In the air, the speed of the two missiles was getting faster and faster, and the distance from the two fighters was getting closer and closer. The two fighters tried desperately to escape, but in the end they returned in vain.

"No, damn, what kind of missile is this..."

"It's over, the missile is too fast, I can't escape..."


The communication within the Burmese military command was finally interrupted, and the last two planes did not escape, and were directly hit into fireballs in the air. Although they had flown out of the Kokang area, they were still shot down in the end. Such a situation made everyone's forehead full of cold sweat.

The command room was dead silent. No one thought that the other party actually had this kind of air defense missile. It was too terrifying.

The other party's missile launch point must be in the Kokang area. In this way, the missile must have a minimum range of hundreds of kilometers. Considering the speed of the plane, the speed of this missile must be faster than the speed of the plane.

At such a long distance, four missiles hit four planes, which shows that the technology of this missile is very advanced. Not only the missile is advanced, but also the radar technology of the other party is very advanced.

Such technology made the command room silent. They had been speculating that this force might be related to China. But when four planes were shot down, they gave up this idea.

Where can China have such advanced air defense missiles? Although China's missile technology is good. But it is absolutely impossible to have such advanced air defense missiles.

The Burmese army is still very familiar with some of China's weapons and equipment. After all, many of the Burmese army's weapons and equipment are purchased from China.

If the force behind this is not China, then this matter becomes even more weird. Which country is supporting this force behind the scenes? What is the purpose of the country supporting this force?

If China knew the Burmese army's idea, it would definitely laugh until its stomach hurts. But if you think about it carefully, you can understand it. This is like the poorest poor ghost in the village. Suddenly, a million-dollar luxury car is parked in front of his house. How many people will believe that this car belongs to the poor ghost's family?

China is like this now. China's military technology is very backward. Although there are atomic bombs and missiles, the overall technology is still very backward, and it is generally far behind European and American countries.

Now there is suddenly such an air defense missile, which is much more powerful than the air defense missiles in Europe and the United States. How could such equipment be from China? Moreover, such advanced missiles are not something that ordinary people can get.

The more the Burmese army thinks about it, the more confused and solemn it becomes.

Four fighters were all shot down by missiles in less than ten minutes. Two planes fell in the Kokang area, and two planes fell in the area they controlled.

This made the Burmese army, which originally wanted to use the air force to deter, completely confused. Now the deterrence goal has not been achieved, but it has deterred itself. The other side even has such advanced air defense missiles, what other weapons do they have? If the ground forces encounter the powerful firepower of the other side, how much will they lose?

"Asshole, order the third artillery battalion to open fire immediately..."

In the command room, the middle-aged general was completely angry.

Four planes were shot down, which was simply too rampant.

Shelling, shelling must be done, and the people in that area must pay the price, even if they are criticized. Blood debts must be paid with blood.

The third artillery battalion is the treasure in the hands of the middle-aged general. This artillery battalion is equipped with 18 155mm howitzers purchased from abroad. This howitzer is extremely powerful and has a range of 22 kilometers.

And this artillery battalion has been deployed some time ago, aiming at the Yang family's nest. After all, after the internal struggle some time ago, the Yang family has gained the upper hand. The Burmese army arranged it this way to threaten the Yang family.

Now, they don't know the situation inside, so they can only seek revenge on the Yang family first.

"The enemy artillery position is in action..."

At Tie Fei's command post, a soldier saw the enemy's artillery position move and reported quickly.

"Notify our artillery to be ready, don't attack first, see where the enemy attacks..."

Tie Fei calmly gave orders.

After giving the order, the artillery in an area of ​​Kokang directly lifted the camouflage net. And under the camouflage net, there are rocket launchers.

These rocket launchers look similar to the guerrilla weapon 107 rocket launcher, but they are a little bigger than the 107.

And this thing is also a new weapon, a new weapon that is also suitable for guerrilla warfare. The design concept is the same as the 107 rocket launcher, which can be quickly disassembled and assembled, and has a variety of firing modes.

However, the caliber has become 120 mm. Although the caliber has increased, the weight has not increased, but has decreased.

Because the barrel of this rocket launcher uses a new type of alloy material, it is lighter but has better performance. Of course, the cost is relatively expensive.

The cost is high, but there are of course benefits. The range of this rocket launcher can reach 40 kilometers, while the range of the 107 rocket launcher is only 8,500 kilometers, and the entire range has increased by more than three times.

The shells of this rocket launcher use a new type of solid fuel as a propeller. The use of this new type of solid fuel makes the rocket of this rocket launcher only 35 kilograms and the warhead weight 12 kilograms.

There are also many types of warheads, including high-explosive bombs, fuel-air bombs, armor-piercing bombs, incendiary bombs, etc. And it can also be loaded with precision-guided rockets.

After the camouflage net was removed, there were twelve such rocket launchers placed here, each with 12 tubes.

Once launched, all twelve rockets can be fired within ten seconds. And 12 rockets means 144 rockets.

This salvo is too terrifying. An artillery battalion is usually equipped with 12 to 18 heavy artillery. In this way, this rocket launcher is equivalent to an artillery battalion.

This is the power of rocket launchers. In front of rocket launchers, traditional artillery is really useless.

At the artillery position of the Burmese Army, all artillerymen quickly took their positions, and then 18 heavy artillery pieces opened fire. When they knew where the shells would fall, Tie Fei and his men were happy.

The place where the Burmese Army's 18 heavy artillery pieces attacked turned out to be the village where the Yang family's headquarters was. Now all the people in that village have been taken away. There are only some snipers ambushed by Tie Fei and his men around.

Now the shells have accurately landed in the village, which is a waste of shells.

"Don't worry about it, let them continue to bombard, and when their infantry arrives at the designated position, let them taste the power of our artillery..."

Tie Fei said with a smile, and all the staff officers became excited.

There are a lot of types of shells brought this time, and there are all kinds of shells. The main purpose is to test the actual combat power of these shells. If each type of shell comes in a wave, then it is hard to say how many of the 3,000-man Burmese Army troops will be left. Tie Fei is too daring!

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