"Xiao Sheng, the territory will not expand in the short term. We need to stabilize it and develop Kachin. I am not good at economics, you give me some ideas..."

In the villa, Xu Dafei looked at Xu Huasheng and said.

Now the whole Kachin is controlled by Xu Dafei, plus Kokang, Xu Dafei's territory is nearly 90,000 square kilometers, which is large enough.

Such a large territory requires Xu Dafei to stabilize it.

First develop it, wait until Kachin is completely controlled, the economy is improved, and the strength is increased, and then plan the next move.

Now the situation in Myanmar is not stable. Seeing that Kachin was taken by Xu Dafei and the government troops withdrew from Kachin, they dared not confront Xu Dafei head-on. Other warlords in Myanmar have greater ambitions.

They also want to learn from Xu Dafei, and they also want the region they control to be autonomous.

In this case, Xu Dafei does not need to be anxious at all. Just stabilize it and wait for other warlords and government troops to fight each other.

After Myanmar is in complete chaos, it is best for Xu Dafei to take the next step.

"Well, uncle, it is good to stabilize development. Many times, being too anxious is not good. In fact, it is not difficult to develop Kachin. As long as it is interconnected with China and China gives a little policy tilt, Kachin's economy can take off directly..."

Xu Huasheng said directly.

It is very simple to make Kachin rich. You only need to interconnect with China and give a little policy tilt to Kachin, and Kachin can become rich directly.

After all, Kachin has a relatively small population and an area of ​​90,000 square kilometers, but the total population is only more than one million. With such a small population, even if there is no industrial development, only selling resources and developing agriculture, it is enough to develop here.

Most of the 90,000 square kilometers of land controlled by Xu Dafei are mountainous. The plain area is only more than 30%.

However, these mountains are not barren mountains, but have very rich resources. There are a lot of trees, and you can make a lot of money even if you sell wood. And there are gem resources in Kachin, especially jade resources are particularly rich.

As for what resources are there underground, it is still unknown. There may be more abundant resources after exploration.

In addition to the mountains, the rest are plains.

The area of ​​this plain area is also very large, with almost 50 million acres of land. If these lands are fully utilized, it is enough to develop this area by farming.

Myanmar is a typical country that begs for food with a golden bowl. It is rich in various resources, has a relatively good climate, and has a large area of ​​arable land, but it is now so poor. This is the reason why there is no strong government.

"Uncle, it is relatively simple to develop the economy. But in addition to developing the economy, the most important thing you have to do is to increase the number of our Chinese people in the Kachin region, speed up the dilution of their locals, find ways to reduce the number of their locals, and at the same time, keep the power firmly in your own hands. At the same time, you must appear very democratic and free on the surface, but you must be dictatorial in secret..."

Xu Huasheng looked at Xu Dafei and said seriously.

Dictatorship, Xu Dafei must be dictatorial and increase his control over this place. There is no democracy here at all. In this chaotic place, only dictatorship can make this place develop. Xu Dafei must have absolute authority here.

"Xiaosheng, immigration is fine, but how to reduce the number of locals? Should we kill them directly?"

Xu Dafei asked, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"No, no, no, uncle, we can't kill them directly, which will leave too many stains. Let's change to a gentle way that can win public support. Let's learn from Europe and the United States, and let's give them happy education."

Xu Huasheng's words made Xu Dafei curious.

What is the relationship between happy education and killing?

"Uncle, if Kachin wants to develop in the future, it will definitely need a large number of grassroots personnel. Whether it is factory workers or restaurant waiters, a large number of labor forces are needed. Why are European and American countries so tolerant of illegal immigrants? Because these people will be cheap labor after they go there. Now the locals of Kachin are the same for you. Let's learn from the policies of Europe and the United States towards non-white people and implement happy education..."

Xu Huasheng said his method.

Implement happy education in Kachin, establish free public schools, and stipulate that children must go to school when they reach the age, and it is illegal not to go to school.

However, public schools, under the guise of happy education, basically teach very shallow things, focusing on how to have fun and play.

If you want your children to be successful in the future, then send them to expensive private schools.

In Kachin, the children of the Chinese people in the future will have to follow this route. Private schools are expensive, but they teach more knowledge and are moreStricter. Children who come out of these private schools will be real talents in the future.

Private schools train elites, and these elites will enter government agencies and enterprises as managers in the future.

Public schools implement happy education, and after graduation, they will be the lowest class. They will go to work in factories and service industries in the future.

Public schools implement bilingual teaching, and Chinese is regarded as a foreign language.

However, private schools directly use Chinese teaching, which is similar to schools in China. In this environment, the Kachin locals are forced to learn Chinese slowly.

Some motivated Kachin locals want their children to have a promising future, so they learn Chinese from the birth of their children, so that they can stand out in private schools in the future.

"Uncle, if this method is used, in a few decades, the entire Kachin will become an area controlled by the Chinese, just like Europe and the United States controlled by white people. Of course, we also need to limit the birth rate of local people, and you can greatly improve the rights of women and children. Raise the rights of women and greatly increase the cost of men getting married. This can be learned from France..."

Xu Huasheng made another move. To greatly improve the rights of women and children, we can directly learn from France. Xu Dafei was amused when he heard this.

This move is too damaging. If we learn from France, who dares to get married?

France has a weird marriage system. If a woman and a man divorce, the man needs to pay child support to the woman before the woman gets married again.

This is just taking men as scapegoats. This weird rule has created a romantic France. French men rarely get married. Some of them only fall in love but don't get married, even if they have children.

If this policy is implemented in Kachin, it can directly greatly reduce the birth rate of people here. Further improve children's rights and stipulate the rights of illegitimate children. As long as the child is born, even if you don't raise it, you must pay high child support. Direct state forced intervention, if you work, it will be deducted from your salary. If you don't work, your property will be sold directly. If you are a jerk, it will be illegal, and then forced to do labor reform to make money to pay child support.

These two sets of combined punches will definitely greatly reduce the birth rate of children here, and slowly dilute the local population.

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