For the people around him, especially those who are loyal to themselves and protect themselves, Jiang Cheng has never spared in giving them more treatment.

Including Ma Weijun and others, as a soldier who protects Jiang Cheng closely, the army will pay salaries and benefits, but after following Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng also gives them some additional welfare benefits, at least they will not suffer losses with them.

Of course, this move also won great respect from Ma Weijun and others, who worked very hard every day and night.

And after Zhang Xiaoyong could no longer be a bodyguard and driver, Jiang Cheng also let him be a housekeeper when he was well, which is extreme trust.

After staying here for a while, Jiang Cheng and Yu Xinran left.

Approaching the New Year holiday, Jiang Cheng took this opportunity to gather the special class students who remained in the Maple Fire Group.

Led by Yao Shunyu, there are a total of 9 people.

Jiang Chengcheng invited them in the internal cafeteria box of the headquarters of Pengcheng Fenghuo Group.

As a chairman and mentor, let's take a look at the working life of this group of young men.

Yao Shunyu and the others arrived first, sitting on the sofa while sipping melon seeds while chatting about the sky.

In addition to Yao Shunyu, there are several more active Yang Jun, currently 6 in the Maple Semiconductor Division, 2 in the cloud and big data company, and 1 in the Maple Semiconductor Company.

7 men and 2 women.

"Shunyu, or are you awesome, I heard that you turned positive in two months?" The little fat man on the side asked with a smile.

Yao Shunyu smiled and waved his hand, "I'm just lucky, and a plan proposed has been approved by the manager." Yang Jun is also very strong, she improved an algorithm, and it turned positive in less than half a year.

"I was just a fluke. However, Fenghuo attaches great importance to scientific research innovation and technological innovation, everyone must carry forward the spirit of school graduate school, think more, try more, even if you work more overtime, it's okay, you are still young, you shouldn't think about getting married so quickly, right? "After Yang Jun came out to work, the immature atmosphere of the school quickly dissipated, and he was dressed up a little in a pavilion.

Especially the winter in Pengcheng is not cold, and today I am still wearing a skirt, which is indeed a beautiful frozen person.

"It's a good working atmosphere and benefits."

"Zhang Yang, who went to Warwick Company, also said that their treatment is good, and I still can't compare with us."

"However, to be honest, Warwick's Dongguan headquarters is indeed quite beautiful."

"Eh, in our special class, did we all go to school except for us and Zhang Yang?"

"It seems that Ding Hui can also be regarded as teaching in school."

"Ding Hui? Hmph, I don't think I should mention him, he betrayed us before graduation and ran to Jinling.

"It's just that it also upset the teacher, and he doesn't teach us anything other than answering questions by email, which is really annoying."

At the mention of Ding Hui, everyone couldn't help but be indignant.

Originally, Jiang Cheng would come to teach everyone almost every month, but since the Ding Hui incident came out, Jiang Cheng has been uncharacteristically and has hardly returned to Mizuki.

Even the people who usually contact him are his two teachers.

The voice of denunciation spread, and Yao Shunyu was too late to stop it.

Suddenly, a soft cough came from outside the door.

Everyone subconsciously thought that Jiang Cheng had arrived, and immediately quieted down.

But unexpectedly, what came into front of everyone's eyes was Ding Hui, who had just denounced!

He was wearing a plaid long-sleeved shirt and a thin black coat, but his face was full of embarrassment, and he didn't know if he wanted to come in.

And the people in the box were also a little overwhelmed, but they quickly straightened their waists again.

How, can you do this, can't people say it?

Yao Shunyu was more flexible, got up and said with a smile, "Ding Hui, long time no see, come in!" While

speaking, Yao Shunyu made people feel the intimacy of the gap and pulled people in.

Others look at their noses and noses and hearts, as if they don't see it, and don't say hello.

Ding Hui straightened his emotions a little, and said a little hoarsely, "Hello everyone." But

no one else responded.

Yang Jun blinked and motioned for Ding Hui to sit down, "Sit." "

Both of them are people with high emotional intelligence, and Ding Hui can appear here at this time, definitely not by himself, but by Jiang Cheng's invitation.

Since he was invited by the teacher, there is naturally his reason.

Besides, people are here, it's not good to face cold!

Ding Hui sat down a little out of place, raised his eyes to look at the familiar classmates in front of him, and their expressions were clear.

At this time, the atmosphere was also a little silent.

Yao Shunyu just wanted to say something, when a sound came from outside the door.

The guards were in front, and Jiang Cheng then strode in.


"Teacher Jiang."

Everyone got up one after another and greeted Jiang Chengxian.

Jiang Cheng nodded slightly, and looked at everyone in turn, "Shunyu, Yang Jun... Well, and Ding Hui, everyone is here, come and sit, today I am your mentor, come and gather with everyone, don't be restrained.

Just as he was about to go to the main seat, Jiang Cheng stopped, looked at Ding Hui, stretched out his hand and beckoned, "You sit next to me."

Everyone's eyes widened, and some couldn't understand why.

The corners of Jiang Cheng's mouth raised slightly, and he said with a smile, "By the way, you may not know, Ding Hui is the Jinling University I asked him to go to." "



"That Ding Hui, is it undercover?"

It was Yao Shunyu and Yang Jun, both a little surprised.

When he saw Ding Hui coming, Yao Shunyu had a guess in his heart, this time it was not incredible, but it was really like this!

Ding Hui looked towards everyone, "Students, I am also a student of the teacher, if it weren't for the teacher's consent, I wouldn't have been able to run away halfway..."

Say it early!

"Yes, Ding Hui, we misunderstood you."

"I'm sorry, I scolded you just now!"

Ding Hui shook his head, "No, if I Ding Hui is really that kind of person, you guys are right.

"Hey, hey!"

Yao Shunyu said with a smile, "It's so good, I just thought that our classmate Ding Hui would not be such a person."

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly and beckoned everyone to sit down, "Although the knowledge of your school has been learned, there are still many things to learn, as a mentor, I can't guide you all the time, but you all have to uphold the spirit of learning and pioneering and study science and technology to a higher depth."

"Remember the teacher's teachings!" Everyone spoke in unison.

After the food was served, Jiang Cheng ate while chatting with everyone.

After asking about everyone's work in the past six months, as well as their thinking and life conditions, sometimes they asked very carefully, and Jiang Cheng always remembered some things clearly.

Of course, Yao Shunyu and Yang Jun performed most prominently in the Maple Division and Big Data Company respectively, and Jiang Cheng praised this and encouraged other students.

"I will give you a topic, you can think about it during the holidays, based on your position and the research field you are engaged in, what do you think you should focus on development or research in the next three to five years."

Everyone listened carefully, they were all people with super memory, just once, they carefully wrote it down and carefully recalled it.

It's not an easy subject.

It is not their scientific thinking that is needed, but they need to think about both the future and the market.

This is also a test for them by Jiang Cheng, not only to know how to study, but also to know what to study, sometimes if the direction is wrong, it is the opposite direction.

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