In space.

A building covering an area of more than 600 square meters is rapidly revolving around the earth.

It took just over an hour to circle the earth.

One day on earth, but 15 days in heaven.

Like Liang Chun, when he first went to the sky, he didn't know how big the freshness was, and he was very excited.

But when he really came to Fenghuo, he found that going to heaven and earth was as simple as eating and drinking water, but in more than half a year, he had already gone to heaven 6 times.

This time, he took 3 young people to stay on it for a month.

Therefore, I am used to seeing the blue earth and clouds outside the window, but I don't have so much passion.

Assigning tasks and cooperating with each other, soon Liang Chun and the four of them packed up the materials sent by the second batch, and began to assemble the carbon nano preparation production line according to Jiang Cheng and the engineers.

Of course, it is not that they are installed alone, and there are engineers in the command center through video guidance.

The four of them wore casual clothes on the ground and carried out their work one by one.

After all, space is a microgravity environment, and they operate somewhat slowly.

Fortunately, there is enough time, in the BI station, there is also a slow live broadcast, on the one hand, the high-definition camera taken by the external high-definition camera of the space experiment base, on the other hand, the busy figure of four people in the internal work area.

"Zhang Gong, this is installed here, right?" Deng Shao asked.

Although he had already simulated training on the ground, Deng Shao still confirmed it at this time, for fear that something would go wrong.

"Yes, this is the control device on the centrifuge." Engineer Zhang with white hair on the ground nodded and said.

He is also very excited, this production equipment is going to the sky for the first time, and they don't know how the effect is, but Jiang Cheng said that higher purity carbon nanomaterials can be prepared.

The future is widely used.

Of course, the price of this high-purity carbon nanometer is far from being comparable to the materials used to make carbon-based chips on the ground.

Just to transport these produced materials to the ground, the freight is also expensive!

Several people had been installing it for a whole day, and by the time they were about to leave work, it was basically installed.

This is still for ease of installation, and many are modular designs.

Zhang Gong looked at it, "Check them all to see if there are any problems, if there are no problems, we will conduct a boot experiment."


Zhang Gong then asked Deng Lian on the side, "Is the power supply above enough?"

"Enough, we put solar sails on the top of the entire cabin, which are 1,000 square meters after unfolding, and the power generation efficiency has reached more than 50%, which can meet the normal operation of our experimental production line."

Deng Lian smiled slightly.

This has been calculated a long time ago, otherwise it would be too late to think about this problem now.

Zhang Gong bowed his head slightly, "That's good, the above is just a small production line, theoretically capable of preparing about 100KG of high-purity carbon nano per day."

"Well, 3 tons a month, which is basically enough for now." Deng Lian said, "I just don't know what Jiang Dong is going to do with this carbon nanometer."

"Then it's not our business." Zhang Gong shook his head and looked at the big screen again.

"Report Qionghai, the experimental production line has been assembled, please indicate whether to start?" After Liang Chun and the four of them checked, they opened their mouths and asked.

Deng Lian looked at Zhang Gong, and Zhang Gong also nodded.

Commander Chen Mingda smoothly gave the order through the microphone, "Experimental production starts." "


Liang Chun replied, and then reached out and pressed the start button.

The buzzing machine sounded.

The whole production line is very intelligent, and artificial intelligence assists in carrying out, for Liang Chun, Deng Shao and others, there are not many things to do, only occasionally need to be manual, more to observe the progress of each process.

The production of carbon nanometers requires centrifugal preparation, of course, crystal growth, which takes time and can not be completed in a while.

The live broadcast on the BI site is watched by hundreds of thousands of people, which is very lively.

The barrage also flies very fast.

"666, like the International Space Station, they are doing scientific research experiments, but I didn't expect that Maple Fire directly put the factory in order."

"I feel that this base is quite big, there are several rooms!"

"That is, they have a special cabin for resting, which is 60 square meters, and four people each have a private room of almost 10 square meters, which is very private."

"Hehe, do they float when they sleep?"

"Probably not, there are special sleeping bags."

"I still hope that I can simulate gravity at that time, otherwise it is very inconvenient to sleep and live."

"Well, let's pay attention to Fenghuo's experimental factory. Maple Fire is worthy of being a technology company, it should be the first company in the world to build a factory in space, right?

"Wouldn't it be necessary to recruit a large number of workers in the future, and I don't know if the salary will be twice as expensive?"

"The salary is high, after all, space microgravity life is not easy, and you can't stay for a long time, otherwise the impact on the body is very bad,"

"Rest assured upstairs, the space factory must be more intelligent, the workers you want are also engineers, even if you move bricks, you don't need it above, although it is said that space bricks will not be heavy..." "

It is estimated that the products produced are different from those on the ground, otherwise there is no need to make a whole factory in the sky."

"Envy, the big house of the space base, it must be beautiful to sleep on it..."

"Ordinary people can't stand it, you think about sleeping in the air, can you fall asleep?"

"What is really powerful is such a large space above, and the water and air circulation system inside, which is life support."

"Maple Fire and the country are all together, I heard that it is still a life support 1.0 system, and it will be more powerful after there is a nuclear fusion reactor in the future."

"Looking forward to the day when the lunar base will be built."


Many people on the Internet are paying attention, not only Chinese aerospace enthusiasts, but also people from other countries.

After all, this is the first space factory, and many people don't know what this factory built by Maple Fire Group is used to produce.

Only slightly able to guess that it is carbon nanomaterials.

By the end of the day, the experiment had been declared a success.

However, after Liang Chun officially reported the success of experimental production to the headquarters, the signal was broken.

No specific information was disclosed.

After the break, Liang Chun reported the relevant purity information.

The first production of high-purity carbon nanotubes 58 kg, purity up to 9 9!

This news Deng Lian reported to Jiang Cheng as soon as possible.

In this regard, Jiang Cheng said that everything is under control.

The expression was calm and the voice was smooth, and then Deng Lian was asked to promote the construction of the Maple Semiconductor Factory (Space Branch), the Maple Fire Small Fusion Reactor Power Station (Space), and the Maple Fire Space Staff Community according to the plan.

Of course, there is also an important scientific research matter.

Space simulation gravity research.

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