"Hello Academician Jiang, I am Ma Weijun, a major of a special forces in a military region in central China, and under the order of the chief, the five of us will be responsible for your personal safety in the future!"

The breath is abundant, and the voice is loud, like thunder around you.

Jiang Cheng had already received the leader's arrangement before, and he did not refuse it.

After all, today is different, and the success of nuclear fusion has made Western countries such as the United States completely crazy.

They thought of doing everything they could to deal with Jiang Cheng.

Trying to stifle technology in China.

Although they all know that today's Hua Guo has Fengzhi memories, carbon-based chips, and is not afraid of any technological jams.

The take-off of Hua Guo Technology is already underway and cannot be stopped.

But some people just want to give it a try.

This time they fail, does not mean that they will give up, but will definitely become worse.

At this time, with military protection, at least there will be no gap in weapons and equipment.

Although Zhang Xiaoyong is powerful, he is just a bodyguard with his bare hands after all.

Jiang Cheng returned a salute, "Everyone worked hard!"

"It's not hard, Academician Jiang is a pillar of the country, and it is our honor to protect you closely." Ma Weijun said with a straight face.

Steady and not ostentatious, he is a good soldier.

"Xiao Lin, arrange it, return to Peng City." Jiang Cheng then instructed the assistant.

Deng Lian hurriedly said beside him, "Jiang Dong, don't you want to eat lunch?" Although

the time was only more than 10 o'clock, he was also worried about returning to Peng City in such a hurry, after all, it was something that came out at the door of his launch base.

Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "Someone has provoked me, can you make them feel better?" "


aerospace industry is still the focus of our company, and we must speed up the design of Fengyun 2 according to the plan." As soon as this month's experiment is over, construction of our space factory will begin. Jiang Cheng continued, "I looked at the drawings you designed, and the pattern was not big enough. I will revise it and send it to you through the intranet.

Deng quickly nodded and agreed, "Okay, Jiang Dong." It's our company's funds at the moment..."

As far as the current budget is concerned, the space factory built this time covers a total area of 200,000 square meters, nearly 300 acres of land, and has 6 carbon nano preparation production lines, with an annual output of 200,000 tons of carbon nanotubes and 80,000 tons of carbon nanoceramic materials.

But Jiang Cheng seems that Deng Lian's pattern is not large, and the design has not yet departed from the shadow of the ground factory.

What Jiang Cheng wanted was a sky city.

In the future, it can be used as a transit station for humans to enter the solar system, rather than simply a space factory.

The corresponding supporting facilities must keep up, such as accommodation, rest, entertainment, shopping, hospitals and so on.

In addition, simulating gravity also needs to be put on the agenda, after all, in the space environment, weightlessness is an abnormal state for human beings, and it will have an impact on human blood, muscles, bones and other problems.

Factories can produce in microgravity through artificial intelligence, and workers only need to focus on the parts that need manual operation.

How to simulate gravity in ordinary life and make people more accustomed is also a major issue.

There's still a lot to study.

Jiang Cheng sighed in his heart, the day when he wanted to rest earlier was not so easy to come.

After explaining to Deng Lian, Xiao Lin had already arranged a plane to Pengcheng.

This time, Jiang's achievements are more high-profile.

He brought two bodyguards and 5 soldiers with guns to guard back and forth, and the passengers accompanying him were very confused, not knowing who this young man with glasses and masks was.

This time, with a higher level of protection, he returned to Peng City safely.

At the first stop, Jiang Cheng went to Pengcheng Hospital.

Yu Xinran was already waiting for him there, and the two were ready to visit Zhang Xiaoyong first.

In any case, Zhang Xiaoyong is because he is protecting his injuries, so he is reasonable, and he must visit him first after returning.


Yu Xinran replied and gently took Jiang Cheng's arm, "Hearing the news that you were assassinated scared me to death."

"Yes, I really didn't expect that the anti-equipment sniper used by the killer could hit 2 kilometers, if it weren't for Xiao Yong, I'm afraid I would be fierce." Jiang Cheng was also a little afraid in his heart.

Yu Xinran asked, "Where did they get the gun?" "

The national security department has made it clear that the spies who have been countered within China have provided and assembled them in batches." Jiang Cheng said as he walked, "Along this chain, a group of spies have been defeated.

"That's good." Yu Xinran paused, "But I'm still worried, there are still people hiding in the depths, this time it didn't succeed, there must be a back move behind, it is estimated that they have thought clearly, you have become their number one threat."

Jiang Cheng smiled freely, "It doesn't matter, then let Hua Guo have more leading talents and achieve transcendence in all aspects."

"You still have to be careful, you should try to show up as little as possible in the future."


After the two finished speaking, they soon arrived at the intensive care ward.

The ward is a senior ward, the room is large, and there is a place for caregivers, only Zhang Xiaoyong and his lover Wang Hong.

Knowing that Jiang Cheng was coming, three experts came to the ward.

Two soldiers with guns opened the door first, and only then did Jiang Cheng and the two enter.

"Jiang Dong! Yu Dong!

Zhang Xiaoyong, who was leaning over the hospital bed, tried to sit up straight and said in a loud voice.

Wang Hong's eyes were slightly red, but his face was also calm at this time, and he greeted him, and his body also gave way.

"Xiaoyong, how is the situation today?"

"It's good, the wound is also treated, the doctors are of high level and do not get in the way." Zhang Xiaoyong grinned.

Jiang Cheng nodded, then stretched out his hand and formally shook Wang Hong gently, "Manager Wang, Xiaoyong has followed me all these years, and he has not had much time to take care of his family, and this time he also protected me from injury, I apologize to you!"

Wang Hong suppressed his emotions, "Jiang Dong, you are too good for our family, Xiao Yong is your bodyguard, if he does not protect you well, it will be his dereliction of duty."

"Several experts, is there a better way?" Jiang Cheng then asked the experts on the side.

The white-haired expert led by him coughed lightly, "Jiang Dong, at present, Zhang Xiaoyong's left hand has been shattered by a bullet, only 4 cm below the elbow and the palm is relatively intact, and the middle including the elbow part is nearly 5 cm empty, we thought about using a robotic arm to connect, but because it involves the elbow joint and a large number of muscles, ligaments and nerve tissue, there are great difficulties."

"Yes, the main thing is that the middle part is damaged too much, if it is only cut, we can fix it through intramedullary nails, suture blood vessels, ligaments and other ways to connect it."

Jiang Cheng frowned, "What if the corresponding muscles, blood vessels, and nerve tissues are artificially cultured?"

"If there is a biological tissue corresponding to it, maybe we can give it a try." The expert listened and thought for a moment.

"Well, as long as there is hope, then you can try, money is not a problem." Jiang Cheng said calmly, and then looked at Zhang Xiaoyong and his wife, "Carlin Biological Company has been letting them study artificial tissue over the years, and there is a big breakthrough at present, I suggest you can try, what do you think?"

Zhang Xiaoyong's face flushed a little, "Jiang Dong, I'm willing to try."

Wang Hong glanced at Zhang Xiaoyong, and also nodded busily, "Jiang Dong, our family believes in you!" "Good


With the consent of the two, Jiang Cheng also made a decision and called Yang Hui, the general manager of Carlin Biotechnology, on the spot.

And told them to send experts to Pengcheng Hospital as soon as possible, make every effort to dock, and must achieve the goal.

When Jiang Cheng left, Zhang Xiaoyong couldn't help but shed tears, "Jiang Dong, thank you!"

"Now thank what, cooperate with the treatment, I will wait for the day when you are well."

"Good, good!"

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