!"

"Can't wait any longer."

The sleeping king's eyes showed a little essence, but it was quickly extinguished, "The object never leaves the country of China, and the country of China is not a Middle Eastern country, we can't shoot a missile by mistake..."

A few years ago, the king of understanding gave an order and beheaded a general of the country of Yin Lang at a fixed point.

They have precedents on this point.

It's just that in China, it's hard for them to penetrate.

"Prince, what can you do?" Sleeping King looked at Prince, the head of the CIA.

A tall and mighty white man.

"Prior to this, Mr. President, we have carefully formulated a plan, and the three fronts will be carried out at the same time, but this will require a lot of money and a strong determination to deal with the counterattack of the Chinese country after the incident."

"Let's talk about it first."

"In the headquarters of the Maple Fire Group and the target's home, there is a very close surveillance and security force, and it is not appropriate to conduct it in Peng City, then you must choose a place. The preferred target location is Qionghai City, Nanhai Province, followed by Guanglin County, the target hometown.

"The first line, our Democracy Foundation will hire killers at a high price, and relevant equipment needs to be provided by internal personnel in China; The second line, the Dark Line Officer, is currently close to the object and is waiting for an order. Then the third one..." the

sleeping king nodded, "Well, Prince, your consideration is comprehensive, and I think it can be implemented."

"Must be beheaded, his danger is already far more than 5 divisions!"

"The situation of staying is also more complicated, think tank personnel have warned many times, Hua Guo may start in the next few years, this card cannot be easily lost..."

"Yes, I heard that the old witch plans to go to stay, so let's postpone it."


What ------

Jiangcheng didn't know was that the successful development of the nuclear fusion reactor had made some foreign forces red-eyed and could no longer bear it.

Let Jiang Cheng continue to study, once the space base is successfully built, it will be a huge hidden danger!

However, although Jiang Cheng did not receive relevant news, the high-level of the Chinese state has already moved.

"Nuclear fusion is a far-reaching way of energy applications in the future, and this technological breakthrough, I think, will definitely make some people jump off the wall!" Let a guard company go to Pengcheng to protect the safety of Jiang Cheng's family full-time. "The leader gave the order truthfully.


In Pengcheng, after the prototype was shut down, Liu Xiao and other academicians did not go back, saying that they would follow up to continue research.

Of course, at this time, although they had a certain technical reserve base for nuclear fusion, they were students in new technologies, and they spent a lot of time answering their questions.

Theories can communicate with each other, but material technology, Jiang Cheng's own company has to hold this key.

Carbon nano-ceramic technology, this technology is not broken, others basically have no way to follow up the research.

However, in the next few days, Jiang Cheng was also surprised by the knowledge of these academicians, and they also put forward a lot of suggestions and ideas for the improved design, and sure enough, they were not fuel-saving lamps.

All are academicians, the ability and level are leveraged.

He also quickly mastered these technologies and new theories of Jiang Cheng, and one by one, like crazy demons, devoted himself to improving the design.

Liu Xiao has already reported this matter to the top management.

So, "Qua Father No. 1" officially took the schedule.

The construction site is located in Zhuhai City.

In the first phase, two large-scale nuclear fusion reactors, one deuterium preparation plant, and two large-scale supercapacitor stations will be built, with a single reactor designed daily power generation of 4.32 billion kWh and an annual power generation of 1.1 trillion kilowatt-hours of twin reactors.

Equivalent to 5 Three Gorges!

This is a super large project, once the construction is successful, the entire Pearl River Delta, Pengcheng and other places can provide electricity from the power station.

If the benefits and efficiency are good, then the second and third will continue to be built in the future.

In the face of huge power generation, China's coal power can be gradually reduced, and nuclear power and hydropower are the mainstay, and after the great improvement of battery technology, electricity consumption will not be a problem, and new energy vehicles can be fully promoted!

Oil dependence can be greatly reduced.

Imports can continue to be imported, after all, war and ordinary use can also be reserved, but it will definitely not be stuck in the neck again because of oil.

With a total investment of 100 billion yuan, Fenghuo Group accounts for 45% (including 30% of technology investment), and China Southern Power Grid Group accounts for 55%, employing third-party professionals to manage.

Although it is still an agreement on paper, Liu Xiao seems to have seen the boom in the construction of this fusion reactor!

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