"Target found, radar tracking, request to open fire..."

In the missile vehicle, the soldiers quickly tracked the target with radar, and then directly requested to open fire.

These four aircraft are J-7M fighters exported by China to the Myanmar Army. Although the J-7M fighter technology belongs to the second-generation war halberd, the aircraft performance is very good, with a maximum flight speed of 2.05 Mach and a maximum flight altitude of 18,000 meters.

The distance of hundreds of kilometers seems to be far, but it is actually very close for this kind of fighter. Hundreds of kilometers, it only takes a few minutes.

"Keep waiting, if the target flies into the Kokang area, open fire directly..."

Tie Fei gave the order directly. Others in the command room also sighed when they heard this order. Damn, the Myanmar Army's aircraft was sold to him by China. Everyone is too familiar with this aircraft.

Now using your own missiles to shoot your own aircraft, what a bird's play. But no matter what, this is also a real battle, which is better than the usual target shooting machine, not to mention that the performance of the J-7M is also very good.

"Wait a minute, don't attack all the targets at once, attack two first, and wait until they get farther away before attacking the remaining two..."

The voice of a technical expert suddenly came from the communication system.


Tie Fei couldn't help asking.

"Test the performance of the missile. This time our main purpose is to test the performance of the missile..."

The expert said directly. The phased array radar on this missile launcher is quite powerful. Although it is small, it can lock sixteen targets at a time. It is difficult for a fighter locked by the phased array radar to get rid of it.

A missile position can be deployed with two missile vehicles, and only one of the two vehicles needs to have a radar.

If it is a vehicle, then after the missile is launched, it can attack the most valuable target or the nearest target through the command system, which is more flexible.

The reason why the technicians asked the combatants to attack two targets first is to test the performance of the radar and missiles and see what will happen when the distance is relatively far.

They don't care whether all four planes can be shot down. For them, shooting down two planes and shooting down four planes are the same. They can tell the Burmese army that they have strong air defense capabilities. Your broken planes could show off here before, but now they can't.

In the air, four Burmese fighters flew quickly towards the Kokang area.

Because they knew that the enemy had shoulder-fired air defense missiles, the four planes flew at a very high altitude, about 15,000 meters. At such an altitude, it is not easy for many large air defense missiles to focus on the target, let alone ordinary shoulder-fired air defense missiles.

However, what they don't know is that the Kokang area not only has shoulder-fired air defense missiles, but also very advanced air defense missiles. The shooting height of that thing is as high as 25 kilometers, that is, 25,000 meters. Fifteen thousand meters is a piece of cake for them.

The active phased array radar on the missile vehicle has already discovered them and is tracking them all the time, but the radar has not locked them at this moment. So the pilots on the plane did not receive any alarms, but just kept driving forward. There was nothing else on the airborne radar, so it was very safe.

"Calling the headquarters, we are about to enter the Kokang area..."

In the air, four fighters were lined up in a formation of one to three. Their goal today was to bomb important facilities in the Kokang area.

For the Burmese army, it doesn't matter who is in charge of the Kokang area now. What they did yesterday has already made the Burmese army list them as enemies, so they must be taught a lesson.

"Bomb according to the predetermined target..."

The command of the headquarters came from the aircraft communication system. The J-7 fighter is actually not good at ground attack. After all, it is just a fighter. Its main function is to fight the enemy in the air, and its maximum bomb load is only about 1.5 tons.

However, the Burmese army is poor and can't afford good fighters, so now it can only send these J-7Ms in its hands. Moreover, the Burmese army does not have air-to-ground missiles, and the fighters are still hanging ordinary bombs at this moment.

But it is enough for the Burmese army. The Kokang area is a small place, and there are no decent air defense weapons. Sending fighters to drop a few bombs, whether they can kill people or not, is mainly for deterrence, bombing to scare them, they did not expect to decide the outcome with fighters, after all, they knew what their air force was like, there were only a few planes, and most of the Kokang area was mountainous, their weak air force could not play a decisive role.

After receiving the order, the four fighters accelerated directly and entered the Kokang airspace directly.

When they were about to descend, the pilots of two of the planes immediately exclaimed."No, I'm locked by radar..."

A pilot shouted, and the alarm system in the plane beeped.

"I'm locked too..."

Another pilot also exclaimed.

"The enemy has anti-aircraft missiles, retreat quickly..."

The captain said loudly, turning the direction as he spoke. But it was too late at this moment, and the two missiles flew out from the ground like two sharp swords.

The two missiles were very fast. At this moment, the distance between the anti-aircraft missile base and the fighter was only more than ten kilometers. This distance plus the target was locked by the phased array radar. Soon after the missile was launched, the active radar in front found the target, and then the missile was launched at full speed.

The internal alarms of the two locked aircraft sounded, and the two pilots were at full firepower at this moment, with fear in their eyes, constantly making evasive movements.

But everything was in vain. No matter how hard they tried, the alarms in the aircraft became louder and louder. Two missiles with a speed of up to Mach 3.8 were too easy for an aircraft with a maximum speed of only Mach 2.



Accompanied by two loud noises, the two planes finally turned into fireballs in the air. They didn't even have a chance to resist and were directly smashed into pieces in mid-air.

Seeing their comrades' planes being shot down, the pilots of the remaining two planes were terrified and didn't care about the mission. They turned around and ran towards home at full speed.

They flew dozens of kilometers in one breath before they breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking about this distance, it should be safe.

"Oh no, I've been locked too..."

Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, a harsh warning sound rang in their cabin, which meant that their fighter planes had been locked by radar.

Such an alarm made them speed up again and flee frantically, with fear in their eyes. The two missiles had already taken off at this moment, and the active radar had locked the two planes and was chasing them quickly.

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