
The Lunar New Year in 2022 falls on February 1 of the Gregorian calendar.

Prior to this, Jiang Cheng organized a board meeting, Mo Tianqing reported the annual work to the board of directors, and Chen Feng proposed the 2022 annual work plan arrangement and discussed it at the meeting.

In the past year, the growth rate of Maple Fire Group has slowed down significantly compared with the past few years.

In 2021, the annual revenue of Maple Fire Group and its wholly-owned subsidiaries (business units) exceeded 2 trillion yuan, and the profit reached more than 500 billion yuan.

Employees hundreds of thousands.

It's a huge tech empire.

Among them, the domestic product share and profit have tended to be extremely low growth, and some companies still have negative growth, and the main growth point is still in foreign markets.

It is expected to peak in 2022.

Of course, this year, the head office of the group alone can take out more than 20 billion yuan in dividends.

According to the dividend arrangement, Jiang Cheng will receive another 5.1 billion yuan, and the rest will be distributed by the personnel of the virtual restricted unit.

Just by paying taxes, Jiang Chengcheng had to pay 1.02 billion yuan.

In this regard, Jiang Cheng has no opinion, he has earned so much, and he should also hand it over to the state.

“...... In 2022, we will aim at the company's development priorities, focus on strengthening the research and development of new biochip products and promoting energy transformation, help the construction of space bases, accelerate the iterative research and development of carbon-based chips, the promotion of carbon nanobattery products, and the research and development of displays, lenses, virtual games, etc., continue to protect the domestic market and expand foreign markets..."

Chen Feng said macro in the plan.

In fact, Jiang Cheng is mainly involved in the field of science and technology, chips are counted as one, batteries, aerospace, and games are counted as one, as for online literature, film and television, it can only be said that it is a small trouble.

Now, of course, there is an additional source of energy.

However, most of the energy is a joint venture with the state, which is also a semi-monopoly industry that will affect the coal power industry, but this thing is also national macro-control, and will not make enemies.

After Mo Tianqing and Chen Feng finished speaking, several directors also expressed their views in turn.

For the development of carbon-based and biochip fields, this is the core technology of the company's development to more than 2 trillion yuan in revenue, and mobile phones and computers also rely on this existence.

The importance is beyond doubt.

Li Silin said, "I agree with Director Chen Feng's opinion, now our stall is very large, it is not recommended to spread it again, the chip field is continuing to stand firm, with a considerable range of technological changes to bring to consumers." Now the resistance memory Sanxing has come up with a relatively good solution, it is said that Intel is also rushing to research carbon-based chips, now although we are ahead, but we must be prepared for danger in peace, can not stand still.

"This point is to be taken seriously, although it is expected that the United States can break through carbon-based chips, it should be 5 years later, but this scientific and technological breakthrough is difficult to say, maybe where they got the technical solution." Ding Chengjun said with a smile.

Wei Zhicheng also said, "Investing in this piece should also be cautious. Next year we are all big projects, especially the space base of space companies, which will require more than 50 billion yuan.


hearing this, Jiang Cheng affirmed everyone's suggestions for the development of the group, "Everyone said it very well. 2022 is the year of Daxing construction, we will work with state-owned enterprises to build Kwafu-1, build the Kenya Chinese Space Launch Center, and we will also build our own space factory, the investment is large, but the future income will be more.

"I believe everyone knows this. I have always said that we Maple Fire should lead the development of science and technology, seven or eight years ago, I believe that everyone did not believe much, but now they will be convinced.

"Because our products, our technology, are global leaders." It is and should be in the future.

"Well said Si Lin, we must be prepared for danger in peacetime."

"Any business will develop to the top, but I think the peak of Maple Fire is not here, far more than that."

"As they often say, our journey is a sea of stars. Yes, we need to take our eyes off Earth and go to the solar system.

"Our core technology brings beauty and change to the world, not to lead them to the end of the road."

"There is another point to keep in mind in the future development direction, that is, the development of environmental protection technology."

"The group wants to set up an environmental science and technology research center, focusing on plastic degradation, recycling and other technologies in the next one or two years, which is a cause that benefits future generations, and must be persistent."

After hearing Jiang Cheng's reminder, Chen Feng carefully recorded it.

In 2022, it is his rotating CEO, and he must seriously implement the requirements of the chairman.

For now, he feels that this rotation system is still very good, everyone is busy for a year, although it is a rotating CEO, but it does not mean that everything can make their own claims, some necessary negotiations are needed.

When the year-end summary meeting was completed, a group of outstanding employees were commended as usual, and Jiang Cheng took Yu Xinran to Pengcheng Hospital.

Yang Hui was already waiting at the gate of the courtyard.

After the guards got out of the car first and stood in a protective position, Jiang Cheng came down.

Yang Hui greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Jiang Dong, Yu Dong."

"Well, I heard that the situation is okay?"

"Yes, we cultivated artificial muscle and bone tissue, recovered his severed hand, and is now recovering well enough to control finger movement."

"Really?!" Jiang Cheng's face was delighted.

Yu Xinran was the same, very happy.

Although Zhang Xiaoyong is a bodyguard, he has done his best to protect Jiang Cheng for many years, and this time his hand was broken by a bullet in the process of protecting Jiang Cheng, but Jiang Cheng was very careless.

Several people followed upstairs to the ward.

I saw that Zhang Xiaoyong's family was there, and there was a lot of laughter and laughter at this time, and there was a happy and lively atmosphere.


"Jiang Dong?!"

Zhang Xiaoyong, who was laughing with his son, immediately reacted when he heard this voice, stood up straight, and looked at the person who came in at the door.

Jiang Cheng looked over, Zhang Xiaoyong was wearing a loose T-shirt, his left arm was fixed with a board, and a bandage was hung around his neck.

The face is very good, full of hope and happiness.

Wang Hong pulled Zhang Hanlin with a grateful smile, "Hanlin, this is Uncle Jiang and Aunt Yu."

"Good uncle and aunt!"

The two nodded slightly, Yu Xinran walked over to talk to Wang Hong, and Jiang Cheng walked in front of Zhang Xiaoyong and looked at him seriously.

"How's it doing?"

"Jiang Dong, the technical level of our Maple Fire Company is leveraged, you see, my fingers can already move." As he spoke, the fingers of Zhang Xiaoyong's tied left hand danced freely.

There were multiple scars on the back of his hand, and a slightly dark complexion, indicating that this was his hand.

After deciding that the artificial tissue was completed to connect the severed hand, Zhang Xiaoyong's severed hand was frozen until the artificial tissue technology was mature, which was used for experiments, and the supply of qi and blood was restored to ensure the normal continuation of the arm.

Judging from the situation now, the problem is not big after the broken hand is taken back, but it is unlikely that he will be a bodyguard or a driver later.

Jiang Cheng smiled and nodded, and asked Yang Hui again, "Did the doctor say when it will be completely fine?"

"It will be about two months, when it can return to normal." After all, this artificial tissue did not grow by itself, and it still can't be too hard in the future, as long as you pay attention to it later, normal life is not a problem.

Yang Hui's words were heard in Zhang Xiaoyong's ears, making his eyes immediately a little red.

"Jiang Dong, I can't protect you in the future..." Jiang

Cheng smiled and patted him lightly on the shoulder, "It doesn't matter, when you are well, come to my place as a housekeeper." "

Hey!" Zhang Xiaoyong was stunned, but quickly became happy.

"Your family will go back for a good year this year, and I believe that the next year will be even better."

Ps: 550W is coming.

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