As soon as Jiang Cheng and Yu Xinran returned home, they saw Chen Ru, whose eyes were red, guarding the door, and rushed over when they saw Jiang Chengma.

"Chengzi, you scared your mother to death!"

Jiang Cheng was a little speechless, "How did everyone know all of a sudden?"

"You still say it, it's all on the news!"

"Oh, yes." Jiang Cheng was a little stunned.

However, this morning, at the diplomatic speech meeting, Ms. Hua expressed indignation at this act, and directly nodded to the United States, asking the other party to send the relevant personnel of the Democracy Foundation to China to stand trial.

“...... The deadline is until 31 July. I hope you will tell the Green Palace government that if it fails to do so before the end of the time limit, China will ban the export of carbon-based chips and biochips, including various proteins of Maple Fire, to the United States indefinitely, and prohibit relevant countries, enterprises and units from providing them to the United States by any means.

"This is a serious warning! It is also a legitimate counterattack to this inferior and indiscriminate means! This

statement stirred up thousands of waves in the world.

To the surprise of the United States, Hua Guo openly put the assassination on the table, and used products and technologies such as carbon-based chips as a threat to force them to hand over the main prisoners.

Although everyone understands that what kind of democracy foundation related personnel, that is just following orders, to put it bluntly, it is a dog raised by those oligarchs in the United States.

But hitting a dog also depends on the owner!

Let them honestly hand over the personnel, then if they follow, won't they lose their faces?

But the price of this ban, that's quite large.

Especially carbon-based chips, at present, several major technology companies led by Apple have purchased carbon-based chips from Maple Fire, such as Apple has bought its own architecture, and the level is not bad, and Warwick, rice and other self-developed chips are not much different.

In addition, companies such as Valley Valley have also purchased some carbon-based chips.

And intends to increase purchase orders this year and next, and it is expected that the export of carbon-based chips to the United States will reach more than 100 billion yuan.

If this ban is implemented, it means that the United States can no longer obtain carbon-based chips, and there is a feeling that technology is locked by China.

Many enterprises and scientific research institutions in the United States have fully adapted to stronger and faster computing power after using carbon-based chip computers and assembled supercomputers, but now that exports have been banned, it means that the progress of scientific research will be much slower than that in China.

On Twitter, Intel burst out laughing, "Can carbon-based chips still threaten our huge United States? Rest assured, our I9 12th generation is coming out, he uses 10nm+, the process, will definitely amaze everyone at his speed! "

But the comments are quite interesting.

One drug critic said directly, "No, I think we'll marvel at his power consumption."

"Yes, he can get liquid nitrogen."

"Compared with the power consumption of carbon-based chips of only 15W, the merit is less, and it is actually more expensive..." The

comment is naturally one-sided, because in the past two years, Intel has had a miserable life, with a market share of less than 15%, and this is still the result of reducing the price of I7 chips to seven or eight hundred.

Still can't sell Maple Fire's carbon-based chip firmament series.

As a result, the whole line was defeated, and it has long been desperate for the Green Palace to engage in protectionism.

But for chips, protectionism is useless, but will slow down the development of science and technology.

Just like the strategy they adopted in China, Intel and agricultural enterprises occupy your market extensively, and the pricing power is in them, that is, squeeze toothpaste, you also have to pinch your nose to recognize.

Because no of the original Hua Guo had its own computer chip that could compare with the other party.

The gap is around 10-20 years.

Today's situation is just the other way around.

The Green Palace of the United States certainly could not listen to President Intel, and the sleeping king did not respond positively to the question of handing over people, but talked about the partnership that the two countries have always worked closely together from free trade.

In conclusion, he said, "We express our indignation at the assassination of Mr. Jiang Cheng, and are willing to send a professional team to jointly investigate the mastermind with Hua Guo, rather than listening to one-sided words."

A Chinese man later commented, "There is an old saying in our country called the thief shouts to catch the thief."

"Do you still have to investigate?" We have already investigated clearly, didn't we let you arrest the main culprit?

"Support the sleeping king, you can't listen to Hua Guo alone."

"That is, maybe there was no assassination at all, this is slander, slander!"

"He slandered me, see no, he slandered me!"

A person with an IP address left a message, "There is a saying in their mainland called Mo Xuyou, but I didn't expect to touch porcelain on the United States." After

all, Twitter is their turf, and the Chinese comments that were more praised at the beginning were quickly deleted, leaving some praise and "positive" comments.

When Jiang Cheng saw it on the way back, he felt that these people would not admit their mistakes at all, and this sanction must be enforced.

Otherwise, he will have to undergo various assassinations in the future.

Pulled Chen Ru back to the sofa and sat down, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Chen Ru rubbed his reddened eyes, "What you are doing is too dangerous, I'm worried..."

Jiang Yiping on the side stopped talking, and carefully looked at Jiang Cheng on the side.

There were indeed no injuries.

"I am Ma Weijun, and according to the arrangement, in the future, our small detachment will be responsible for the safety and security of Academician Jiang, three shifts a day, three people per shift."

Ma Weijun, wearing a military uniform on the side, saluted Jiang Yiping and Chen Ru and expressed his identity. "Don't worry! We will do our utmost to protect the safety of Academician Jiang. "

Thank you!" Chen Ru reacted and beckoned a few people to sit down, and Ah Lian had already taken the cup and poured water over.

"You're welcome, the community has been closely protected, and we will live in the villa next to it after Academician Jiang arrives home."

After Ma Weijun said, he reported to Jiang Cheng again before leaving.

In this community, it is indeed very safe.

There are armed police personnel patrolling the community, and there are special guards at the gate of Jiang Cheng's villa, and there are people standing guard 24 hours a day.

It can be said that even a sparrow cannot fly in.

After Ma Weijun and the others left, Jiang Cheng hurriedly asked, "Didn't you tell them about Wanwan?"

"Nope." Yu Xinran shook his head.

Although Jiang Xinwan is very sensible, after all, he is still a child, and there is no need to tell them these things.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "That's good, this time the matter will pass, don't worry, next time I will be more careful, not to mention, now there are so many people 24 hours to protect." "

In addition to the retired military bodyguards hired by themselves, there are also active-duty personnel who work in three shifts to protect, which is indeed very high-spec.

"I still can't be careless." Yu Xinran had palpitations, "Especially for travel, we must be prepared for safety, and in places with so many people as planes and trains, we must also avoid riding together, I think, if you really want to travel, buy a private jet."

Jiang Cheng was a little speechless. That's all, getting a private jet there, I don't interact much for a year, it's not a waste. In the future, I will focus on research, and the company will manage these rotations.

"That's okay."

The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth raised lightly, and he sneered, "What those people are afraid of is nothing more than the crushing military changes brought about by nuclear fusion, since they are afraid, I prefer to study, I Jiang Cheng is not scared!" "

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