"Uncle, now that you control Kachin and Kokang, you can merge these two places together to form a new autonomous region. And the place names and everything else must be changed, to de-Myanmarize from the root. The most important thing is in terms of ethnic policy, the ethnicity should not be shown in the household registration, and all ethnicities should be unified..."

In the villa, Xu Huasheng began to give advice to Xu Dafei.

Xu Dafei broke out in a cold sweat after hearing the dirty tricks, because some of them were too dirty and too poisonous.

Change the place names, de-Myanmarize the culture, unify the races, promote Chinese traditional culture, happy education, and other marriage systems.

Not only that, Xu Huasheng also told Xu Dafei that they had developed some food additives in their laboratory. When those food additives exceed the standard, they will cause irreversible damage to the body. And the biggest damage is fertility.

If men eat too much of this stuff, the activity of the seeds will be greatly reduced, greatly reducing the chance of pregnancy. If women eat too much of this food, it will damage the uterus, and even if they are pregnant, they are prone to miscarriage.

According to what Xu Dafei said, we can directly support some local bad merchants to make these things, and then sell them to local people at designated locations.

For example, snacks with excessive additives are directly placed in public schools with happy education, and various things with excessive additives are placed in places where local people gather, and some restaurants in their gathering places are supported to use these additives in large quantities.

At the same time, in terms of real estate policies, we can achieve high-low stratification. The public housing provided by the state for free has poor supporting facilities, but it is free, and the supporting educational resources are poor.

Then we can build some commercial housing with good supporting facilities and good educational resources.

In this way, the Chinese elites and the bottom of the locals are separated. They are divided into rich areas and slums.

In supermarkets in rich areas, these things with excessive additives are not sold. But in stores in slums, these things with excessive additives are all sold.

In this way, although some Chinese may suffer, they are only a minority.

"Uncle, the last trick is to build a new city in your control area and make this city a special economic zone. In this city, directly legalize some things that were originally illegal. You can imitate Las Vegas, build a few big casinos, create a few red-light districts, and then legalize hemp. In this way, this city can not only make you a lot of money, but also cheat many people. At that time, just be careful not to let your own people go. As for the locals, as well as people from Myanmar or other countries, they are welcome to come to the Xiaojin Cave..."

Xu Huasheng said his last vicious plan.

Build a new city, learn from Las Vegas, and directly legalize many things.

But these things are only legal in this city, and it is a serious violation of the law outside this city. This is a service city.

With this city, you can recruit service personnel from the locals and gather a large number of locals to this city as service providers.

These locals are not capable enough, and they can earn more by coming here as service providers. At that time, they will come here willingly.

As long as they come here, this Xiaojin Cave will become a man-eating devil, and people can be cheated to death here little by little.

At the same time, China can immigrate a large number of people to the area controlled by Xu Dafei. Under this strategy, perhaps in a few decades, this area will completely become an area controlled by the Chinese nation.

This trick can be used not only in Kachin, but also in the future when Xu Dafei's territory continues to expand.

Anyway, there are many people in China, and there is no problem at all for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people to immigrate there. And it will not have any impact on Xu Dafei's rule. After all, Chinese people don't like to rebel in their bones, and Xu Dafei has soldiers in his hands. As long as he can live well here, who would rebel?

Xu Dafei swallowed his saliva, a genocide scheme.

Although it has not been implemented yet, Xu Dafei can probably imagine that once these schemes are implemented, the consequences will be absolutely terrible.

Boiling a frog in warm water, and the frog can't resist, so it can only be slowly boiled to death.

And the whole of Myanmar is only 42 million people now. Compared with the huge population of China, the entire population of Myanmar is nothing at all.

This vicious plan will be tried for decades. The population of the area controlled by Xu Dafei will increase a lot, but looking back, the number of local people will drop sharply. After several generations of violence, even if the race is not exterminated, it will not cause any trouble.

The uncle and nephew started to plan in the villa, and the details of each policy became clearer and clearer.

In the future, Xu Dafei will also focus on northern Myanmar.

After discussion, the two directly merged Kachin and Kokang to form a new area called Longbang. The entire city of Longbang will also be renamed to a Chinese-style name.The words, even the roads and so on were changed.

At the same time, many things left by the Kachin in the past were demolished, such as the Flying Eagle Building, which was a Christian thing, and it was directly demolished. In the future, the development of Christianity in this area will be directly restricted, and Buddhism will be encouraged. After all, Buddhism is conducive to governance.

After the establishment of the Longbang Autonomous Region, it is necessary to live in peace with the Myanmar government, and develop itself after a truce. In name, the Longbang Autonomous Region still belongs to Myanmar, but in fact it is highly autonomous.

After the establishment of the autonomous region, it is necessary to invest in infrastructure, develop the economy, and strengthen military strength at the same time, accumulate strength and wait for the next attack. The next attack may be a big move, and it may directly take over a larger area and open up the seaport.

"Uncle, you can build a branch of the Hunter School in Longbang, where you can train mountain and jungle warfare. Not only that, you can also build a branch in Libya..."

Xu Huasheng said directly.

Now the main school of the Hunter School is developing very well in Pakistan. Next, the Hunter School can expand its branches and build a branch in Longbang. The locals are the best cannon fodder, and they can risk their lives for money.

The same is true in Libya. Establishing a branch school in Libya is equivalent to increasing Libya's military strength.

The terrains of the three schools are also different. Different training grounds can be established to make the training personnel of the schools more capable.

Pakistan has more plateaus, Libya has more deserts, and Longbang has more mountains and forests. Multiple terrains can better train soldiers.

"Xiaosheng, do you think I should make my own currency?"

Xu Dafei looked at Xu Huasheng and asked. Now Longbang is highly autonomous, it can make its own currency, or directly use RMB as legal currency instead of Myanmar currency.

"Uncle, it's not the right time yet. It's good to pay wages and food coupons, but in the next step, we will have many Chinese people going there. When paying wages, we can add an option to pay RMB. At that time, many of our Chinese people will definitely want RMB. At that time, you can make an exchange rate between food coupons and RMB and stabilize it first. When you become independent, it's time to make your own currency..."

Xu Li's words made Xu Dafei nod, and he was full of expectations for the future development of Longbang.

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